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Board Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

April 12, 2015

Bargersville Annex, Bargersville, IN


Executive Director Jay Jackson called the meeting to order at 12:20pm & led in the Pledge of Allegiance.  Those in attendance were:  Region 00-Teresa & Ray Bodle; Region 01-Wayne Kopec; Region 02-Don ‘Bear’ Hewitt & James Hale; Region 03-Rodney Walker, Scott Bowman, & Mark Cullum; Region 04-Jan Johns (& Chuc Hunter joined during committee reports); Region 05-Tony Brummett; Region 06-Joey & Sheryl Macke, Mark Thomas & Scott Setchfield; Region 07-Ken Harris, Ernie Davidson, Donna Carter & Dave McCoy; Region 08-Ricky ‘Mohican’ Burch; Region 09-Mo Kintner; Region 10-Darla Abel; Region 11- Ken ‘KFC’ Casey; Region 12-Dave Hawkins; Region 13-Paul ‘PD3’  & Sharon Douglas; AdComm- Dave ‘Frosty’ Frost, Rod Taylor & Bob Stoner; LINC-Mike Meyer; Event Security-Mike ‘Mongo’ Pottorff & Mike Clendenen; Membership Committee-Mike Seiler; Editor/Publisher Marc Falsetti; Secretary/Treasurer Tina McCormack; MSD – Bob Maas & Mike ‘Digger’ Phelps.


ITEM 1:  Having received no questions on Nov/Dec financials, Tina asked for a motion to approve.



Tina addressed the dashboard & financials for Jan/Feb, noting that even after capital expenditures in 2014, our cash on hand is improved over this time last year.  She stated that for this year she will include an additional report with the financials showing capital expenses for the period.  We were pleasantly surprised with higher than anticipated rider ed registration numbers during Expo weekend.  Coliseum Bingo will donate to MSD to cover the cost of rider ed equipment purchased this year.


ITEM 2:  Jay invited Marc to address the group.  Marc reminded the directors that they have access to the most up-to-date information in our database for their membership lists; if they request a list from the state office, it could be a couple of weeks old by the time they receive the list.  He reminded everyone that he recently disabled our contact page on the website due to an enormous number of spam emails. We are working on an alternate mode for contact links, but do not have an estimate of when that will be launched. 


Marc asked that directors monitor Facebook pages for any issues that may need addressed, & to keep the state office informed.


He thanked the regions for increasing their submissions to the Hoosier Motorcyclist.


Marc informed them that we seem to have weathered the issues we had with reports from the database.  We continue to see current members joining as new instead of renewing their membership, which causes the need for a 2nd membership package to me mailed to them, increasing materials cost & postage expense as well as additional time to correct.  Marc explained a function of our storefront that caused an issue with RV site reservations, wherein sites held in a shopping cart were not actually held until the person checked out, allowing someone else to purchase that site prior to their checking out.  We also learned this week that some members that joined and/or renewed at the Expo have not received their membership packages.  We do ask that members contact us when they do not receive their mailings. 


ITEM 3:  Jay updated the board on bingo numbers.  We continue to monitor expenses.


ITEM 4:  Jay reviewed LCRP rider activity.  Our numbers are higher than last winter due to weather conditions.


He then advised the board of a request to build a shelter house.  Discussion followed.



Next, Jay followed up on the recent signing of a timber contract.


Jay distributed copies of the proposal from Bynum Fanyo & Associates, an architecture, engineering & planning firm we’ve been working with to satisfy the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDOH) in regards to the septic system at LCRP.  Discussion followed.   The board will reevaluate the project when we receive the designs from Bynum.



ITEM 5:  Jay announced that Roy Garrett is conducting an adventure class this weekend.  The Limestone 100 is 4/25-26.  We have posters available for distribution, & the promoter is looking for workers that weekend.  Tina announced the available positions & wages, & will email the schedule to the directors.


ITEM 6:  Jay then led into MSD.  Much discussion followed on the history of ABATE of Indiana’s MSD, our involvement in rider ed for the past 36 years, our partnerships with various state agencies in the motorcycle safety program, the most recent RFP for a rider ed contractor, & the current issues of concern.  The reasons we did not respond to the RFP were reviewed.  Bob Maas, Digger Phelps & Rod Taylor gave their understanding & opinions regarding the contract to allow ABATE of Indiana to issue the waiver.  Much detail was discussed regarding our concerns with not only the RFP, but also the contract to allow us to issue the waiver, which was recently distributed to the directors via email.



Discussion followed concerning our intentions for the future of our rider ed program, & our continued success.  Our intentions always have been & continue to be for the best interest of Indiana motorcyclists.


One observation that was stated is that a large portion of the titles (for state owned equipment) that were supplied to us by the BMV were generated in 2015.


Our kickoff event for Motorcycle Safety & Awareness Month is Thursday, 5/7 on Monument Circle in Indianapolis from 11am-1pm.


We are compiling a diary detailing misinformation given with regard to rider ed.  We will provide this information to the BMV.  Discussion turned to the new law for registration of MDCs.


ITEM 7:  Frank Moyer was contacted via speaker phone to be included in this meeting.  He updated the board on our current choices & offers for Boogie entertainment.  There was discussion regarding karaoke for Thursday night; consensus was to have a local/regional band & karaoke on Thursday night.  Frank asked for day stage band contact info as soon as possible.   Mongo & Tina reminded the directors that Boogie workers’ lists are due at our June BOD meeting. 


