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Board Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

June 15, 2019

Lawrence County Recreational Park, Springville, IN


Executive Director Jay Jackson opened the meeting at 1:09pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Those in attendance were:  Region 00-Jerry Gordon; Region 01-Wayne Kopec; Region 02-Don ‘Bear’ Hewitt; Region 03-Scott Bowman; Region 04-Jan Johns (arrived later); Region 05-Randy Penix; Region 06-Mark Thomas; Region 07- Ken Harris; Region 08-Mike Jeffers, Ricky Burch &Ted Borchelt; Region 09-Mo Kintner; Region 10-Joe Garland; Region 11-Zach Bird; Region 12-Dave Hawkins; Region 13-Aaron Meyer & Christian Harper; MRF-Roberta Meyer; AdComm- Rod Taylor & Rick Thompson; LCRP-Rayce Guthrie; DIRT-Roy Garrett; LINC-Richard Dolson; Marketing Committee-Mike Seiler; Vendor Coordinators-Harold Davidson & Larry Banks; Event Security-Mike Clendenen & Danny Bertolet; Handicap Crew-Charlie & Dakota Whelchel; Road Kill/Road Crew (RKRC)-Olin Reed & Leonard Shook; Boogie Radio-Dave ‘Big Willy’ Stoike; Secretary/Treasurer Tina McCormack; & Guest-Cheryl Dolson.


ITEM 1:  Tina requested approval for the January/February financials.




Tina referenced reports in the directors’ packets.  She reminded the group that all board of directors’ meeting minutes are posted on ABATE of Indiana’s website.  She asked that all membership applications be completed, including whether it is a new or renewal membership.  Tina then explained that to control postage expense as best we can, we try to supply region directors with necessities at meetings or events for them to distribute in their areas.  Wayne remarked that his HMC bundle is not being delivered to him on a regular basis; since no one else is experiencing this problem, Tina suggested he speak to his postmaster.


Jay followed up by stating that we must control expenses & increase revenues wherever possible.  He & Gino will meet this Wednesday to work on a corporate budget.



ITEM 2:  Gino Johnson attended the AdComm meeting earlier, but had to leave afterward, so Jay gave the update on the Miracle Ride.  Weather & attendance were good, & numbers are not finalized, but it appears that the event raised a respectable figure for Riley Hospital.


Jay asked Jerry Gordon about the outcome of Region 0 Mayor’s Ride.  Jerry replied that the event went well with no incidents, & they did make a profit.


ITEM 3:  Roy reviewed Dirt Bike School (DBS) classes.  We continue to conduct classes at both sites, despite all the rain.  Jay & Roy observed that we often teach students from out of state.  Jay stated that he & Rayce have discussed adding an ATV training course.  We are in need of more equipment for DBS, & we are exploring a matching grant through the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR).


Rayce commented on the difficulty he encounters trying to accomplish tasks with the extraordinary amount of rain this spring.


Rick Thompson distributed a newspaper article about an infection that has been found in Indiana that kills oak trees & spreads quickly.  He & Rayce have identified at least one oak tree at LCRP that is infected.  Mo asked about firewood brought into the park; Jay answered, & Rick concurred, that since this infection is carried by spores & not parasites, outside firewood should not be a concern.  Rick is conducting a light timber harvest behind the stage.  


Jay informed the directors that LCRP has received deposits for the August event, pursuant to the property rental agreement.


ITEM 4:  Jay conveyed that while revenues are down slightly with bingo, our operation is maintaining a profit.  Legislation was passed this year that will result in revisions to gaming laws, but we don’t expect any drastic change.  Wayne inquired about electronic devices &/or pull-tab machines.  Jay answered that Gino stays apprised of current opportunities & resulting restrictions.


ITEM 5:  Richard Dolson discussed an article regarding the possible relationship of increased off road vehicle accidents being related to the temporary closing of off road trails at one state recreation area.  The leaders of the US House Motorcycle Caucus introduced a resolution, making May “Motorcycle Safety & Awareness Month”.  


ITEM 6:  Roberta Meyer updated the group on the success of the MRF’s Bikers Inside the Beltway (BitB) event in May.  About 150 riders visited approximately 300 congressional offices, focusing on conversation regarding anti-profiling & fuel containing ethanol.  This year’s Meeting of the Minds (MotM) is September 19-22, with early registration deadline set for August 23.  Jay requested pre-approval notice from anyone interested in attending; he reviewed our reimbursement policy with the group.


As Executive Chairman of the Motorcycle Dealer’s Association of Indiana, Rayce distributed posters that Marc created to raise awareness about E-15; the posters have been mailed to motorcycle businesses across the state.  Marc also included posters for DBS & Boogie in the mailings.


