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Board Meeting Minutes

ABATE of Indiana Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

February 11, 2022

Rodeway Inn, Indianapolis, IN


Executive Director Jay Jackson opened the meeting at 7:44pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Those in attendance were:  Region 00-Jerry & Sherri Gordon; Region 01-Russ Zawacki & Sam Bardo; Region 02-Don & Leann Tunis, & Terry & Deb Young; Region 03-Scott Bowman, Justin Kennedy, & Brett & Lynn Anderson; Region 04-Lori Bussell; Region 05-inactive; Region 06-Mark & Carol Thomas, & Jim & Maggie Farmer; Region 08-Ethan Herrera; Region 09-Mo Kintner; Region 10-Suzanne Eckert; Region 11-Pat Haggard & Tim Courtney; Region 13-Aaron Meyer, Christian Harper & Heidi Hill; AdComm-Bob Stoner; LCRP-Rayce Guthrie; DIRT-Roy Garrett; Marketing Committee-Mike Seiler; Event Security-Danny Bertolet; MRF-Roberta Meyer; Administrative Assistant-Kelly Jackson; Secretary/Treasurer-Tina McCormack; Guest-Donnie Becker, Mike ‘Hadji’ Barnes, Harold Davidson, & Mark Fleming; Region 12 is an excused absence, Region 07 is currently without a director.


ITEM 1:  Jay informed the group that his phone is experiencing email issues and may not be receiving all that is sent to him.


ITEM 2:  Tina requested a motion to approve September/October financials.



She then reviewed the November/December packet distributed at this meeting.


ITEM 3:  Jay asked for opinions/suggestions about our recenct Director Prep.  Ethan Herrera suggested inviting Assistant Directors too.  Discussion followed.


The Director Prep Activity Committee was formed:  Aaron Meyer.  Any suggestions should be forwarded to Aaron no later than mid-November each year.


ITEM 4:  Jay then reviewed seasonal expenses for services at Freedom Hall.  Currently, there are no restrictions for bingo due to covid.  At some time, the parking lot at Freedom Hall will need to be resurfaced.


ITEM 5:  Rayce Guthrie will submit the 2022 DBS schedule for LCRP soon; he is waiting for the Wabash schedule from Rodney.  


Jay stated that we will have Tiny Tots and a motorcycle rodeo at the Indianapolis Boat, Sport and Travel Show (IBSTS) February 18-20, and February 23-27.  The Indiana Motorcycle and Powersports Expo was cancelled due to dealer inventory shortages.  Aaron Meyer added that ABATE will be the only provider of motorcycle rider education at IBSTS.


Kelly Jackson announced the she emailed a link to our volunteer sign up schedule earlier that day, to officers and interested parties.  Jay added that we will also conduct the Roundtable during the show.


Rayce met with Lawrence County Tourism recently to work on advertising events at LCRP.  The Motorcycle Dealers Association of Indiana (MDAI) is still interested in including an ABATE membership with every vehicle purchase.  Rayce commented on the American International Motorcycle Expo (AIME) in Las Vegas last month.  There was a noticeable decrease in the number of vendors and dealers.  


ITEM 6:  Jay informed the group that SB173, the vulnerable road user bill, did not receive a second reading, and is therefore dead in its current version.  We intend to work on the language to satisfy the vulnerable road users while excluding motorcycles.  Jay then discussed excise tax on motorcycles.


ITEM 7:  Suzanne Eckert requested we grant Mike and Roberta Meyer a lifetime membership.



ITEM 8:  Roberta Meyer announced that the MRF has been selected for induction into the Sturgis Motorcycle Hall of Fame.  Some countries in Europe are using sound pollution and end of life to restrict motorcycle use.  Mo Kintner added that some legislation that was unsuccessful in the US in the ‘90s was subsequently made into law in Europe; Aaron Meyer supplemented with the statement that due to the stringent sound pollution laws in Paris, there is a proposal to ban all gas powered two wheelers.


ITEM 9:  Jay said we continue to search for a rider ed site in the Indianapolis area.  Our class registration will open February 18.  We will host an Instructor Prep (IP) this spring.


ITEM 10:  Kelly stated that we will use the electronic sign up program for Boogie crew volunteers.  She requested each crew leader submit schedules, volunteer needs, and volunteer contact info to her no later than March 1st.  Sherri Gordon asked crew leaders to submit their ice needs with their Boogie supplies requests.


Boogie crew responsibilities and schedules were discussed.


ITEM 11:  Jay introduced a discussion regarding the future of our Awards Banquet.  We’re introducing Awards Banquet exclusive gift certificates that can be acquired through the use of award vouchers only by attending the banquet.  Discussion ensued.


ITEM 12:  Bob Stoner reviewed with the group the topics discussed during the earlier AdComm meeting.  AdComm recommends no grants from our ABC fund; the committee also recommends adding one position to the AdComm.


ITEM 13:  Mike Seiler distributed current membership numbers.  He encouraged county reps to contact their members with meeting information. 


The Recognition Committee was established at Director Prep:  Suzanne Eckert, Bob Stoner, and Rayce Guthrie.


Jay asked for a Kids Day Commander to promote and organize Kids Day at the Statehouse.


The second reading of the By-Laws followed.  The second reading of Policies will take place during our April meeting.


ITEM 14:  Danny Bertolet inquired about some stipulations in the Boogie Security RFP.  Discussion followed.


ITEM 15:    


Meeting adjourned 11:28pm.



Respectfully submitted,




Tina McCormack



The next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Saturday, April 9, 2022 at the Bargersville Conference Center, Bargersville. 





Motion 1:  Pat Haggard made the motion with a second from Suzanne Eckert, to approve September/October financials.  All regions present voted yes; motion carried.


Motion 2:  Suzanne Eckert motioned to recognize, posthumously, Mike Meyer and therefore Roberta Meyer with a lifetime membership; Pat Haggard seconded.  All regions present voted in favor; motion carried (Region 13’s vote was cast by Christian Harper).


Motion 3:  Ethan Herrera motioned to adjourn, Aaron Meyer seconded.  All regions present voted in favor; motion carried.


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