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Board Meeting Minutes

ABATE of Indiana Board of Directors Meeting

April 14, 2024

Bargersville Conference Center, Bargersville, Indiana



Bob Stoner opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance at 1:00pm. Those in attendance were: Region 00 – Jerry & Sherri Gordon; Region 01 – Russell Zawacki; Region 02 – Glenn “Junior” Susnis; Region 03 – Scott Bowman; Region 4 – Jay Green; Region 05 – currently without a director; Region 06 – Jim Farmer; Region 7 – Ken Harris; Region 08 – Ethan ‘Heathen’ Herrera; Region 09 – Mo Kintner & Carlis McKinney; Region 10 – Suzanne Eckert; Region 11 – Pat Haggard; Region 12 – Brian Russell; Region 13 – Christian & Heidi Harper; AdComm – Bob Stoner & Justin Kennedy; LINC – Aaron Meyer; DIRT – Roy Garrett; MRF State Rep Roberta Meyer; Marketing Committee – Mike Seiler; Boogie Security – Mike “Mongo” Pottorff & Mike Clendenen.


ITEM 1: Bob Stoner introduced Jay Green, our new Region 4 Director. All present introduced themselves in return. Bob then made reference to our new awnings on both our office building and the annex. Jerry Gordon suggested installing a sign perpendicular to the building that would be visible from the east and west end of the block.


ITEM 2: With no questions regarding November/December financials, Bob requested a motion to approve. He then reviewed the January/February financial packet. Bob stated that registration for our courses is down $14,000 as compared to this time last year. Mo Kintner asked if that is a result of non-reimbursement from the state program; Jim Farmer believes it is due to the absence of the annual Indianapolis Motorcycle Expo; Suzanne remarked that it’s down less than it was at the end of February.


Answered post meeting in these minutes: The dashboard decrease of $28,000 is year-to-date January-February 2024 as compared to the same period last year; the verbal $14,000 amount represents registrations from January-April 10, 2024 as compared to the same period last year.


Pat Haggard questioned lodging expense for a motorcycle group.


Answered post meeting in these minutes: The lodging expense is for Jay Jackson’s hotel room to attend an annual convention of urban riders. There were in excess of 2,000 motorcyclists from across the country in Indianapolis and ABATE was asked by 317 Ryders to have a presence. Jay addressed the general session and a workshop. Maelene Grenat and Jay also worked a booth in the vendor area, where they made numerous contacts.



ITEM 3: Bob stated that we continue to work with our bingo supplies vendor, Lancaster Bingo Company (LBC), to promote games and increase players and spending. Building Manager, Elizabeth “Izzy” Hanes still struggles to have ample bingo workers.


ITEM 4: Bob requested Glenn Susnis’ opinion on repairing the concrete apron behind the annex overhead garage door in the alley. Glenn will investigate after this meeting.


ITEM 5: Roy Garrett reported on the total eclipse camping at LCRP. Attendance in all of Lawrence County was lighter than expected. LCRP was a great place to view the eclipse. LCRP is hosting a two day Adventure Ride next weekend, April 20-21. The weekend following the ride they will have a DBS class. Scott Bowman advised that he forwarded contact info to Rayce Guthrie for two people interested in becoming DBS Instructors in the Wabash area.


ITEM 6: Bob then followed with an update on motorcycle safety. Indiana experienced four motorcycle fatalities in March. Executive Director Jay Jackson was interviewed by several media outlets. May is Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month (MS&AM). Send a request via email if you would like a press kit. Jay recently experienced the destruction of a brand new vehicle in a crash test at the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). Our rider ed classes are filling quickly. We revised our reschedule policy to one week prior to class rather than 48 hours. Once our Instructor Prep (IP) concludes today, we should add an instructor in Versailles, Evansville and Indianapolis.


ITEM 7: Roberta Meyer announced that MRF membership in Indiana has increased to 133. She then informed the group that a bill has been introduced in California that would require every vehicle to be equipped with speed limiting technology. The MRF continues to support right to repair. Nebraska revised a bill to eliminate the requirement of rider education to ride helmetless; less than 21 years of age are required to wear a helmet in that state. Google agrees with the MRF that current advertising and lack of transparency regarding self-driving autonomous vehicles is unacceptable. Their driverless vehicle program is WAYMO, and is currently active in San Francisco, Los Angeles and Phoenix, with plans to begin in Austin. The MRF put out a call to action in March for SB3094, pushing back against the mandate for electric vehicles, preserving combustion engine vehicles. Roberta reminded directors that Bikers Inside the Beltway (BITB) is May 20-21, and Meeting of the Minds (MOTM) is in September in St Louis.


