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Board Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

June 6, 2015

Lawrence County Recreational Park, Springville, IN


Executive Director Jay Jackson called the meeting to order at 12:39pm & led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.  Those in attendance were:  Region 00-Teresa & Ray Bodle; Region 01-Wayne Kopec; Region 02-Don ‘Bear’ Hewitt; Region 03-Rodney Walker, Scott Bowman, & Brian Quackenbush; Region 04-Jan Johns; Region 05-Tony Brummett; Region 06-Joey Macke, Sheryl Richey & Mark Thomas; Region 07-Ken Harris, & Ernie & Janet Davidson; Region 08-Ricky ‘Mohican’ & Cathy Burch; Region 09-Bill Roeseler; Region 10-Darla Abel; Region 11- Ken ‘KFC’ Casey, Carol Poe, Pat Haggard & Zach Bird; Region 12-Dave Hawkins; Region 13-Paul ‘PD3’ Douglas; AdComm- Dave ‘Frosty’ Frost & Gino Johnson; LINC-Mike Meyer; Event Security-Mike ‘Mongo’ Pottorff, Mike Clendenen, Troy & Dawn Ketchem, & Bryan Titus; LCRP-Rick Thompson; Electricians–Bruce Proctor, Russell ‘Gus’ Beers, Noah Sample; 1st Aid–Bernie Noll; Secretary/Treasurer Tina McCormack.


ITEM 1:  Having received no questions on Jan/Feb financials, Tina asked for a motion to approve.



Tina then reviewed financials for March/April.  She informed the group that after Boogie startup expenses are paid, we will transfer funds to the corporate account.


ITEM 2:  Jay explained the Tim Fromme Scholarship.  Participation has typically been very low.  Discussion followed; consensus is to continue the program, but have the AdComm restructure the requirements.  


ITEM 3:   The 6th annual Miracle Trail Ride & Race (MTRR) is taking place this weekend, so Gino will be dismissed from this meeting to tend to the event.  In its first 5 years, the MTR raised about $100,000.  Gino updated the group on this year’s Miracle Ride, which raised approximately $250,000 for Riley Hospital.


Jay discussed the condition of the trails after hosting the Limestone 100 in April.  Our partners, GNCC & MAXC Racing, do a good job restoring & repairing the property after a race.


Rick Thompson explained the current efforts in harvesting timber as well as dropping dead trees where needed.


Jay thanked regions 6 & 10 providing support for events at LCRP.  


He then informed the board that we have contracted with Bynum Fanyo & Associates to design the septic system for LCRP.  We anticipate that the project will begin after this year’s Boogie.


ITEM 4:  Jay stated that Roy is currently leading the adventure ride for the MTR, so Jay reviewed DIRT.   Dirt Bike School (DBS) is going well this season, & Roy has taught 3 adventure classes so far this year.  Jay then distributed our new LCRP promotional stickers to the directors.


ITEM 5:  Jay compared Coliseum Bingo attendance & dollars spent to last year.  The compressor for the fire suppression system needs replaced, quote is approximately $2,500.  


ITEM 6:  We still have a couple of projects to be completed at the Bargersville office, paving behind the garage & repairing the floor in the conference room.  Jay informed everyone of our new employee, Dana, who was hired as Administrative Assistant.


ITEM 7:  Mike Meyer updated the group with legislative concerns.  SB383, autocycle, did pass & has become law.  Several candidates have announced their intention to run for Governor.  Teresa added that, according to a local agent, insurance for autocycles can be very expensive.


Jay reminded the group that the handlebar height restriction has been removed from Indiana law with the passing of SB383.  ABATE is a legislative force, & has been able to lobby for Indiana laws that are more advantageous for motorcyclists in our state.  Kenny Casey asked how the monies for the Spinal Cord & Brain Injury Research Fund are being used; Jay replied that it’s in the state’s budget every 2 years.


Jay reviewed this year’s Ride With the Governor (RWG), scheduled for 7/31.  The route is expected to be north this year.


