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Board Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
April 20, 2013
ABATE State Office, Bargersville, IN

Executive Director Jay Jackson opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance at11:10am. Those present were: Region 00-Teresa & Ray Bodle; Region 01-Wayne Kopec; Region 02-Don "Bear" & Jude Hewitt; Region 03-Rodney Walker; Region 04-Kay & Ron Hurst; Region 05-Troy Striegel; Region 06-Fred Spencer; Region 07-Ken Harris, & Toney Mayberry; Region 09-Mo Kintner (arrived at 12:00pm); Region 10-Darla & John Abel, & Dick Jones; Region 11-Chuck & Kim Powell; Region 12-Dave Hawkins; Region 13-Paul "PD3" Douglas III (arrived at 11:15am); LINC-Mike Meyer (arrived at 11:15am); AdComm-Kenny Casey, Dave "Frosty" Frost & Rod Taylor; Membership Committee-Mike Seiler; Mike "Digger" Phelps; State Office-Editor/Publisher Marc Falsetti, Secretary/Treasurer Tina McCormack, Registrar Edie Seiler.

ITEM 1: With no questions/comments received on November/December financials, Tina asked for a motion to approve.

Tina then reviewed the January/February financials & dashboard. She explained the procedure for ABC State Charity funds.

ITEM 2: Kenny Casey enlightened the board on the topics of discussion during the AdComm meeting earlier this morning.

Jay brought to the group's attention that ABATE Legal Services has purchased billboards in the likeness of the Road Hazard bumper sticker. In the month of May, Rod Taylor will supplement those with our Motorcycles are Everywhere bumper sticker, for Motorcycle Safety & Awareness month.

ITEM 3: Marc demonstrated the new database & explained some functionalities that the directors will be able to use. Our launch date of May 1st has been delayed due to reporting capability matters. However, we anticipate we will be ready to launch in early May. Discussion followed.

ITEM 4: Jay informed the group of a power outage at Freedom Hall Tuesday, which forced the cancellation of bingo that night.

ITEM 5: Jay & Tina reviewed attendance & revenue at LCRP. 2012 was the first year LCRP has shown a net profit. The timber contract has been dissolved.

ITEM 6: Roy Garrett is developing a survey, which will be distributed to the OHVcommunity to establish our legislative agenda for next year.

One Dirt Bike School (DBS) class has been completed this year, with four more scheduled.

ITEM 7: Eastern Ky University was again selected as the contractor for Kentucky's rider education program.

Jay then recapped the status of our current rider ed sites, including our "homeless" sites in Carmel & Indy East. The Muncie range moved from Northside Middle School to Wilson Middle School; Evansville was abruptly homeless for their first two classes, but we are now in Mt Vernon & will be able to move to Roberts Stadium in June. We are expecting to be able to utilize Camp Atterbury’s range for some classes in the near future. We moved our Fort Wayne AltMOST range to Freedom Hall. Jay reiterated the enormous amount of time & energy expended in providing rider education. Currently ABATE is the only statewide provider of rider education in Indiana. Discussion followed regarding the future of rider education in the State of Indiana.

Discussion progressed to educating rider ed students on ABATE of Indiana.

ITEM 8: Mike Meyer stated the Indiana General Assembly session is scheduled to end April 29th. HB1523, the "moped bill", died in the Senate; HB1118 was never heard by committee; SB154 was withdrawn; HB1197 died in the House; SB523, which moves oversight of OHV registrations from DNR to BMV, did pass & is awaiting the Governor’s signature.

Jay added that the Indiana State Police (ISP) plan to compose a clean-up bill regarding motor vehicle codes, with the intent to forward that to the General Assembly next session.

ITEM 9: Jay asked for a director to chair the Recognition Committee. Fred Spencer accepted, & Darla & PD3 volunteered to serve.

Jay then requested a chair for the ABC State Charity Committee. Teresa offered to chair, with Kenny Casey & Mo serving.

The ABATE Children's Motorcycle Adventure (ACMA) Committee was formed, with Rodney as chair & Mo serving.

Mike Seiler requested that all county representatives submit an article to HMC each month.

The Boogie Committee will meet following today's Board Meeting.

ITEM 10: This year’s Hoosier Outdoor Experience (HOEX) will be September 20 & 21.

Discussion followed regarding ABATE's name being associated with non-ABATE events.

Discussion on Amusement & Entertainment (A&E) permits for events.

Jay introduced conversation about the importance of relationships with various entities and state and local government.

ITEM 11: The Indiana State Museum is hosting their Rollin’ with Dean event, promoting their James Dean exhibit, on April 27.

Jay referred the group to the new commercial front door to the office. He reminded the board that we will need to replace the HVAC system in the annex, & also notified them that the flooring needs repaired/replaced.

The Indiana Motorcycle Exposition will be February 14-16 next year, so our Awards Banquet will move to February 22, 2014.

According to statistics, alcohol related motorcycle crashes are over represented in the central & northern regions of the state. John Bodeker with ICJI has requested to coordinate with ABATE events in these regions to allow high visibility enforcement to deter drinking & riding.

Conversation ensued regarding levels of competition with various aspects of ABATE. We need to assert ourselves with a common theme.

Tina requested Boogie early lists be submitted no later than the June Board of Directors meeting; anyone on the early workers list needs to be a current member of ABATE. The early list is for workers arriving beginning Tuesday, July 16.

Tina distributed information from Companies with a Mission, wherein a group of volunteers can earn money for their charity.

She reminded everyone that we need a request for event insurance submitted for all Tiny Tots events.

Jay encouraged directors to meet the deadlines we have in place.

ITEM 12: Jay introduced Digger Phelps. Digger provided his email address for anyone wanting to work vehicle recovery at this year’s Moto GP. He then spoke about ways to market ABATE & our programs. Digger will join the Membership Committee.

Motion 1: Dave Hawkins motioned to approve the November/December financials, Rodney seconded. Regions 08, 09 & 13 not present; all other regions in favor, motion carried.

Motion 2: Kay made the motion to adjourn, Region 08 not present; all regions in favor, motion carried.

The next scheduled Board of Directors meeting will be Saturday, June 8 at LCRP.

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