Jay took this time to again implore the directors to respect & abide by the deadlines we have in place.  It allows us to be more efficient with the resources we have.  He stated that we try to support them & make their job easier, & asked them to do the same with the officers within their region.  We try to find amicable solutions to problems whenever possible.


ITEM 8:  Jay displayed the boxes of printed bills from this session of the Indiana General Assembly.


Mike Meyer reviewed SB383, the auto cycle bill.  In addition to defining auto cycles, the restriction for handlebar height will be lifted upon passage of this bill.


Jay announced this year’s Ride with the Governor will be July 31.  The planned ride direction is north, but specifics are not yet available.


Our current session of the Indiana General Assembly is scheduled to end on 4/29.  Next year is a short session, & we will be putting together an aggressive legislative agenda for 2016.  


ITEM 9:  On behalf of the AdComm, Bob Stoner requested applications for the 2016 ABC State Charity to be submitted no later than our June BOD meeting.  AdComm is looking forward to the completion of the maintenance schedule for LCRP, as well as the operations manual.


Frosty added that the June BOD meeting date will be a good time for regions to inspect their areas for Boogie prep.  Jay reminded the group that everyone needs to sign an LCRP waiver when entering the property, & asked the regions to coordinate with the state office when their groups are planning to work at LCRP.


ITEM 10:  Mike Seiler reviewed current membership numbers, & thanked the regions for increased submissions to the magazine.


Rodney announced that visitors’ day for Hoosier Burn Camp is 5/27 at Camp Tecumseh.  Discussion concerning taking Tiny Tots to Miracle Trail Ride (MTR) followed.


Jay informed the group that the Clarion on the Waterfront would like to know the date for our 2016 Awards Banquet, as they have another group interested in their facility.  It was decided that our banquet will be 2/13/16.


Tony explained the original specifications for the regions’ Memorial Walls, & his region’s idea for modifying the walls for expansion so they can still be attached to other walls for display.  The Wall Committee will submit specs & drawings to the board in a future meeting.  Discussion followed about a complete memorial list for ABATE of Indiana.


ITEM 11:  There was no old business to discuss.


ITEM 12:  Mongo asked for volunteers for Motorcycles on Meridian, 8/7 & 8/8.  He reminded the directors to bring their Boogie workers’ list to the June BOD meeting.  He announced the 1st annual Indiana Freedom Fest 5/14-5/16 at Bill Monroe’s Campground to benefit the Indiana War Memorial.  ABATE will have a booth at the event.  There’s another awareness event on 6/20 at the Indiana War Memorial Museum.  Jay reminded the group that our kickoff event for Motorcycle Safety & Awareness Month is at the Soldiers & Sailors Monument.


Mo requested permission to add a sanctioned event on 7/25.  He then asked for lifetime memberships for 3 members.  Discussion followed.





Wayne requested lifetime memberships for some members.  Discussion followed.







Joey requested permission to add 2 sanctioned events for Region 6, 1 on 4/25 & the 2nd on 6/13.


ITEM 13:  Meeting adjourned, 4:05pm. 





Respectfully submitted,




Tina McCormack



The next scheduled BOD meeting is June 6 at LCRP.






Motion 1:  Jan made the motion to approve Nov/Dec financials, & Teresa seconded.  All regions voted yes; motion carried.


Motion 2:  Ken Casey made the motion to allow construction of a shelter house, following our guidelines, which will allow use for Perry Township Volunteer Fire Department during Boogie, & eliminate the need for a tent for Midget’s group; Rodney seconded the motion.  Regions 00, 03, 04, 05, 06, 08, 10, 11 & 13 voted in favor, Regions 01, 02, 07, 09 & 12 voted against; motion carried.


Motion 3:  Tony motioned that ABATE proceed with the Bynum Fanyo & Associates proposal for LCRP, & Teresa seconded.  All regions in favor; motion carried.


Motion 4:  Ken Casey motioned to authorize Jay to sign the BMV contract to allow ABATE to issue the waiver, but also allow negotiations in ABATE’s favor; Joey seconded.  Region 01 voted no, all other regions in favor; motion carried.


Motion 5:  Mo motioned to nominate Gene Sutton for a lifetime membership, Rodney seconded.  Region 09 abstained, all other regions in favor; motion carried.


Motion 6:  Mo made the motion to nominate Steve Parks for a lifetime membership, Jan seconded.  Region 09 abstained, all other regions in favor, motion carried.


Motion 7:  Mo motioned to nominate Willy Holloway for a lifetime membership, Ken Casey seconded.  Region 09 abstained, all other regions in favor; motion carried.


Motion 8:  Wayne motioned to nominate Bruce Teel for a lifetime membership, & Joey seconded.  All regions in favor; motion carried.


Motion 9:  Wayne made a motion to nominate Deb Miller for a lifetime membership, Rodney seconded.  All regions voted yes; motion carried.


Motion 10:  Wayne made the motion to nominate Richard Gamble for a lifetime membership, Rodney seconded.  All regions voted yes; motion carried.


Motion 11:  Wayne motioned to nominate Mike & Jenny Dawson for lifetime memberships, Mo seconded.  All regions in favor; motion carried.


Motion 12:  Wayne motioned to nominate Robert Taber for a lifetime membership, & Tony seconded.  All regions voted yes; motion carried.


Motion 13:  Ken Harris motioned to adjourn, Ken Casey seconded.  All regions in favor; motion carried.

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