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Board Meeting Minutes

ABATE of Indiana Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

April 8, 2023

ABATE Conference Center, Bargersville, IN


Executive Director Jay Jackson opened the meeting at 1:17pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Those in attendance were:  Region 00-Jerry & Sherri Gordon; Region 01-Russ Zawacki & Holly Bridgman; Region 02-Don & Leann Tunis; Region 03-Scott Bowman; Region 04-currently without a director; Region 05-inactive; Region 06-Jim Farmer; Region 07-Dave Howell; Region 08-Ethan Herrera; Region 09-Mo Kintner; Region 10-Suzanne & Bob Eckert; Region 11-Pat Haggard;  Region 12-Brian Russell; Region 13-Christian & Heidi Harper, Aaron Meyer, & Reno Richardson; AdComm-Bob Stoner, Rick Thompson & Justin Kennedy; LCRP-Rayce Guthrie; DIRT-Roy Garrett; MRF-Roberta Meyer; Marketing Committee-Mike Seiler; Administrative Assistant Kelly Jackson; Editor/Publisher Marc Falsetti.


ITEM 1:  Jay reviewed the financials for January/February.  He requested approval for the November/December financials.



Rayce Guthrie informed the group that rider attendance has increased at LCRP. 


Sherri Gordon explained marketing activities at Coliseum Bingo.  She is hearing positive comments from players that enjoy the atmosphere there.


ITEM 2:  Jay explained that he has been at Freedom Hall frequently, while conducting Instructor Prep (IP).  He and Elizabeth ‘Izzy’ Hanes have completed some minor maintenance.  We may need to consider refinancing our mortgage in the next two to three years, to have the capital for more sizeable repairs, such as the asphalt. 


ITEM 3:  Jay then discussed the Bargersville projects we’ve had on hold temporarily, which are replacement of the awning on the front of the building, and paving the apron at the rear of the building.  Russ Zawacki may have a lead on someone to pave the apron, and Jay is waiting for a quote from an awning company.


Sherri Gordon announced that Region 0 members plan to do some clean up at Freedom Hall mid-May.  She invited the group to assist.  Justin Kennedy obtained a quote for a commercial air compressor for the fire suppression system at Freedom Hall.  Justin was able to have labor donated to hard wire the unit.  Our volunteers will need to prepare the wiring.


ITEM 4:  Jay requested the directors remind their officers and members not to co-mingle ABATE funds with their personal accounts.


ITEM 5:  Marc Falsetti discussed the revised version of the Hoosier Motorcyclist with our new vendor.  Marc is trying to minimize cost without sacrificing the quality of the magazine.  Marc is researching options for laser printed membership cards versus the tractor feed that we currently use.  He is also looking to design a recognition plaque showing ABATE of Indiana as a benefactor, to give to ABATE Bikers Care (ABC) recipients with their grant checks.  Elizabeth Hanes suggested utilizing a wall at Freedom Hall to display notice of charities that have benefited from ABATE of Indiana.  Marc then introduced Aaron Meyer’s idea to supply motorcycle dealerships with hangars to put on bike handlebars.  Aaron Meyer distributed samples of the hangars.  Marc added that we can print the hangars in house.  Marc recognized the regions for the flyers they created for their events.  He then announced that we purchased a laser engraver so that we can now engrave memorial bricks in house.  Rayce explained our current process for laying the memorial bricks.    


ITEM 6:  Roy Garrett announced that we conducted our first Dirt Bike School (DBS) class two weeks ago.  Rayce Guthrie talked about the National Racing Association (NRA) event at LCRP this August.  He then informed the board that he has a new part-time employee at the park, to replace the previous employee who left for another job.  Jim Farmer asked that Rayce forward his jobs list to the directors before Boogie.  Rayce then reminded everyone that the Adventure Ride at LCRP is in two weeks.


ITEM 7:  Roberta Meyer talked about the MRF’s Bikers Inside the Beltway (BiTB), scheduled for May 15-16.  Concerns with autonomous vehicles are a top priority with the MRF.  She also discussed the “road to zero emissions”, wherein the state of California is vowing zero vehicle emissions by 2035, by banning combustion engines. 


Jay discussed this year’s Meeting of the Minds in Pennsylvania this September.  Speaking on artificial intelligence, he stated that Ford Motor Company has withdrawn their request for exemption for driverless vehicles. The American Motorcyclist Association released much of its governmental affairs staff.