Bob Stoner added that Jay has been working with the NHTSA Communities of Practice on national standards for rider education, a revision of the National Agenda for Motorcycle Safety (NAMS), as well as curriculum standards through the SMSA. The MRF lobbyist, Rocky, and Jay have been meeting with a lot of groups including but not limited to IIHS, NHTSA, NTSB, SMSA, Aurora, the Dawn Project, API, Road to Zero, and others. The subjects range from ethanol and E vehicles to safety standards and autonomous vehicles.


Aaron Meyer added that Mike Braun has signed on as co-author of SB3094, and that Todd Young has not as of yet.


ITEM 8: Aaron Meyer offered to update Jay Green on our Biker Approved Gas (BAG) program. Bob Stoner asked the group if they are receiving Friday legislative updates from Aaron; the group affirmed receipt of the emails and thanked Aaron for the information. Bob then stated that Jay Jackson attended a planning meeting of the Midwest Legislators Conference at the Ohio Statehouse this past Wednesday night, and will be at the Illinois Statehouse this coming Wednesday for their Lobby Day.


Aaron Meyer then introduced discussion regarding ABATE of Indiana’s call to action on February 29, in opposition of Illinois HB5620. He expressed disappointment in the response from our board. He requested the directors remedy their phone tree process. Discussion followed. Aaron explained our phone tree program.


ITEM 9: Bob Stoner reviewed the status of Boogie preparations. We are working with the volunteer fire department to avoid the water issues of last year; shuttles will be prepared; the entertainment schedule has been released; the RV campground sold out in 24 hours; our primary sponsor, Indiana Vapor Labs, increased their sponsorship level. ED Jay Jackson (via Bob Stoner), thanked efforts to reduce golf cart expense for this year. Bob then stated that the early worker and wish lists are due by the June 8 BOD meeting. Early lists should include day of arrival; all persons on the early list must be active members when arriving; the only crews arriving earlier than Sunday are tent/construction, electrician, and office staff. Sherri Gordon shared that membership on the Boogie social media page is up significantly, and conversation regarding Boogie is positive.


ITEM 10: The Advisory Committee did not meet today. Bob Stoner reviewed the two pending ABATE Bikers Care (ABC) applications. Glenn “Junior” Susnis and Justin Kennedy will follow up with the applicants in their area.


ITEM 11: Mike Seiler shared that Region 11 discusses number of active members per county at their region meeting. Scott Bowman replied that Region 3 is doing the same. Aaron Meyer encouraged the directors to utilize their active member lists to reach out to new members enrolled in a Basic Rider Skills (BRS) course. Scott Bowman inquired as to how long memberships are processed after being received at the office. Jay Green stated that new members they’ve recruited have received their membership packet and/or Hoosier Motorcyclist. Discussion followed.


Answered post meeting in these minutes: Memberships are processed daily, and mailed monthly to take advantage of the cost savings for a bulk mailing. Directors have the access to view their members’ files in our database, and can therefore view membership status and expiration dates.


The Recognition Committee has nothing new at this time. Discussion followed regarding combining the Awards Banquet with Fall Seminar. Glenn “Junior” Susnis stated that the substitution of award certificates for plaques was not well received in his region. Discussion followed regarding utilizing unused plaques, members no longer wanting a plaque, and that sponsors continue to receive a plaque.


ITEM 12: Bob Stoner then announced that the Chevy truck has been repaired from the deer collision. ED Jay Jackson feels the Indianapolis Boat, Sport and Travel Show (IBST) was well attended and allowed us two opportunities to be on TV. We appreciate those who helped, especially with Tiny Tots, and could have used more volunteers.


Bob reminded directors that extra copies of reports are for their region secretaries and treasurers. Regions 0, 1, 8 and 10 should become current with their submissions. The state office needs info for any events not listed on our calendar. COIs supplied by event hosts should list both ABATE of Indiana and ABATE Foundation as certificated holders.


ITEM 13: Pat Haggard asked if ABATE could demonstrate the rider ed course for a school corporation in his region; Bob Stoner directed him to send the request to ED Jay Jackson.


Post meeting follow up: Jay Jackson spoke with Pat Haggard and will follow up with the school.


Aaron Meyer reminded everyone that May 7 is primary election day; Bob Stoner reiterated to ride their bike to vote and take a picture of their bike at the poll; Aaron Meyer added to wear an ABATE shirt.


Scott Bowman asked if we’re planning a kickoff event for MS&AM; Bob Stoner answered that ED Jay Jackson is the one to ask.


Answer provided post meeting in these minutes: We will have the proclamation from Governor Holcomb and a press release for MS&AM. Jay Jackson has had no requests from any Director for a press kit.


Meeting adjourned, 2:20pm.



Respectfully submitted,




Tina McCormack




The next scheduled BOD meeting is June 8, 2024 at LCRP.


Motion 1: Suzanne Eckert motioned to approve the November/December financials, with a second from Jerry Gordon. All regions present voted yes; motion carried.


Motion 2: Jerry Gordon made the motion to adjourn the meeting, and Glenn “Junior” Susnis seconded. All regions voted in favor; motion carried.

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