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Board Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

August 16, 2014

Freedom Hall, Fort Wayne IN


Executive Director Jay Jackson called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance at 12:15pm.  Those in attendance were:  Region 00-Teresa & Ray Bodle; Region 01-Wayne Kopec; Region 02-Don ‘Bear’ & Jude Hewitt, & Brian ‘Beatle’ Bendel; Region 03-Rodney Walker; Region 04-Kay Hurst; Region 05-Don Main & Troy Brummett; Region 06-Fred Spencer & Scott Setchfield; Region 07-Ken Harris, Ernie & Janet Davidson; Region 08-Greg Turner; Region 09-Mo Kintner; Region 10-Darla Abel & Thom ‘Hippie’ Henderson; Region 11-Chuck Powell; Region 12-Dave Hawkins; AdComm- Bob Stoner & Dave ‘Frosty’ Frost; Freedom Hall Manager-Elizabeth ‘Izzy’ Hanes; Secretary/Treasurer Tina McCormack; Membership Committee-Mike Seiler; EMS Coordinator-Bernie Noll; Guest-Edie Seiler.  Region 13 Paul Douglas notified the State Office that he would not be attending the meeting due to his region’s event.


ITEM 1:  Tina reviewed May & June financials.  With no questions on March/April financials, she requested a motion to approve.



ITEM 2:  Jay updated the group on the status of Coliseum Bingo.  Although dollars spent per player is down, attendance has been good.


ITEM 3:  Jay then discussed LCRP.  The Confederation of Clubs (COC) would like to rent LCRP for their event again this year.


ITEM 4:  In Roy Garrett’s absence, Jay reviewed DIRT activities.  Roy is working with the AMA on legislation affecting off highway vehicles (OHV).  He also is developing an adventure course. 


ITEM 5:  Jay updated the group on the year-to-date motorcycle fatalities. 


ITEM 6:  ABATE of Indiana’s 2014 contribution to the MRF was discussed.



Jay explained the motor driven cycle legislation which takes affect in January of 2015.  The rider is required to obtain an endorsement on either their Indiana state ID or Indiana operator’s license; the test to obtain the endorsement will contain 25 questions on traffic signs.


ITEM 7:  Jay requested that the Boogie Committee be resurrected.  Darla agreed to continue to chair the committee.  Teresa urged the board to unite & meet on a regular basis until solutions & suggestions are agreed upon.  Consensus was to meet during the next 3 regularly scheduled event weekends – Workers’ Party, Fall Seminar, & Awards Banquet.  Discussion followed regarding the size of the early workers’ list as compared to total attendance.


Our contract with Parr Sound & Lights was discussed.



ITEM 8:  Bob updated everyone on the topics discussed during the AdComm meeting earlier today.  The only topic not yet discussed in this meeting is the Bargersville office maintenance.  Jay replied that we did replace the HVAC unit in the annex, & still plan to pave or concrete the area from the garage doors to the alley.  He added that Main St Bargersville, a group of local business people, have been using our annex for their meeting space for the past several months.


Jay then stated that the cabinets we purchased for Products have improved the storage & transportation of our product line.  Mo requested a denim shirt with pocket be added to the product line; others agreed.


ITEM 9:  Mike S distributed current membership numbers. 


Rodney requested volunteers for the upcoming HOEX, September 20-21.  He informed that the Tiny Tots receives more participants during non-ABATE events than ABATE sanctioned events.


ITEM 10:  There was no old business to discuss.


ITEM 11:  Attendance to this year’s Meeting of the Minds was brought up.  Expense reimbursement vs. the State Office making arrangements was discussed; it was decided that attendees will make their own arrangements & submit an expense report to the State Office. 


Wayne requested that the directors be notified with an introduction of any new office personnel.


The Workers’ Party invitation process was discussed.  The directors prefer to receive blank invitations from the state office, then complete & deliver the invitations, with the RSVP date to be 10/10/14.  They will forward the total number of invitations needed to Tina by 8/23/14.


Tina reminded everyone that election results are due as soon as elections are complete, & sanction dates are due at the October meeting.  She will email proposed state event dates next week.


Meeting adjourned prior to Executive Session, at 2:30pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Tina McCormack



The next scheduled BOD meeting is October 18 at LCRP.





Motion 1:  Bear motioned & Kay seconded to approve the March/April financials.  Region 09 voted against, all others present voted to approve; motion carried.


Motion 2:  Dave made the motion, & Chuck seconded, to contribute $20,000 to the MRF this year.  All present voted to approve; motion carried.


Motion 3:  Teresa motioned with a second by Chuck, to revise our contract with Parr Sound & Lights to payout the remaining balance in equal installments in 2014, 2015, & 2016.


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