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Board Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

November 17, 2017

Waterfront Hotel, Indianapolis, IN


Executive Director Jay Jackson opened the meeting at 7:40pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Those in attendance were:  Region 00-Pam McCoy; Region 01-Wayne Kopec; Region 02-Don ‘Bear’ Hewitt; Region 03-Scott Bowman, Justin Kennedy & Brett Anderson; Region 04-Jan Johns; Region 05-Tony Brummett; Region 06-Joey Macke; Region 07- Ken Harris, Janet Davidson & Julia Villa; Region 08-Mike Jeffers; Region 09-Mo Kintner; Region 10-Thom ‘Hippy’ Henderson; Region 11-Zach Bird & Vince  Baker; Region 12-Dave Hawkins & Brian Russell; Region 13-Aaron Meyer & Christian Harper; AdComm- Gino Johnson, Bob Stoner & Rick Thompson; DIRT-Roy Garrett; LINC-Mike Meyer; LCRP-Rayce Guthrie; MRF-Roberta Meyer; Marketing Committee-Mike Seiler; Tiny Tots-Rodney & Jacob Walker; Event Security-Mike ‘Mongo’ Pottorff  & Mike Clendenen; Administrative Assistant Dana Surd; Editor/Publisher Marc Falsetti; Secretary/Treasurer Tina McCormack; Guest-Al ‘Putt’ Putman.


ITEM 1:  Bob Stoner revealed that the Ad Comm composed guidelines for our ABC State Charity fund; Ad Comm will report quarterly to the BOD with recommendations.  The committee also discussed our corporate entities’ structures.  They then analyzed Boogie financials.  More discussion regarding Boogie finances & golf carts at the event will take place at Director Prep in Jan.


ITEM 2:  AdComm elections were conducted.




ITEM 3:  Bob Stoner assured the board that he will forward the ABC guidelines from tonight’s AdComm meeting. 


ITEM 4:  Tina announced there were no questions on July/August financials, & asked for board approval.



She then gave the group the number of active members as of Oct for their records.  She informed the board of donation checks that have not cleared our bank account; those directors will follow up with their treasurers.  Tina requested all Boogie payout sheets be returned to her.  Then she explained that we need monthly minutes & treasurer’s reports from inactive counties forwarded to the state office.


Gino announced that the Miracle Ride Foundation received the Champion for Children award at today’s annual Riley Luncheon.  He thanked ABATE of Indiana’s Board of Directors for their support through the years.  Next year’s Miracle Ride is scheduled for June 2-3.


ITEM 5:  Jay referenced the Coliseum Bingo attendance & dollars spent report, which the board received with their packets.  He thanked Tony Brummett for referring Fire Systems Services to us for a quote on replacing the fire suppression system at Freedom Hall.  We have received the quote & will attempt to obtain an additional bid.  The 1st quote we have from our current vendor is $6,000 to create drawings before they will offer a bid.  The bid from Fire Systems Services does not include electrical, drywall, or painting services. 


ITEM 6:  Jay led into the DIRT update, stating Roy, Rayce, Rick & he met with GNCC reps last month.  Roy conveyed that we don’t know if GNCC will return to LCRP. 


Roy then offered copies of articles regarding reopening riding trails in Hoosier National Forest (HNF).  In southern Illinois, the legislature has requested Shawnee National Forest reopen to motorized recreation.  Roy asked Jay to follow up legislatively as our lobbyist.


Pam McCoy requested assistance in acquiring approval for a (Dirt Bike School) DBS range in northern Indiana.  Jay notified the board that a recent DBS student made a donation to the program.  Tina compared DBS student numbers for the past 2 years.


Rayce stated that LCRP will not host the ATV trainer class as previously planned.  Timbering is in process at LCRP.  The shower house & stage have been winterized.


Jay announced plans to bring in a conex container for use as a ticket office at LCRP.  Some members in Region 7 have volunteered to renovate the trailer according to our specs.