Discussion followed regarding ABATE of Indiana hosting the 2020 MotM; we’ll explore the Waterfront as the venue, based on results from our research into an Indianapolis facility.


Jay reported that the Confederation of Clubs’ (COC) annual national meeting will again be in Indianapolis next year.


ITEM 7:  Jay reviewed the Instructor Prep Course we have scheduled beginning this Friday, June 21.  Our Motorcycle Safety Division (MSD) owns some classroom trailers that may yield some revenue.  The State Motorcycle Safety Administrators’ (SMSA) conference will be in Michigan the week prior to MotM in Minnesota.


Discussion regarding grass clippings in the roadway ensued.  ABATE’s current position is to educate riders to be aware, much like any other obstacle in the road, and request contractors & municipalities to be mindful of any potential hazards.  Rayce suggested using social media to inform the public.  ABATE of Indiana received some exposure during our kickoff event for Motorcycle Safety & Awareness Month.  ABATE is still actively involved in Operation Red Flag with IMPD & ICJI.


ITEM 8:  Rick Thompson presided over the AdComm meeting today with Rod Taylor & Gino Johnson in attendance.  AdComm recommends awarding Am Vets Post 7 from the ABC Fund, provided the requested documents are received by us.  Jay reviewed our ABC Fund approval policy.




Rick then informed the directors that we received an acknowledgement from Kid Kare Project for the grant from the ABC fund.  Jay announced that we are listed as a contributor to the Special Olympics in their 2018 annual report.  We received one copy of Ride Safe Indiana’s (RSI) 2018 annual report.


ITEM 9:  No committee reports were given.


ITEM 10:  Discussion followed about Tiny Tots processes & training.  Jan Johns & Randy Penix will coordinate staffing Tiny Tots at an event in Cass County.


Tina informed the board that she will update & email the monthly summaries & event insurance reports next week.


ITEM 11:   Jay explained the rider ed courtesy cards that were supplied to the regions today.  Don ‘Bear’ Hewitt explained that in Region 2, they supplied their local sheriff’s departments with the cards.  Bear found that the departments were very receptive to the awareness campaign.


Jay is meeting with Indiana Representative Beck, about a 17 year old in Crown Point who was killed on his motorcycle, as a result of an accident involving a pickup truck.


Dave ‘Big Willy’ Stoike is showing the new Boogie commercial in the production office for anyone interested in viewing it.    


ITEM 12:  Following a short break, the Boogie portion of the meeting commenced.  Those joining were:  Electricians Russell ‘Gus’ Beers, Noah Sample & Allen Brown; EMS Coordinators Michael ‘Hadji’ Barnes & Angie Crawford; & A&A Quick Pump Ron Craig.


Jay offered information in some areas where we plan to economize.  Jay mentioned that the stunt show we’re contracting is receiving positive reviews on social media.  He communicated that Marc is bartering ads with other SMROs to advertise Boogie in their publications.  Dave Stoike explained that our Boogie commercials will air via Comcast in Bedford, Bloomington, & a couple of other metro areas, & we plan to inundate social media.  He asked that everyone share them on their pages.  Jay asked everyone, but specifically Joe Garland, to distribute Boogie promo cards & posters in the area around LCRP.  


We were offered services of a mobile screening operation during Boogie; consensus from the group is to forgo the offer. 


ITEM 13:  Jay confirmed preparedness & needs with each region & crew.  We’ll consider moving the EMS station from the corner of the field to under the Big Top.  Charlie Whelchel introduced his son, Dakota, who will coordinate the Handicap Crew & services this year.  Rayce asked the crews to let him know if there’s anything they need him to do; Rayce has a list of jobs that need done when volunteers are available.  Tina stated there will be a jobs list in the admin trailer Boogie week.  She reminded everyone that the only crews allowed in before Sunday are Tent, VIP, Electricians & Vendor Coordinators.  Anyone entering after Sunday should be prepared to pay admission.


Jay reminded everyone to be respectful of deadlines, procedures, policies & checklists.  He announced that a long time member & rider ed instructor has recently experienced a health issue & may need some help with repairs &/or renovations at his home.


ITEM 14:  Meeting adjourned, 4:26pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Tina McCormack



The next scheduled Board of Directors meeting will be August 18 at Freedom Hall. 




Motion 1:  Wayne Kopec made a motion to approve the January/February financials, with a second by Ken Harris.  Region 4 was not present, all regions present voted yes; motion carried.


Motion 2:  Jan Johns motioned to approve AdComm’s recommendation to award the Am Vets grant, Mo Kintner seconded.  Regions 01, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11 & 13voted in favor, regions 00, 02, 03 & 12 voted no; motion carried.


Motion 3:  Ken Harris made the motion to adjourn, Scott Bowman seconded.  All regions voted in favor; motion carried.

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