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Board Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

April 10, 2016

Bargersville Annex, Bargersville, IN


Secretary/Treasurer Tina McCormack started the meeting at 2:10pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Those in attendance were:  Executive Director Jay Jackson; Region 00-Teresa & Ray Bodle, & James Rumschlag; Region 01-Wayne Kopec; Region 02-Don ‘Bear’ Hewitt; Region 03-Scott Bowman; Region 04-Jan Johns; Region 05-Tony Brummett & Randy Penix; Region 06-Joey Macke; Region 07-John & Terri Mayberry; Region 08-Mike Jeffers; Region 09-Mo Kintner; Region 10-Darla Abel &  Thom ‘Hippy’ Henderson; Region 11- Ken ‘KFC’ Casey & Maelene Grenat; Region 12-Dave Hawkins; Region 13-Paul ‘PD3’ Douglas III & Aaron Meyer; AdComm-Rod Taylor, Bob Stoner & Rick Thompson; DIRT-Roy Garrett; LINC-Mike Meyer; Event Security-Mike ‘Mongo’ Pottorff; Operations Director LCRP-Rayce Guthrie; Administrative Assistant Dana Surd; Guests-Terry Padgett, & Tony Demoure with New Creations.  


ITEM 1:  Tina referenced a memo from Gino regarding our current financial state, & capital expenditures for the past several months. 


With no questions regarding November/December financials, Tina requested a motion to approve.



She reviewed financials for January/February.  Tina emphasized the increase in charitable gaming revenues, the increase in rider ed students, & the increase in memberships over the same period last year.  Wayne requested the number of current members be added to the dashboard.


Tina then reminded the directors that any non-ABATE events recorded in minutes should be noted as such; Rod Taylor agreed.  She also repeated that all charitable contributions are to be processed through the state office.


ITEM 2:  Bob Stoner reviewed subjects discussed during this morning’s AdComm meeting.  AdComm is working on a procedure for the Tim Fromme Scholarship.


Membership numbers were a big part of the AdComm meeting.  According to Marc, we have approximately 300,000 inactive members in our database.  Discussion followed regarding increasing membership.


ITEM 3:  Jay updated the group regarding our bingo operation.  We did get a new ATM installed at the hall recently.  He discussed current legislative activity regarding daily fantasy sports, & how it might affect bingo.  Our Fort Wayne rider ed site will be entirely at Freedom Hall this year (only the classroom portion was held there the past few years).


ITEM 4:  Rayce apprised the board of the current status of projects at LCRP.  We’re ready for the new office trailer to be delivered.  Lawrence & Monroe counties’ highway departments are working to repair & gravel the roads leading into LCRP.  With the new tractor recently delivered, we’re ready to begin preparing the field for the front gate shelter.  Rayce continues to clean up trash & drain standing water where needed.  He has marked, through GPS, the perimeter trail, which needs some maintenance.  He’ll also install location markers on the trail. 


The GNCC Limestone 100 will be held at LCRP May 14 & 15, the Miracle Trail Ride (MTR) is June 10-12, & LCRP is hosting the Sept Indiana Trails Advisory Board (ITAB) meeting.  The MTR is in need of live bands for the event.


We currently have nine sponsors through our signage program.  Rayce displayed Cyndii’s diagram of the new LCRP front gate.  He has installed sign boards to display informational signs.  He plans to install chicken wire at the waterless toilets to prevent birds from nesting.  Jay added that the locksmith should be contacting Rayce soon to begin the project of replacing the doors on the waterless toilets.


Rayce suggested increasing our camping fee for RV hookups from $25/night to $40, which is still less than the fees of surrounding facilities.


Rayce plans to repair lighting throughout the property.


Tina will add membership numbers to the LCRP dashboard.


ITEM 5:  Jay invited Terry Padgett to begin a conversation regarding the shelter built by their group last year.  Discussion followed.



Shelter construction funds cannot originate from ABATE funds.


ITEM 6:  Roy stated that DBS season has begun & we conducted our first class last week.  The GNCC race will be next month, & MTR is in June.


Jay added that we continue to be more involved in off highway vehicle (OHV) issues legislatively.  During this session, legislation was passed to allow for out of state riders to obtain a temporary tag in place of state registration.  The fee structure for state riding areas is under review.  There is the possibility of mandatory OHV training.  We anticipate upcoming legislation to address counties choosing to allow OHVs to traverse on county roads.  There was a recent OHV fatality on a county road in Decatur.  Also, there was a recent snowmobile fatality in Michigan; the victim is an Indiana resident & ABATE member. Indiana had a snowmobile fatality in recent months.


Hippy asked if gate help is needed for the GNCC event.  Jay replied that the event usually needs a handful of volunteers & anyone interested should contact Rayce.


ITEM 7:  Our Rider Ed Committee is still intact and focused on this year, but looking toward the future.  We currently have about 3,000 students registered, & are booked into July statewide.  In regards to licensing, we will participate this year using the AltMOST, the test we used from 2005-2014.  Ride Safe Indiana (RSI) has mandated a $10 fee for applicants, with an additional $10 reimbursement provided the contractor invoices the State.  For various reasons, ABATE of Indiana will instantly refund the applicant’s $10 & provide them with a business card touting our accomplishments pertaining to rider ed & motorcycle safety & awareness, as well as benefits of becoming a member.


The State is disposing of the GN125 training bikes through public surplus auction.  We purchased 1 yesterday for $565, & intend to purchase some bikes that we have used & maintained as they become available through the auction.


