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Board Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

October 12, 2019

Lawrence County Recreational Park, Springville, IN


Executive Director Jay Jackson opened the meeting at 2:10pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Those in attendance were:  Region 00-Jerry Gordon; Region 01-Wayne Kopec; Region 03-Scott Bowman, Marcy Thompson, & Mark Hughes; Region 06-Mark  & Carol Thomas, Wayne Sullivan, Dakota Whelchel & Barry Nowling; Region 07- Ken & Barbara Harris; Region 08-Mike Jeffers; Region 09-Mo Kintner; Region 10-Suzanne & Bob Eckert; Region 11-Zach Bird; Region 12-Dave Hawkins; Region 13-Aaron Meyer & Christian Harper; AdComm- Bob Stoner, Rod Taylor & Gino Johnson; LCRP-Rayce Guthrie; DIRT-Roy Garrett; Rider Ed Administrator-Kelly Jackson; LINC-Richard Dolson.  Region 05 previously notified he would be out of state; Regions 02 & 04 were absent.


ITEM 1:  Jay then announced reminders:  Fall Seminar hotel room preferences are due 10/21; election results asap; officer acceptance forms no later than 11/1; ABC funds & reports asap; sanction events dates are due today.  Regions 00, 05, 06, 10 & 11 are especially behind schedule on monthly report submissions. 



ITEM 2:  Gino reviewed the July/August financials.  With no questions on May/June financials, he requested approval.



ITEM 3:  Jay informed the group of a recent power outage at Freedom Hall, caused by a construction crew working next to the property.  We did not experience an interruption in business.


ITEM 4:  Roy Garrett stated that we continue to conduct Dirt Bike School (DBS).  Jay added that the popularity of our classes is increasing.  We are hopeful that we can acquire additional adult training bikes.  He reviewed that one of our Tiny Tots trailers was stolen, then recovered; we suffered the loss of three CRF50s & several helmets.


Rayce Guthrie added that the property is cleaned up from the summer events.  Placement of some picnic tables needs to be identified.


Jay stated that we will explore hosting ATV training.  However, while ATV manufacturers will pay for the training, participants are frequently scarce.


ITEM 5:  In regards to the Indiana General Assembly, next year will be a short session.  Richard Dolson inquired about Organization Day; Jay answered that it will be November 19th.  Jay said that we will continue our efforts to attain legislation to suggest motorized recreation in Hoosier National Forest.  There’s been discussion & a petition circulated in Elkhart regarding noise, although not specific to motorcycles.


The MRF continues to seek sponsors for the anti-profiling resolution, & keeps watch on the ethanol concern.  Scott Bowman discussed a breakout session he attended at the Meeting of the Minds (MoTM) regarding membership retention.  He also learned to staff membership booths with people who can vigorously market the organization.  


Discussion followed regarding hosting the MoTM next year at The Waterfront Hotel.


ITEM 6:  Jay stated that our rider education season is winding down.  Our Rider Ed Committee will reconvene to determine the amount of tuition for next year.  They plan to forward their recommendation to the board no later than our November meeting.  Gino added calculations of additional revenue based on various tuition increases.  Aaron Meyer inquired about tuition for ABATE officers.  Jay restated our policy for tuition refunds for current officers.


ITEM 7:  Jay announced that we plan to test some ideas for MoTM 2020 at the Fall Seminar & probably the Awards Banquet.  He asked for ideas.  Jay clarified judging for the Hospitality Contest will be 1 vote per region by the region director or proxy, & directors cannot vote for their region.


ITEM 8:  Director Prep is tentatively scheduled for January 10-12, 2020.  Jay asked that directors confirm availability.


ITEM 9:  Bob Stoner said the AdComm formed a committee to make recommendations regarding pre-sales of Boogie admission, & a Boogie entertainment budget.  The committee members are:  Bob Stoner, Gino Johnson, Tina McCormack, & Dave Stoike; Mark Hughes & Aaron Meyer were added.


Rod Taylor apprised the group of the status of the lawsuit stemming from the Juggalos event.


Jay then read Marc Falsetti’s written notification of our new office telephone system, & that he will bring membership retention ideas to the November meeting.  He also sent an update on the recent email & Facebook campaigns for membership recruitment & retention.  Donations can now be processed through our Facebook page.


AdComm’s recommendation for ABC distributions is $1,500 to American Legion Post 83 contingent upon a project of that amount, & $150 to the Circus Hall of Fame. 



ITEM 10:  There were no committee reports.


ITEM 11:  AdComm discussed promoting the Boogie with some complimentary passes.  Jerry Gordon discussed Boogie crew pay & volunteers.  Further discussion will take place in Director’s Prep.


ITEM 12:  Jay met recently with Indianapolis Motor Speedway (IMS), regarding the MotoAmerica race in 2020, which will coincide with Motorcycles on Meridian (MOM).  ABATE will need volunteers for both events.   


In his capacity as Chairman of the Motorcycle Dealers Association of Indiana, Rayce attended the American International Motorcycle Expo this year.  Rayce attended workshops centered on attracting new riders & keeping the sport active.  Some of the workshops addressed social media.  Roy Garrett broached the subject of electric bicycles.  Jay added that we need clarification of the definition, & how they will be regulated. 


Rayce reviewed the AIME show & seminars.  Flatout Motorcycles closed their shop in Martinsville because of I-69, & a BMW dealership in Indianapolis closed recently.  Rayce will attend the National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council (NOHVCC) Conference in Reno, NV next week.  The conference is focused on trail development & grant writing.   


In addition to MoTM, Jay announced some conferences that will be hosted in Indianapolis next year:  National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) & National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL).  


Scott Bowman stated that Am Vets will continue the Rolling Thunder event.  He added his belief that our Boogie prices are a good value for attendees.


Aaron Meyer introduced an idea to market/declare “motorcycle friendly towns.”  Discussion followed.  


Mark Hughes discussed Milwaukee Iron’s video on social media.


Meeting adjourned, 3:55pm.



Respectfully submitted,




Tina McCormack



The next scheduled Board of Directors meeting will be November 8, 2019 at the Waterfront Hotel in Indianapolis. 






Motion 1:  Ken Harris made the motion to approve May/June financials, with a second by Aaron Meyer.  Regions 2, 4 & 5 were absent, all regions present voted yes; motion carried.


Motion 2:  Aaron Meyer made the motion to approve AdComm’s recommendations for the current ABC apps, Ken Harris seconded.  All regions present voted yes; motion carried.


Motion 3:  Ken Harris motioned to adjourn, Jerry Gordon seconded.  All regions present voted yes; motion carried. 

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