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Board Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

November 14, 2014

Clarion Waterfront Hotel, Indianapolis, IN


Executive Director Jay Jackson called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:36pm.  Those in attendance were:  Region 00-Teresa & Ray Bodle; Region 01-Wayne Kopec & Al ‘Putt’ Putman; Region 02-Don ‘Bear’ & Jude Hewitt, Brian ‘Beatle’ Bendel, Krista Bushore, Katrina, Terry Young, & ‘Big’ John Ramirez; Region 03-Rodney Walker, Mark Cullum & Brett Anderson; Region 05-Troy Striegel, Tony Brummett,  Randy Penix, & Brent Hemmelgarn; Region 06-Fred Spencer, Joey Macke, & Scott Setchfield; Region 07-Ken Harris, & Ernie & Janet Davidson; Region 08-Greg Turner, Ricky ‘Mohican’, Cathy & Brittany Burch, & Kevin Richardson; Region 09-Mo Kintner; Region 10-Darla Abel & Thom ‘Hippie’ Henderson; Region 11-Chuck Powell & Ken Casey; Region 12-Dave Hawkins; Region 13-Paul ‘PD3’ Douglas; AdComm- Dave ‘Frosty’ Frost, Gino Johnson & Bob Stoner; LINC-Mike Meyer; Event Security-Mike ‘Mongo’ Pottorff & Mike Clendenen; Membership Committee-Mike Seiler; Editor/Publisher Marc Falsetti; Secretary/Treasurer Tina McCormack; Administrative Assistant Stephanie Harmon; Guests-Dave ‘Monkey’ Roberts, Greg & Kathy Tenbrook, & Edie Seiler; Guest Speakers-Abby James, Hoosier Burn Camp & David Hall & Bob Hughes, Disabled Veterans Wish Foundation.  Region 04 was absent.


ITEM 1:  Abby spoke about Hoosier Burn Camp & how donations from ABATE of Indiana’s ABC State Charity have benefitted the recipients.  She then asked for questions.


David Hall, founder of The Disabled Veterans Wish Foundation/IN, explained the history & purpose of the organization, and then answered questions from the group. 


ITEM 2:   With no questions regarding July/August financials, Tina asked for a motion to approve.



She then reviewed the September/October financial highlights with the board.  Tina referred everyone to the incident report form included in their packets, & reminded them that ABATE of Indiana waivers must be signed by all participants at our events.


Gino added that we are up to date on tax filings.


ITEM 3:  Jay updated the group regarding Coliseum Bingo.  While year-to-date revenues are down over this period last year, 2013 revenues were up over 2012.  Gaming revenues are down not only state-wide, but across the county, according to the Gaming Insight, a publication to which we subscribe.


ITEM 4:  Jay then discussed LCRP.  The COC (Confederation of Clubs) cancelled the event they had scheduled at LCRP this year, but are requesting use of the property on September 11 & 12, 2015.  Mike Gibbs of MAXC Racing cancelled their event scheduled for November 15th due to the forecasted cold temperatures.  While we are expecting a MAXC event at LCRP in 2015, we are also hoping to hear from GNCC for an event next year.  We were contacted recently by a group of spelunkers that are interested in renting a portion of LCRP next August for their annual event, which hosts 200-300 participants.


The furnace in the office trailer is no longer working, so we are in the process of replacing the unit.


ITEM 5:  Rick Dorfmeyer expressed interest in holding the OHV motorcycle seat on the ITAB (Indiana Trails Advisory Board), for a two year term.  ABATE is hosting a meeting with a group of interested parties in the OHV community at the Bargersville office this Tuesday, November 18.  Jay stated that the group will work to determine our OHV legislative agenda for 2015. 


ITEM 6:  Jay & Mike Meyer gave an update on our recent state elections.  We are headed into a long session of the Indiana General Assembly. 


Mike advised that the MRF’s legislative agenda is posted on their website.  He added that some Indiana issues could mirror MRF’s.