The Ohio rider ed program will not use MSF curriculum in 2017.  Oregon, Idaho & California are no longer using MSF curriculum, & a handful more states are close to leaving the MSF program.


Bear asked about the procedure for officer reimbursement of rider ed fees.  Jay replied that the officer will pay & register for a class, then after they attend the class, they may request a refund from the state office.


ITEM 8:  Jay brought attention to our museum, & thanked Maelene & Pearson Ford for the donation of three display cabinets; he & Ken Casey added our appreciation to Rick Terry for transporting them.


ITEM 9:  Mike Meyer recapped that bills 1087 & 1246 both passed into law this session.  May 3rd is primary election day with all seats in the State & Federal House of Representatives up for election.


Jay stated that the Confederation of Clubs (COC) is meeting today.  An issue they are working on legislatively is anti-profiling.  Another subject Jay has been asked about is whether age of a motorcycle passenger should be mandated.  Discussion followed.


ITEM 10:  Jay began the Boogie update by reviewing the entertainment.  We have contracted Blackberry Smoke & anticipate having Henry Lee Summer, Duke Tumatoe & a Pink Floyd tribute band.  We will follow up on an inflatable zip line.


The group discussed the front gate shelter plans.



The board discussed a discounted Sat only admission; discussion will continue at another time, but for 2016 there will not be a Sat only admission.


Tina requested all Boogie wish lists & early lists by the June BOD meeting.  The wish lists should include any 4-wheel vehicles the regions request to use.


Discussion then turned to a membership survey.  Jay will follow up but asked for a summer study.


ITEM 11:  Tony asked the group the status of their memorial walls.



Jay reminded the board that we will need to reprint the Guidebook prior to this year’s Fall Seminar, & that we need to revise at least one of our by-laws, which requires three readings.  He requested everyone to review the Guidebook for any suggested revisions, beginning with the by-laws.


Jay then suggested review & recording of recent motions made electronically.





Jay reported that we have not received any response from the State Department of Health regarding the plan we submitted. 


Jay received a $500 sponsor request from Midwest Breakout, an event we sponsored in the past.  Consensus is to approve.


The MRF is close to hiring a VP of Government Relations & hope to finalize in time for Bikers inside the Beltway (BIB) in May.


Jay reviewed our relationship with American Income Life (AIL), & the benefit they provide our members.


Jay then stated that we’re very close to summary judgement on a couple of lawsuits that stemmed from region events.  When this happens, we should no longer be involved.


Jay reminded the group that we would like some exhibits built for our ABATE Children’s Motorcycle Adventure (ACMA).  Bear & Joey asked about this year’s schedule for our Tiny Tots.  Jay will follow up with Rodney.


Teresa asked when our website will be compatible with mobile devices; Tina replied that due to unforeseen expenses with the database in Feb & March, we have not pursued any added database/website projects.


Teresa then asked the status of an additional shelter at LCRP.  The board previously approved the shelter pending an acceptable location.


ITEM 12:  Tony inquired about radios to use at events.  Jay has talked to our vendor, but has not received a reply.  The problem with radios is that technology changes quickly & the radios are no longer usable. 


Ken Casey inquired about Boogie Bike Raffle tickets.  We’ll follow up with Marc.


Teresa asked when the memorial bricks will be delivered.  Tina & Jay explained that they are delivered by May 1 each year to honor Motorcycle Safety & Awareness Month.  Bear asked permission to set a composite bench at the memorial in honor of a deceased Region 02 member.  Consensus is permission is granted.


Wayne brought up discussion on region advertising in the Hoosier Motorcyclist.  Discussion followed regarding the policy of 1 region ad per month.




Tina requested personal information from the directors that are not on the raffle and/or festival license.  She asked Ken Casey to review the list of workers for the Boogie Bike Raffle & let her know if it needs revised.


Meeting adjourned, 5:55pm.



Respectfully submitted,


Tina McCormack



The next scheduled Board of Directors meeting is June 11 at LCRP.








Motion 1:  Tony Brummett motioned to approve November/December financials, Ken Casey seconded.  All regions present voted yes, Region 4 had not yet arrived; motion carried.


Motion 2:  Teresa Bodle made a motion to grandfather all existing structures at LCRP as of today’s date, Paul Douglas III seconded.  Regions 1 & 12 voted no, all others voted yes; motion carried.


Motion 3:  Mo Kintner motioned that LCRP purchase a dump trailer not to exceed $8,500, seconded by Ken Casey.  All regions voted in favor; motion carried.


Motion 4:  Tony Brummett motioned to recognize any ABATE of Indiana officer on the memorial wall with a shooting star symbol, Don Hewitt seconded.  All regions voted yes; motion carried.


Motion 5:  Motion by Ken Casey, second by Dave Hawkins to purchase a tractor with backhoe extension per the Hoefling quote of $22,800.  All regions voted in favor; motion carried.


Motion 6:  Mo Kintner motioned with a second by Teresa Bodle to move forward with the locksmith project as quoted by Haley’s.  All regions voted yes; motion carried.


Motion 7:  Motion by Tony Brummett with second by Joey Macke to purchase the trailer for an LCRP office for $12,500 plus installation.  All regions voted in favor; motion carried.


Motion 8:  Joey Macke motioned & Wayne Kopec seconded to award a lifetime membership to a member.  Motion tabled.


Motion 9:  Motion to adjourn by Ken Casey, seconded by Dave Hawkins to adjourn.  All regions in favor; motion carried.

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