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Board Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

April 17, 2021

Chain O Lakes Conservation Club, South Bend IN


Executive Director Jay Jackson opened the meeting at 4:05pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.  In attendance were:  Region 00-Jerry & Sherri Gordon; Region 01-Russell Zawacki; Region 02-Terry Young; Region 03-Scott Bowman; Region 04-Lori Bussell; Region 06-Mark & Carol Thomas; Region 07- Dan Warnell; Region 08-Nicole Powell; Region 09-Mo Kintner; Region 10-Suzanne Eckert; Region 11-Pat Haggard; Region 13-Aaron Meyer; Spiritual Director-Pastor Jack Smith; MRF-Roberta Meyer; LINC-Richard Dolson; Marketing Committee-Mike Seiler; Secretary/Treasurer-Tina McCormack; Region 05 is inactive, & Region 12 Dave Hawkins previously notified he could not attend. 


ITEM 1:  Tina reviewed the Jan/Feb financial & director’s packets.  Cash on hand is looking much better, even prior to receiving the 2nd draw of the Paycheck Protection Plan (PPP) loan.  We are waiting on approval for forgiveness of the 1st loan.  She explained maximum bingo attendance is still at 100 because of the pandemic restrictions.  She added that Indiana Gaming Insight shows ABATE of Indiana as the 2nd largest bingo operation in the state for 2019.


Jay asked for approval of the Nov/Dec financials.




ITEM 2:  Jay stated that some restrictions in Indiana in place because of COVID-19 are being lifted.  We continue to evaluate restrictions for bingo.


ITEM 3:  Jay then notified the group that the annex floor replacement project is occurring.  Since our recent discussion regarding carpet squares being installed, the cost of that material has increased substantially.  Therefore, we will install laminate flooring to stay within budget.  


ITEM 4:  Jay reported that our updated Spirit of the DIRT award will be on display at the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), since they are the current recipient.  Our DBS (Dirt Bike School) is busy.  We increased the tuition so that we can include a 1 year membership to ABATE of Indiana.


The multi-year memberships have been very popular.  


Jay stated that Rayce is working to maintain the roads at LCRP.  Scott Bowman offered his observation of the Adventure Ride there last weekend.


ITEM 5:  The Instructor Preparation course concluded last weekend (April 9-11).  We began with 18 candidates, finished with 8 graduates, & 2 more potentials that need to complete the last portion.  We continue to search for host properties for our Indianapolis & Elkhart sites.


Thursday, May 6, is our kickoff event for MSAM (Motorcycle Safety & Awareness Month) at Monument Circle. 


ITEM 6:  Jay recalled the extensive & lengthy process with testifying in the Senate Committee hearing for SB303.  The bill has been signed by the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate.  Discussion followed.


On the federal level, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) is reviewing the federal label on E15 fuel, and whether to remove it.  The MRF is submitting testimony under public comment to the EPA regarding addressing the label, and lobbying to make the label more stringent.  The MRF recently submitted public comment to NHTSA (National Highway Transportation and Safety Administration) regarding automated driving systems (autonomous vehicles).  


ITEM 7:  Roberta Meyer stated that the MAC (Motorcyclist Advisory Council) is being reinstated.  Jay added that the membership in the council will be increased to include representation from both a national and state motorcyclists’ rights organization.  The language for the reauthorization of the MAC will provide “better representation” for motorcyclists’ rights organizations (MROs).


Bikers Inside the Beltway (BITB) will be May 17 & 18.  The MRF is encouraging members to arrange appointments with their representatives, since pandemic restrictions are still in place in Congress.  The MRF will supply informational packets to include talking points.   We are also expanding the BITB by encouraging those that don’t travel to the event to visit the district offices of their legislators.


ITEM 8:  Jay informed the board that Lafayette Tent & Awning is not able to honor the contract for tents this year for Boogie.  Discussion followed on alternatives.  We will have a sand beach for Boogie.  Jay then reviewed the music line up.  Discussion followed on logistics for games and traffic.  Tina requested Boogie early lists by the June 12 BOD meeting.  


ITEM 9:  Jay summarized topics discussed in the AdComm meeting last night to be:  Wayne Kopec, Bargersville annex floor replacement, ABC, Boogie entertainment, and the beach.  Bob Stoner emailed the meeting minutes to the board.


AdComm suggested reinstating distributions from the ABC fund.  More information is needed from the Children’s Home Foundation and Drew’s Gift of Music.  Suzanne Eckert inquired about Bertha’s Mission; we will follow up on the status.  Jay reviewed the intention of the fund, to provide tangible items to assist the charity in continuing their service, and not for administrative costs.


ITEM 10:  In Pastor Jack Smith’s early departure, Jay updated the group concerning a project Jack is working on where members are notified by him in the event of a life happening, such as marriage, death, etc.


Mike Seiler commented that active membership numbers are increasing.  Tina added that Feb 2021 active member total was 9,006; March was 9,364.


ITEM 11:  Tina asked the new directors if their name has been added to their region’s checking account.


ITEM 14:  There was no new business brought.  



Meeting adjourned, 5:28pm.


Respectfully submitted,




Tina McCormack



The next scheduled Board of Directors meeting will be on June 12 at LCRP.





Motion 1:  Pat Haggard made the motion to approve November/December financials, with a second by Suzanne Eckert.  All regions present voted yes; motion carried.


Motion 2:  Jerry Gordon motioned to adjourn, Terry Young seconded.  All regions present voted yes; motion carried.


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