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Board Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
October 15, 2011
LCRP, Springville, IN

Executive Director Jay Jackson called the meeting to order at 2:21pm. Everyone rose for the Pledge of Allegiance. Those present were: Region 00-Teresa & Ray Bodle, & Mike Curtis; Region 01-Al Putman and Wayne Kopec; Region 02-Don and Jude Hewitt; Region 03-Rodney Walker; Region 04-Jan Johns & Chuc Hunter; Region 05-Troy Striegel; Region 06-Bob Stoner; Region 09-Mo Kintner, Region 10-Frank Ira, Thom Henderson & Darla Abel; Region 11-Ken Casey; Region 12-Dave Hawkins; Region 13-Gary Willis; Ad Comm-Gino Johnson & Dave Frost; Membership Committee-Mike Seiler; LINC-Mike Meyer; State Office-Secretary/Treasurer Tina McCormack, Operations Director Gary Williams, and Edie Seiler. Region 07, Ken Harris, arrived at 3:40; Region 08, Greg Turner, arrived at 2:50.

ITEM 1: With no questions on the May/June financials, Tina asked for a motion to approve.

Tina distributed and reviewed July and August financials. Discussion on Boogie financials ensued. Additional analysis will be provided by the Boogie Committee at the November meeting.

Tina explained the definition of a “walk-in membership” to be a person that pays their membership in person at the State Office and receives their membership card(s) at that time; we haven’t processed memberships in that manner in several years.

Tina reiterated the importance of the regions meeting their deadlines.

Gino informed the BOD that he, Jay and Tina met with KeyBank recently. Interest income remains down due to low interest rates, which is common everywhere. Communication efforts from KeyBank have improved.

ITEM 2: Gary Williams addressed the group on bingo operations. Gaming numbers are down statewide. We had a strong first quarter, but saw a decrease in attendance and dollars spent in the second quarter. Recently attendance has grown, and players are spending more dollars on average. Teresa inquired about shingles on the building; we’ll replace them as needed, and may consider an alternate material for the next roof replacement.

Because of the wet spring business was down at LCRP early this year. Once the weather dried in the summer, attendance increased and we are just slightly behind our attendance numbers from last year. Mike Gibbs, racing promoter (MAXC Racing) plans to work on trail maintenance this fall and winter, and also will work with Road Kill Road Crew (RKRC) to repair a bridge. Mike and RKRC are donating their time.

LCRP hosted a Polaris job fair on September 23rd. A regional sales manager and a few human resources personnel interviewed potential candidates for internship at Polaris. The regional sales manager was impressed with LCRP. They want to meet with Gary regarding LCRP hosting their regional meeting there. We have an opportunity to partner with Polaris on some future events at LCRP, including the Boogie and Miracle Trail Ride. Gary stated that Polaris is a very good organization to work with.

Jay reviewed the DIRT breakout session from Meeting of the Minds (MOTM). DIRT will be heavily involved in the safety committee that Indiana Trails Advisory Board (ITAB) has established.

Mike Meyer reminded everyone that in August, President Obama signed legislation making it legal to sell youth motorcycles and ATVs. Mike attributes ABATE of Indiana and Bikers Inside the Beltway (BIB) for influencing support of this legislation. On September 20, the Interim Study Committee on Transportation took testimony regarding low speed motorcycles. Jay and Gary attended, and Jay and the Evansville Police Department presented.

Jay reminded the BOD that next year is a short session in our General Assembly. The only constitutional requirement they have is to pass a bi-annual budget, which they have already accomplished. There’s been a lot of talk about Right to Work, and we might see activity on motorized bicycles in the short session.

We will set dates for ABATE Day and Kids’ Day at the Statehouse, and will publish those dates at the Fall Seminar. The Atrium dates are limited, due to the several week walkout earlier this year.

Driver Education reforms and graduated drivers’ license are current topics, and could affect our Rider Education program. Greg stated that the Evansville FOP wants motorcycle endorsements, registrations and insurance requirements for riders of motorized bicycles. Jay replied that we’ve met with Evansville Police Department and a Vanderburgh County judge. Jay stated that ABATE does not necessarily support mandatory rider education for endorsements for several reasons. Not only would demand be greater than supply, but the reason for students registering for the course, from voluntary to required, could impact the attitude of the student. The minimum requirements to legally operate a motorized bicycle, or moped, are a minimum of 15 years of age and either a valid operator’s license or state id. While Evansville PD is asking for licensure, they are willing to make some compromise. Mo brought up a concern that legislators may look to further restrict or mandate motorcyclists. Jay strongly believes that Indiana legislators will not pass helmet legislation anytime soon, unless forced to do so by the Federal government.

Motorcycle Safety Division (MSD) update was given by Jay. By July of this year, the number of moped fatalities was double as compared to 2010; motorcycle fatalities are now one more than this time last year, at 103. Next year, being an even numbered year, required updates for MSD Instructors will be taking place in the early part of the year. While our student numbers are slightly below the contracted number, they are up from last year. We still have openings at our Fort Wayne site. Crown Point and Fort Wayne cancelled a number of classes this year due to decreased demand in those areas. Two of the motorcycles stolen from our Carmel site last July were recovered this past week, and Indianapolis Metro Police recovered one about six weeks ago. We’re hopeful that we will eventually find the trailer and the rest of the motorcycles.

