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Board Meeting Minutes

ABATE of Indiana Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

August 15, 2021

Freedom Hall, Fort Wayne, IN


Executive Director Jay Jackson opened the meeting at 10:10am with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Those in attendance were:  Region 00-Jerry & Sherri Gordon, & Jeff Eads; Region 01-Russ Zawacki & Holly Bridgman; Region 02-Terry Young & Don Tunis; Region 03-Scott Bowman, & Mark & Shannon Hughes; Region 04-Chuc Hunter; Region 05-inactive; Region 06-Mark & Carol Thomas; Region 07- Dan Warnell; Region 08-Nicole Powell & Sam Ware; Region 09-Mo Kintner; Region 10-Suzanne Eckert; Region 11-Pat Haggard; Region 12-Dave Hawkins; Region 13-Aaron Meyer; Spiritual Director-Pastor Jack Smith; AdComm-Bob Stoner; LCRP-Rayce Guthrie; Marketing Committee-Mike Seiler; MRF-Roberta Meyer; Event Security-Danny Bertolet, Roger & Donna Lake, & Jim & Meg Wilkerson; Secretary/Treasurer Tina McCormack; Office Assistant Kelly Jackson.


ITEM 1:  Pastor Jack led the group in prayer.


ITEM 2:  Tina requested approval on March/April financials.



She then reviewed the May/June director's packet with the board.  We received confirmation in July that our initial PPP loan was forgiven in full; we have not yet received the application for the forgiveness of the 2nd PPP loan.


Tina requested that membership apps sent to the office are complete; she reminded the group that purchases for ABATE events are tax exempt.  She then reminded everyone that they should not deposit ABATE funds into personal accounts; membership dollars received are to be forwarded to the region to submit to the state office, or a money order is to be purchased and mailed to the state office.  Jay reviewed our gaming policies and some Indiana gaming laws.


Directors asked about outside organizations contributing gaming proceeds to ABATE. Jay and Tina responded that it would be treated as donation income for ABATE, and our federal tax id# should be given to the organization making the donation.


ITEM 3:  Jay discussed our bingo license and described the layout of Freedom Hall.  We also conduct rider ed classes here.  Jay introduced Elizabeth ‘Izzy’ Hanes, our building manager and Fort Wayne site administrator and coordinator.


ITEM 4:  Jay updated the group on his recent activities and upcoming commitments/appointments.  Jay explained current office staff responsibilities and the need for our regions to meet deadlines to help us be more efficient.  Tina added that we need some notice for requests.  


Jay encouraged positivity, especially on social media and event promotions.  Kelly Jackson and Sherri Gordon shared some positive comments they received at Boogie this year.  Jay followed up with information regarding recent donations from members.


Jay requested that the directors put thought into their decisions and motions.  They also can table any motion until the next meeting if more time is needed.  He encouraged discussions between the directors to reach solutions.  The schedule for our board meetings is dynamic and can be revised at any time as necessary.  Jay discussed the need for directors to share information with their members, especially officers.


The group discussed membership recruitment and awareness and promotion of ABATE.  Jeff Eads added that the younger generation doesn’t understand what ABATE is.  We should be promoting the organization at our events.  Mo Kintner added that we are a non-partisan legislative organization.  Bob Stoner suggested everyone visit their local motorcycle dealerships and supply them with ABATE promotional materials.  He would like for every motorcycle sale in Indiana to include a 1 year ABATE membership.


ITEM 5:  The question was asked of the directors if they feel we should continue the Boogie.  Discussion followed and consensus was that yes, we want to continue the event.  We will reorganize the procedures and finalize them during Director Prep.  The biggest disappointment was that which we inflicted on ourselves; product was exposed to the rain on Friday, and loaded on the trailer soaking wet.  Fortunately, it was discovered on Sunday afternoon by staff and we were able to salvage much of the clothing. 


The board will obtain information regarding other event security numbers and costs at similar events.  Jay asked Danny Bertolet to submit a proposal to the board for next year’s Boogie event security.