Jay distributed a flyer containing information about HB1343 & HB1080, the traffic actuated signal & the motor driven cycle (MDC) laws.  He advised that BMV has a video on their website, attempting to explain the law concerning MDCs.  Each of the two different classifications of MDCs & motorcycles will receive different color license plates.  With the new law we should know how many of these units there are, & they will count toward motorcycle registration numbers.


ITEM 7:  One reason our rider ed student numbers are down is the delay we experienced at the beginning of the season while waiting on approval of new sites.  Historically, toward the end of the season is when we see short classes, or classes with fewer than 12 students. 


Because of untenable requirements in the Indiana BMV’s RFP, ABATE of Indiana did not submit a proposal for the rider ed contract.  The MSF did reply to Indiana’s RFP.  To the best of our knowledge, no contract has been awarded at this time.  Discussion followed regarding several contingency plans for ABATE of Indiana to conduct rider education outside of the contract.


ITEM 8:  Jay reminded everyone that we will conduct breakout sessions during tomorrow’s Fall Seminar, but no Director’s Prep on Sunday.  Marie from the AMA will present & speak about federal legislation & the definition of a motorcycle.


Jay asked for consensus on scheduling a Director’s Preparation for January 9-11, 2015.  Most (12 of 14) committed to attend.  This will be for directors only.


ITEM 9:  Bob Stoner stated that we need to vote for the 2015 ABC State Charity.  It was decided by vote to have The Hoosier Burn Camp be the beneficiary again next year.


ITEM 10:  Ad Comm elections took place.  With no other nominations, Gino Johnson & Rod Taylor were re-elected to the Ad Comm.



ITEM 11:  Mike Seiler distributed updated membership numbers & newsletter submission percentages.  The Marketing Committee is contemplating our ability to print membership cards at events, a dealer drive similar to our current membership drive, & utilizing the ‘pizza box’ for distribution of various promotional materials.


Rodney announced that he will accept requests for the Tiny Tots program in February.  Training for the program will be at the Indiana Motorcycle Expo, & the Hoosier Outdoor Experience (HOEX) next year.  Hundreds of children participate in the Tiny Tots at both of these events.  


ITEM 12:  Jay explained that we revised some numbers in our Fact Sheet, in which we report motorcycle registrations, injuries, & fatalities among other topics.  For unknown reasons, there are some discrepancies with previous numbers so these have now been corrected.


Jay then brought up discussion regarding 3-wheel vehicles, such as the T Rex & Slingshot.  These vehicles have a windshield & steering wheel.  It is not clear at this time if the Indiana BMV will register the Slingshot as a motorcycle or car.  Discussion followed.


Wayne asked about our lifetime membership procedure.


ITEM 13:  Tina reminded the board that awards lists are due by the end of this year, & all reports & contributions for awards calculations are due by January 10th.  We need to order plaques mid-January since our Awards Banquet is only a few weeks after the New Year.  Jay again encouraged respect of deadlines & policies from our board.  Tina then asked for consensus as to which type of award plaque to use for ABATE officer awards.  Consensus was to return to the one year plaque for officers; we’ll continue to use the three year plaque for rider education since that is the group that initiated a multi-year plaque.


ITEM 14:  Dave Hawkins requested the board convene to Executive Session.


ITEM 15:  Meeting adjourned at 10:20pm.



Respectfully submitted,




Tina McCormack



The next scheduled BOD meeting is February 13 at Clarion Waterfront.






Motion 1:  Bear made a motion with a second by Troy to approve July/August financials.  All regions present voted yes; motion carried.


Motion 2:  Rodney nominated Gino for Ad Comm, Mo seconded.


Motion 3:  Wayne nominated Rod Taylor for Ad Comm, Rodney seconded.


Motion 4:  Nominations were closed.


Motion 5:  Wayne motioned to adjourn, Bear seconded.  All regions present in favor; motion carried.


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