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Board Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

April 9, 2017

ABATE Conference Center, Bargersville, IN


Executive Director Jay Jackson opened the meeting at 1:15pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Those in attendance were:  Region 00-Pam McCoy; Region 01-Wayne Kopec & Holly Bridgman; Region 02-Don ‘Bear’ Hewitt; Region 03-Scott Bowman & Justin Kennedy (arrived at 1:40); Region 04-Jan Johns & Lori Bussell; Region 05-Tony Brummett & Randy & Janet Penix; Region 06-Joey Macke (arrived at 1:40); Region 07- Ken Harris; Region 08-Mike Jeffers; Region 09-Mo Kintner; Region 10-Thom ‘Hippy’ & Ben Henderson; Region 11-Zach Bird; Region 12-Dave Hawkins & Brian Russell; Region 13-Aaron Meyer & Reno Richardson; AdComm- Rick Thompson & Bob Stoner; LINC-Mike Meyer; DIRT-Roy Garrett; Event Security-Mike ‘Mongo’ Pottorff & Mike Clendenen; MRF State Rep-Roberta Meyer; Operations Director LCRP-Rayce Guthrie; Editor/Publisher-Marc Falsetti (departed after his presentation); Secretary/Treasurer Tina McCormack; Administrative Assistant Dana Surd.


ITEM 1:  Tina requested a motion to approve the November/December financials.



She then reviewed the January/February financial package distributed at this meeting.  We authorized an auto pay for the Key mortgage beginning March 1; the decrease in membership income is directly related to the decrease in rider ed registrations.  Bob Stoner asked for an explanation regarding fraudulent charges.  In January, there were charges to Marc’s Key purchase card that he did not authorize; KeyBank detected the fraudulent activity & reissued him another card.  We received the refund in February. 


Tina asked for an update regarding signatories for three region accounts that need modified (Regions 0, 10 & 11), & requested monthly reports & bank statements from Regions 0 & 5.


Jay reminded the group that we have a responsibility to be accountable for all funds raised & donated.  


Tina asked that any ABATE events be sanctioned through the state office prior to the distribution of flyers and/or appearing in county/region minutes.  Mo discussed a membership drive he is hosting for his region, a non-ABATE event.


Jay talked about toy runs, & explained the process that should be followed.  As a 501 (c)(3), funds raised through ABATE cannot benefit any member(s).  We will create & distribute a policy that will be added to the Guidebook.  Pam inquired about how to report in-kind donations; Jay & Tina agreed that to avoid confusion, in-kind donations should not be included on the treasurer’s report, but rather in the monthly minutes. 


ITEM 2:  Marc distributed the ABC brochures & added that we do not have a surplus in the office.  Cyndii is working on a flyer for the events.  Discussion ensued regarding the procedure for reviewing ABC submissions.  Some board members are unable to receive emails from the state office.  AdComm will review & summarize the submissions, then present to the full board.  


ITEM 3:  Scott Bowman recently inspected the roof on Freedom Hall.  He believes we will be able to repair some areas to extend the surface life of the roof, rather than replace the entire roof at this time.  He then offered to coordinate with Elizabeth (building manager) in having contractors look at the roof & submit bids. 


ITEM 4:  Marc demonstrated the wireless presentation equipment that our rider ed sites are using for the Basic Rider Skills (BRS).  The sites also have a DVD version as a backup.   This system gives the sites immediate access to our database, as well as the ability to message the state office.  We added the option for sites to process credit card transactions through the iPad, for walk-on registrations.  We intend to convert class forms to electronic versions, & are also working to make our website mobile friendly.  Aaron asked if the regions will be able to use the iPad for memberships.  Marc answered that membership sales is one of the acceptable uses at this time.


Jay received positive feedback from the sites on Friday night, when five of our sites held their 1st class of the season.  Jay thanked Marc for his extra effort with this project.


Wayne asked about an infomercial.  Jay announced that we are currently working on infomercials for not only rider ed, but also the Boogie. 


Jay distributed our Rider Resource, the student’s workbook, to the board members.


ITEM 5:   Roy informed the group that LCRP will not be hosting a GNCC event this year, due to scheduling conflicts & availability of hotel rooms.


He then stated that we regularly receive requests for advanced off-road classes.  Roy will research the possibility of adding the adventure class to our offerings.  Jay added that while we are currently using the MSF curriculum for DBS, we can create our own if necessary.


ITEM 6:  Rayce explained that LCRP hopes to host a GNCC event again next year.  He then updated the board on current repairs & developments at LCRP.  The property is now open Thursday-Sunday, & he has deep cleaned the shower house.  The phone lines at LCRP have been out intermittently, & AT&T is working to correct the problem.  Bruce is working on the main gate shelter electricity.  LCRP may purchase fire rings for some of the campground sites.  LCRP now owns a roller to assist in leveling ground.


As Executive Chairman of the Motorcycle Dealers Association of Indiana (MDAI), Rayce discussed their recent meeting & offered to take our ideas back to them.  There are currently 48 dealers that are members of MDAI, out of a total of 90 OEM dealers in Indiana.


LCRP hosted a Test & Tune event in March with the Crossroads group, but the weather turned frigid that weekend, so there was minimal attendance.  Even so, Rayce believes he has increased the customer base due to the exposure during the event.  Rayce received a quote of $10,000 to install garage doors on the barn; he will postpone that project.