ITEM 6:  Jay advised that we are still awaiting delivery of motorcycles for dirt bike school training bikes.


ITEM 7:  We expect that we will not restart our Tiny Tots program this year.  The State Motorcycle Safety Association (SMSA) has a committee that Jay is on, to address rider ed curriculum standards.  Jay stated that we anticipate hosting an Instructor Prep (IP) in October this year.  On October 2nd there will be a memorial ceremony for John Bodeker at the Motorcycle Safety Memorial at LCRP.


Jay communicated to the directors that we are disputing a policy from Ride Safe Indiana (RSI) regarding reimbursement of students that only participate in the 1st day of a rider course.


ITEM 8:  Jay requested anyone planning to attend this year’s Meeting of the Minds (MOTM) communicate that to the office for approval, prior to the event.  He reminded the board that they are to make their own reservations and pay their expenses, and then submit an officer expense form with receipts for reimbursement for registration and transportation or lodging.


The highway bill is now in the US Senate.  There are several opportunities for us to get the additional language inserted that we want.  Jay reminded everyone to follow the MRF alerts.  Jay and Rocky, the MRF’s lobbyist, are sending about 1 release each week.   


Roberta Meyer was listed in the MRF newsletter as their top recruiter recently.  The group congratulated her.  Scott Bowman requested we revive our list of ABATE recruiters in the Hoosier Motorcyclist.   


ITEM 9:  Jay announced that our current LINC Director, Richard Dolson, will be moving out of state.  We’ll search for a replacement.  Jay asked that everyone respond to communication from state legislators.  SB303 was vetoed by Governor Holcomb, but could still be overturned until March of next year.  He discussed possible candidates for the 2024 Indiana Governor’s race.


ITEM 10:  Motorcycles on Meridian (MOM) is August 28 from 2:00pm-10:00pm.  We need about 100 volunteers for our responsibility in traffic control.


ITEM 11:  We will conduct a Directors’ Prep in January.


ITEM 12:  Bob Stoner summarized the AdComm meeting that took place electronically on Wednesday.  AdComm has no recommendations for ABC grants; Suzanne Eckert will contact Bertha’s Mission for an updated quote.  AdComm prioritized future expenditures:  Freedom Hall sprinkler system, Boogie 2022, rider ed training bikes, Bargersville office awning and back drive, insurance, MOTM expense. 


ITEM 13:  The Marketing Committee requested we produce a promotional video that can be broadcast during rider ed classes and on YouTube.  Holly Bridgman explained how Instructors market ABATE of Indiana during courses.  Sherri Gordon supplies the Fort Wayne site with ABATE promotional materials.  Jay announced that ABATE Legal Services might be financing a way for us to reach out to inactive members. Pastor Jack requested information on any member experiencing a life event, whether celebratory or sympathetic.


Jay created a committee to review/update By-Laws and policies:  Suzanne Eckert, Pat Haggard, Bob Stoner, Rod Taylor, and Jay.  Anyone else is welcome to join.


ITEM 14:  There was no old business to conduct.


ITEM 15:  Under new business, several regions requested assistance with events and need for vendors.  Tina confirmed the date for the October BOD meeting and Workers’ Party to be October 9.  We will need the invitation lists no later than September 10.   Pat Haggard reported suggestions received about women’s Boogie shirts.  Aaron Meyer requested a new recorder for BOD meeting use by the next meeting.  Scott Bowman asked when Boogie financials will be received; Tina & Jay responded no later than the October BOD meeting.  Tina distributed the revised Officer Acceptance Forms (OAF) for use during elections.  She reminded the board that all nominees and officers must be current members of ABATE of Indiana. 



Meeting adjourned 2:19pm.



Respectfully submitted,


Tina McCormack



The next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Saturday, October 9 at Lawrence County Recreational Park. 





Motion 1:  Suzanne Eckert motioned, & Aaron Meyer seconded, to approve the March/April financials.  All regions voted yes; motion carried.


Motion 2:  Pat Haggard made a motion to adjourn; Scott Bowman seconded.  All regions voted in favor; motion carried.


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