ITEM 8:  Jay updated the group on the status of HB1050, which includes language that will provide immunity to providers of motorcycle rider education.  He then explained HB1015, which allows for photo enforcement in active work areas. Jay discussed that E15 is available at a truck stop in Lafayette.  Discussion followed regarding different grades of fuel and various gas pump designs in different states.


Aaron Meyer informed the board that he personally contacted a fuel retailer and requested they correctly market unleaded 88 as E15, and encouraged everyone to do the same.  He stated that Bob Stoner, Mike Seiler and he have been working on a project they’ve named Biker Approved Gas (BAG).  Aaron presented a press release, letter to similar rights organizations, and letter to retailers to establish BAG, incentivizing fuel retailers to label gas grades on all their pumps. 



Jay mentioned that ABATE Kids’ Day at the Statehouse is this coming Tuesday.


ITEM 9:  Kelly Jackson updated everyone on the status of the Boogie Sign-up Genius.  She also has received requests via Facebook from people wishing to sign up for Boogie work crews.  Jay said Sam Bardo and his production crew visited LCRP last week.  Jay requested that another group take over the responsibility of ice sales.  Sherri Gordon has the schedule prepared with some volunteers already signed up to work.  She stated that she will open Products on Wednesday after the dinner.  Jay announced that the RV campground is close to being sold out.  He then shared that there’s another biker event at Lawrence County Fairgrounds in June.  Reno Richardson requested a list of electrical needs; Jay will email Reno, Dave Howell, Rayce Guthrie & Rick Thompson. 


ITEM 10:  Bob Stoner said that the board has talked about topics discussed in the earlier AdComm meeting.  He reminded directors that we have a goal to increase event revenues by 10% this year.  He presented the list of ABC submissions pending decision. 



Brian Russell has confirmed that Clinton Wrestling Club has collected all but $1,000 of their goal. (A vote was taken via email, initiated by Bob Stoner on 4/13/2023.  Regions 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, & 11 voted yes.  Motion will be included in the June 2023 BOD meeting.)  Brian suggested contacting Midwest Pet Refuge regarding decreasing the amount requested on their ABC application.


ITEM 11:  Suzanne Eckert suggested incorporating memorial brick installation during Memorial Day weekend, and the Region 6 event.


Mike Seiler stated that membership numbers are still up.


ITEM 12:  Jay recapped our experiences at the Indianapolis Boat, Sport & Travel (IBST) show.  Jay reminded everyone that our Tiny Tots program is operational.  He recapped our change of rider ed curriculum.  Users of non-MSF curricula have organized a meeting later this month, which Jay & Kelly will attend. 


Discussion regarding the proposed Rider Skills Test (RST) contract from the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) ensued. 


ITEM 13:  Jay reminded the group that we are actively searching for an alternate facility to host our February & November events.  He then reminded the board that we cannot act as road guards during ABATE events, and requested directors to communicate that to their officers and members.  Jay announced that Cyndii Underwood believes she can maintain a 20 hour per week schedule during her school semesters, and possible full time through the summer.  He informed the group that the lady remotely manning the MRF’s office may be able to assist us with our membership & card processing.  Jay discussed our need to engage with & include new members with decisions.  He announced that a previous Region 11 Director is currently in Hospice.  Jay talked about paying respect to those we lose. 


Scott Bowman asked about our traditional Motorcycle Safety & Awareness Month kickoff event; Jay stated that we do not plan to have an event on the circle


Jay reminded the directors that Boogie lists are due by the June BOD meeting.  Any regions with new directors &/or treasurers need to have bank signatory cards revised to reflect that.  The ABC summary included in this month’s packet indicates receipts through February. 


Brian Russell introduced discussion about award plaques.


Meeting adjourned 4:40pm.



Respectfully submitted,


Tina McCormack



The next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Saturday June 10, 2023 at LCRP.





Motion 1:  Suzanne Eckert motioned to approve the November/December financials, seconded by Jerry Gordon.  Region 9 voted no, all other regions present voted yes; motion carried.


Motion 2:  Dave Howell made the motion to approve the formation of the BAG Committee to establish a fuel education program, with Aaron Meyer as chair. Suzanne Eckert seconded.  All regions present voted in favor; motion carried.


Motion 3:  Pat Haggard motioned to approve $500 from our ABC fund to Luke O’Mara Foundation, pending vetting by Dave Howell, Brian Russell seconded.  Region 9 voted against, all other regions voted in favor; motion carried.


Motion 4:  Dave Howell motioned to adjourn, Jerry Gordon seconded.  All regions voted yes; motion carried.

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