ITEM 7:  Jay participated in a motorcycle safety symposium in Austin, Texas on Friday, then presented in Cleveland, Ohio on Saturday.


He met with Peter Lacy & his new Chief of Staff recently.  We have been waiting for the annual report from Ride Safe Indiana (RSI) since December.  We historically have used this report in preparing for our upcoming rider ed season, as well as our legislative agenda. The last day for this legislative session is April 29, but is expected to end early. 


We currently have 27 approved examiners & have two more training sessions scheduled.  Our testing schedule is posted on the BMV’s website this year.  


Our instructors overall are very supportive of our new curriculum.  We may need additional new instructors after our current instructors have been updated to the new curriculum.  


Jay thanked Wayne & Region 1 for their support of our rider ed program.


Our 4th BRS update is scheduled for April 15.  ABATE will need 10 additional training bikes to support our program this season. We do have the option of borrowing bikes from the state. Discussion followed.



May is Motorcycle Safety & Awareness Month (MSAM) nationally and in Indiana.  We will again host an event on Monument Circle this year, on Thursday, May 4.  We can provide tools, info, and model proclamation to the regions for MSAM.


ITEM 8:  Mike Meyer updated everyone on the status of HB1200, the ATV helmet bill, & HB1491, the BMV cleanup bill with autocycle language.  Roberta announced creation of a bi-partisan motorcycle caucus in the US Senate.  Bikers Inside the Beltway (BIB) is May 23.


Jay announced that this year’s Meeting of the Minds (MOTM) will be in Virginia September 21-24.  Anyone interested in attending should contact Dana.


Mo asked about the Ride with the Governor; Jay answered that we have had some scheduling conflicts with the governor’s schedule, so we do not have a date at this time.


ITEM 9:  Bob Stoner stated that all topics discussed during the Advisory Committee earlier today have been included in this meeting, with the exception of Motorcycles on Meridian (MOM).  Jay will raise that discussion during Old Business.


Bob thanked Scott for his research & assistance with the roof at Freedom Hall, & reminded the board of the needed repair of the annex floor in this office.  Jay added that the AdComm is paying close attention to rider ed finances this year.


ITEM 10:  Tina distributed the handout supplied by the Marketing Committee.  Discussion followed.  Of the three suggestions, the group agreed that we need to follow up with a postcard reminder for membership renewals.


ITEM 11:  Jay updated the group on the status of MOM.  Discussion followed regarding our intended outcome from a sponsorship.  Jay asked for the directors to begin recruiting volunteers for the event now.  Tina attended a meeting on Thursday, which included representation from Downtown Indy, Department of Homeland Security, State Capitol Police, Indianapolis Metro Police Department, Indiana State Police, Department of Public Works, Indianapolis Fire Department, code enforcement & usually the Indiana War Memorial.


Mike ‘Mongo’ Pottorff announced his retirement after this year as our Event Security Director; Mike Clendenen will be our new director.  Jay thanked both Mongo & Mike.


Wayne asked for clarification on our event insurance policy.  Informational type booths at other events do not require an event insurance COI, but we do need the information to forward to our insurance agent.  ABATE currently does not require the regions to pay for event insurance for our Tiny Tots program, but a COI does need to be requested. 


ITEM 12:  Jay suggested we create a memorial for Michael ‘Balls’ Farabaugh, possibly the archives, or museum, in the Bargersville annex.  Wanda & Putt have donated historical documents for the archives.  


Jay began discussion on region & county products that not only compete with our current product line, but also can create separation rather than unification.   For various reasons, it doesn’t make sense that every county have its own product.  Discussion also ensued regarding regions requesting an ABATE customized easy-up.  Further discussion will be necessary, as they are costly.


Wayne offered a policy for our Tiny Tots program.  Discussion followed.  Jay agreed that we need to formalize the procedure & incorporate the current criteria.


Don ‘Bear’ Hewitt expressed his region’s desire to build a shelter house across from the main gate.



Dana provided an update on corrected nameplates for award plaques.  Discussion followed on the future of our Awards Banquet, since most regions have their own banquet.


Jay apprised the board on the entertainment lineup for Boogie.  We should be able to make announcements & begin promoting this coming week.


Tina asked the directors to forward their Boogie worker’s list & supplies requests to Dana no later than the June BOD meeting.  Jay announced that we will provide Boogie crew shirts this year.


ITEM 13:  Meeting adjourned, 5:30pm.



Respectfully submitted,


Tina McCormack



The next scheduled Board of Directors meeting is June 17 at LCRP. 







Motion 1:  Jan Johns motioned to approve Nov/Dec financials, Don ‘Bear’ Hewitt seconded.  All regions present voted yes; motion carried.


Motion 2:  Pam McCoy motioned to authorize the purchase of 10 additional training bikes, not to exceed $25,000, Ken Harris seconded.  All regions voted yes; motion carried.


Motion 3:  Don ‘Bear’ Hewitt motioned for permission to construct a shelter, previously approved size, across from the main gate, Joey Macke seconded.  All regions voted yes; motion carried.


Motion 4:  Ken Harris motioned to adjourn, Aaron Meyer seconded.  All regions in favor; motion carried.


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