The MRF’s Bikers Inside the Beltway (BITB) a couple of weeks ago was a success with impressive attendance.  The MRF State Rep for Indiana has resigned his position.  


ITEM 8:  Jay updated the board on our efforts to open additional rider ed sites this year.  He acknowledged Joey Macke & Tony Brummett for their assistance with our rider ed trailers.  Discussion followed regarding our rider ed program compared to the others in Indiana.  Jay thanked the entire group for their help in building our program.


Ken Harris spoke about an experience with this year’s motorcycle license exams.  


Jay is striving to complete his recertification for Rider Coach Trainer in the MSF program.  He anticipates being out of state for 2 weekends in August.  Jay asked for suggested dates to move the August BOD meeting via email.


Discussion followed regarding our current agreement with the Indiana BMV.  Jay then reviewed motorcycle & off road vehicle (ORV) fatalities in Indiana so far this year.  Ernie Davidson stated that Seymour Police are enforcing the new motor driven cycle law.


ITEM 9:  Frosty enlightened the board on the topics discussed in today’s Ad Comm meeting.  The only concern not discussed in this meeting is the condition of the corporate truck.  The Dodge has 147,000 miles currently, & has new tires & a new transfer case.


ITEM 10:  Jay stated that Mike Seiler attended the Miracle Ride to recruit members, & Maelene has worked at a number of events recently to promote ABATE & recruit. Ken Casey talked about Indy Bike Night in Indianapolis.  Tina asked the directors to ask their officers & members to refrain from writing credit card info on the membership apps for security reasons. Also, Jay & Tina reminded all that the process for forwarding ABATE funds to the state office is to either write a check from the region account, or obtain a money order to send to the state office.


Rodney expressed his disappointment that only 3 regions attended Hoosier Burn Camp Visitors’ Day, since Hoosier Burn Camp is our ABC State Charity for 2015. 


Frosty discussed the size of the Limestone 100 event in April.  Rick Thompson joined the LCRP Multi-use Committee.  The committee will make recommendations for renting the property.


Jay resurrected the Memorial/Award Committee to address lifetime member awards & other memorial/award related issues.  Wayne will chair, & members are Jan, Tony, Kenny Casey & Jay. 


Tony restated that all regions should now have the guidelines for their Commemorative Monument (Wall).  Discussion followed.



ITEM 11:  Jay reminded the group that we need volunteers for Motorcycles on Meridian, vehicle recovery & gear check for MotoGP weekend.


Jay then announced that Bunker Hill dragstrip is for sale. 


ITEM 12:  This meeting closed at 3:00 pm to commence the Boogie meeting.






Motion 1:  Jan Johns motioned with a second from Don Hewitt, to approve the Jan/Feb financials.  All regions voted yes; motion unanimous.


Motion 2:  Jan Johns made the motion, & Tony Brummett seconded, that each region should have a memorial wall.  All regions agree; motion unanimous.




Boogie Meeting

June 6, 2015

Lawrence County Recreational Park, Springville, IN


The Boogie meeting commenced after the Board of Directors meeting’s conclusion.  Those joining are:  Scott England, Olin Reed, Mike Strode, Herb Archer, Jamie Stowe & Ron Craig.


Jay began the meeting with introductions.  He then asked each crew & region what needs they have for this year.  


Jay informed the group that we will rent Robertson’s field for parking this year.  Discussion followed regarding logistics.


Our Boogie sign frame may need to be replaced this year, & we plan to black out the main stage.


Ken Harris requested Copperhead Road be changed to Higgy’s Way in honor of Ron Higginbotham.



Motion adjourned at 4:00pm.



Respectfully submitted,




Tina McCormack





Motion 3:  Ken Harris motioned, & Joey Macke seconded, to change the name of Copperhead Road to Higgy’s Way.  All regions voted yes; motion unanimous.


Motion 4:  Ken Harris motioned to adjourn; Ken Casey seconded.  All regions agree; motion unanimous.


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