This Wednesday, October 19th, is the quarterly NHTSA meeting in DC, which Jay will attend.

Mike Meyer requested 2012 Tour points of interest from the regions to be submitted at the Fall Seminar. Please also make sure the site chosen is open to the public during riding season.

ITEM 3: The Ad Comm met earlier today and reviewed the financials and election procedures. They also discussed the membership drive and the situation in Region 9.

ITEM 4: Mike Seiler gave the Membership Committee report. Membership numbers are beginning to increase, and we are close to where we were this time last year. 818 memberships can be attributed to the membership drive; 10 free memberships have been earned so far this year. Mike asked if the membership drive should continue into 2012.

The new member welcome letter has been mailed to new members in Regions 1 and 9. The committee will monitor membership activity in these regions for the next two – three years to determine if the welcome letter has any impact on retaining members. Mike presented a timeline of when membership and benefits begin. Discussion followed. Jay asked the BOD to encourage members to join and renew through our website, so their transaction is received by the state office directly and immediately. Mike requested the BOD submit comments and suggestions on the timeline to him prior to the November meeting.

Kenny stated that the BOD will vote in the November meeting on next year’s state charity. There have been no submissions to the Ad Comm. Frank and others talked about how involved with ABATE Hoosier Burn Camp has been this year.

Bob Stoner reminded the regions to review and implement their respective election procedures.

Frank is investigating increased power at LCRP for the Boogie.

ITEM 5: Wayne reviewed his experience at the MOTM. Classifications of two and three wheeled vehicles and noise were highlighted, as well as impaired and distracted riding. Rod Taylor presented a workshop regarding liability; Roy and Al presented the DIRT session; sport bikers also presented a breakout session. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) wants to spend dollars on safe crashes, while we believe in preventing crashes. The CDC is getting involved in the motorcycle industry and believes helmet use is the cure for motorcycle deaths. The EPA is pushing for 15% ethanol in gasoline, which could damage motorcycle engines. ABATE of Indiana received the Ron Shepard Motorcycle Safety & Awareness award for our MSD’s successful transition to BMV from DOE.

Jay stated that the MRF greatly appreciates the efforts and contributions from ABATE of Indiana. Rodney added that MOTM was exciting and informative.

Jay reviewed past events – ABATE Day at the State Fair, MotoGP, Toby Keith Ride, and Hoosier Outdoor Experience (HOEX). All were respectfully attended, we had no major issues with any of the events, and ABATE received good exposure. Gary announced that 3,065 attended the UTV rides and Tiny Tots. Rodney felt the Tiny Tots experience at HOEX was intense, but very rewarding. We had one blind and two deaf children ride in Tiny Tots. Jay added that the children’s’ experience in Tiny Tots may materialize into our next generation of motorcyclists. He also encouraged everyone to promote ABATE at events where we’re involved.

ITEM 6: We are finalizing plans for Fall Seminar. Jay requested suggestions for the agenda from the BOD. In addition to emphasizing the Guidebook, we will highlight some happenings over the past year that we need to revise or improve upon. While breakout sessions are popular with attendees, we feel everyone needs to hear most of what is reviewed. Since we did not offer breakouts last year, we will schedule a couple for this year. We will be sharing the Clarion this year with a group that reserved rooms several years ago for a convention. We will relocate our party to the ballroom versus the atrium to segregate our group from theirs. Because of renovations the bar and restaurant will not be open during our seminar, but we will have use of the restaurant area and ballroom. This is our opportunity to incorporate a hospitality contest like ABATE of Michigan has at their annual seminar. All regions, with the exception of 3, 5, 6, and 12 agreed to participate in a hospitality contest.

In November we will hold Ad Comm elections, finalize 2012 sanctioned dates, and vote for the 2012 ABC State Charity recipient. The BOD received a calendar of 2012 scheduled events at this meeting.

Jay announced that the national National Coalition of Motorcyclists’ (NCOM) convention will be hosted in Indianapolis next year. Traditionally the hosting state’s motorcyclists’ rights organization provides a hospitality suite, and they have asked if we would be interested in doing so. Kenny said the convention is scheduled for Mother’s Day weekend. Jay estimates 400-500 attendees. Region 11 members will probably be responsible for the hospitality suite.

The meeting ended with the drawing for the 2011 ABC State Charity motorcycle; Joe and Debbie Adams are the winners of the Sportster from Wabash Valley Harley-Davidson.

Meeting adjourned at 4:44 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Tina McCormack

Motion 1: Kenny Casey made a motion to accept the June/July financials; Frank Ira seconded the motion. Regions 7 & 8 were absent; Region 4 abstained; all others in favor. Motion carried.

Motion 2: Kenny Casey motioned to continue the membership drive in 2012; Frank Ira seconded. Region 7 was absent; all others in favor. Motion carried.

Motion 3: Kenny Casey motioned to adjourn; Jan Johns seconded. All in favor, motion carried.

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