ITEM 7:  Mike Meyer reminded the group that we will work legislatively to amend the fee from motorcycle registrations that funds the state rider education program.  He added that this Tuesday is Organizational Day at the Statehouse.


Jay has seen language drafted regarding off highway vehicles (OHV) legislation.  He, Roy & Rayce will monitor it.  He expects to see a cleanup of the state’s laws concerning OHVs on county roadways.  Roy added that if OHV trails are opened in HNF, one could ride from LCRP to the Ohio River.  Jay explained that any law enforcement has jurisdiction in OHV crashes.  Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is working to ensure consistency in the reporting of OHV crashes.


ITEM 8:  Jay read a statement from a pre-1995 Indiana motorcycle operator’s manual that stated one of the qualifications for obtaining a learner’s permit was to complete an ABATE motorcycle safety course.


Our Site Coordinators’ meeting will be held this Sunday, & training professionals from Ohio will participate.


While the National Highway Transportation & Safety Administration has already adapted & published their national standards for recognized motorcycle safety curriculum, the Indiana BMV has assembled a task force to evaluate a process to consider alternative curriculum.  The BMV expects it will be 2019 before their standards are finalized.


Jay reviewed our rider ed student numbers for 2017.


ITEM 9:  Jay informed everyone that we will conduct breakout sessions tomorrow during the Fall Seminar.  In addition to many local speakers, a representative from AMA will discuss national issues.  


ITEM 10:  Director Prep will take place Jan 12-14, 2018.


ITEM 11:  Rodney Walker reviewed 2017 Tiny Tots participation.  He repeated that the Hoosier Outdoor Experience event has been discontinued.  Discussion followed regarding the preference in taking Tiny Tots to non-motorcycle events.  Rodney distributed reminders, the request form, the sponsor sheet, & confirmation letter.  The forms are also on our website.  The group then discussed event insurance for Tiny Tots events.  Tiny Tots procedures, the waiver, & liability was discussed.  Jay again thanked Bill Kopriva for assembling the spinner.


ITEM 12:  Marc informed the board that our 1st renewal reminder postcard mailing was processed the end of Oct.  The group discussed multi-year memberships & impulse marketing.


Mike Seiler with the Marketing Committee distributed membership numbers.  It was decided that volunteers working the Motorcycle Expo will be able to count any memberships sold at the event toward the recruiter program; memberships included with rider ed courses do not count.  Wayne Kopec reminded the board that he has suggested in the past that MRF include a membership for recruiters that sell 20 ABATE memberships in a calendar year.


Wayne Kopec & committee are reviewing our Gold Card award program for updated guidelines.  Further discussion will continue at Director Prep with intent to finalize the guidelines that weekend.  Dana will forward Region 1’s Platinum Card program to the directors.


Mo Kintner with the By-Law Committee discussed suspensions of membership, & suspensions of officers.


ITEM 13:  No old business.


ITEM 14:  Tour Book points of interest are due to Mike Meyer the 1st of the year.


Dana coordinated completing the 2018 sanctioned events list.


Meeting adjourned, 11:02pm.



Respectfully submitted,


Tina McCormack



The next scheduled Board of Directors meeting will be February 9, 2018 at the Waterfront Hotel (formerly Clarion on the Waterfront).





Motion 1:   Ken Harris nominated Bob Stoner & Rick Thompson for AdComm, Tony Brummett seconded. 


Motion 2:  Joey Macke made the motion to close AdComm nominations, Mo Kintner seconded.  Both nominees are unopposed, no vote necessary.


Motion 3:  Don ‘Bear’ Hewitt motioned to approve July/August financials, with Scott Bowman seconding.  All regions voted ‘yes’; motion carried.


Motion 4:  Ken Harris motioned to adjourn to Executive Session, Joey Macke seconded.  All regions voted in favor; motion carried.

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