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Board Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

April 13, 2019

ABATE Conference Center, Bargersville, IN


Executive Director Jay Jackson opened the meeting at 1:06pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Those in attendance were:  Region 00-Jerry & Sherri Gordon; Region 01-Wayne Kopec; Region 02-Don ‘Bear’ Hewitt; Region 03-Scott Bowman, & Mark & Shannon Hughes; Region 04-Jan Johns; Region 05-Randy Penix; Region 06-Mark Thomas; Region 07- Ken Harris; Region 08-Ted Borchelt; Region 09-Mo Kintner; Region 10-Joe Garland; Region 11-Zach Bird; Region 12-Dave Hawkins; Region 13-Roberta Meyer; MRF-Roberta Meyer; AdComm- Bob Stoner & Rick Thompson; LCRP-Rayce Guthrie; DIRT-Roy Garrett; LINC-Richard Dolson; Marketing Committee-Mike Seiler; Vendor Coordinator-Harold Davidson; Event Security-Mike Clendenen & Gary Cook; Tour Program-Eric Damon; Guest-Cheryl Dolson; & Editor/Publisher Marc Falsetti.


ITEM 1:  Marc explained the origination of our rider ed courtesy card & offered ABATE courtesy cards & Boogie promo cards.  Marc has been searching for an email marketing venue; he explained the options he has found & the process for sending an email.  He then announced that the Facebook ABATE Members’ page is now named “Supporters of ABATE of Indiana” to further distance it from ABATE of Indiana, as it is not directly affiliated with ABATE.  Marc reminded everyone to submit monthly articles for Hoosier Motorcyclist (HMC).  Marc welcomed Jerry Gordon back as acting Region 0 Director.


ITEM 2:  Bob Stoner introduced Jerry & Sherri Gordon.  Bob conducted meetings in Fort Wayne to generate interest in reactivating the region.


Introductions were then carried out. 


ITEM 3:  Jay requested approval of the November/December financials.

(MOTION 1)  


He then referred to the directors’ packets for financial information & January/February financials.  He explained that it was necessary for us to close the ABATE Foundation checking account for security reasons, & reopen the account under a different account number.


Wayne asked about the status of the “big check” for presentations; Marc is waiting for a sample from a vendor.


Jay stated that the director expense reimbursement policy has been revised to require reports to be submitted for any mileage expense claimed; Gino will explain further in a future meeting.


ITEM 4:  Jay stated that we are watching current legislative activity regarding the revision of charity gaming laws.


ITEM 5:  Roy Garrett reviewed the recent Adventure Ride hosted by LCRP, & our current Dirt Bike School (DBS) classes.  He informed the group that our program is in need of additional training bikes.  Rayce will follow up with some manufacturers that may have loaner programs, & Jay will inquire about Recreation Trail Program (RTP) grants.  Jay stated that TREAD recently requested his assistance in teaching a class for them in Kentucky.  He added that a number of our DBS students are from out of state.


Rayce presented an update on the recent Adventure Ride.  He reviewed the condition of the roads & shower house at LCRP.  LCRP’s part-time employee has been replaced.  Rayce thanked Region 6 for planting the tree at the Memorial.  Mark Thomas thanked Rayce for his help in planting the tree. 


Scott Bowman participated in the Adventure Ride & gave his personal perception of the event.  Rayce offered the street route to regions for their use.


Rayce reminded everyone that LCRP will hold a swap meet/flea market in 2 weeks.


Discussion ensued regarding keeping the corporations separate.


ITEM 6:  Jay reviewed our presence at the Indiana Motorcycle Expo in February.  He explained our rider ed schedule structure, & discussed number of students trained statewide.  We were required to move our Indianapolis site to the adjacent side of the parking lot where we reside.  Jay thanked Tyler & the Indy instructors, Rayce Guthrie, Rick Thompson, Bill Harvey, Mike ‘Digger’ Phelps, Harley Klopfenstein, & Dave Hinshaw for their help in preparing the new site for the season.  The Indiana BMV initiated electronic completion results for rider ed participants this year.


Motorcycle fatalities in Indiana stands at seven, year-to-date.  We are following up on a project with IMPD that we began last year.  We will participate in an attempt to curtail street drag racing in Indianapolis.  Mo Kintner offered information on a similar situation & resolution in Kentucky.


Motorcycle Safety & Awareness Month (MSAM) is in May.  Our kickoff event is scheduled for May 9 on Monument Circle.


Wayne asked about Instructor Prep (IP).  We do not have confirmed dates yet.


ITEM 7:  Richard Dolson discussed current legislation that ABATE is following.  Jay praised Richard for his legislative work within ABATE.  Jay then updated the group on the status of a resolution to allow motorized recreation in Hoosier National Forest.  Richard offered to add anyone present to his LINC email updates.  Jay reviewed this year’s ABATE Kids’ Day at the Statehouse event.


ITEM 8:  Bob Stoner discussed the 317 Ryders event that ABATE is sponsoring.  He requested assistance with our booth at the event on 4/19 & 4/20.  Bob reviewed ABC submissions.  AdComm recommends awarding $650 for Kid Kare; Dunebrook met their requirement for us to grant that contribution.

(MOTION 2)  


ITEM 9:  Eric Damon discussed the Tour Program.  He suggested a revised Sponsor Tour for 2020.  Jay reminded the regions that the regions have not been contributing financially toward the program as originally intended.


ITEM 10:  Jay informed the group that our Boogie main stage entertainment line-up is filled.  Discussion regarding ice sales ensued.  Bob Stoner reminded Boogie crew leaders that the AdComm requested their crew structures & costs.  Possible Boogie contests & activities were discussed.  A 50/50 will replace the Boogie Bike Raffle this year.  We already have the gaming license; anyone wishing to work the 50/50 will need to be added to the license.


ITEM 11:  Randy asked about the memorial brick order; Jay answered that the bricks should be delivered by May 1st.    


ITEM 12:  Roberta Meyer announced that the MRF is now listed as a related organization on the House Motorcycle Caucus website.  She gave results on a recent call to action.  The MRF is working to update the federal definition of a motorcycle through legislation.  Bikers Inside the Beltway will be 5/21.  Vince Consiglio will be inducted into the Freedom Fighters Hall of Fame in Sturgis.  Jay discussed Meeting of the Minds (MotM) 2020, which ABATE of Indiana will host.  We have contacted Visit Indy in our search for a facility.  We likely will make the decision on facility before our next BOD meeting, but will notify the board with choices electronically.  Jay requested that all parties interested in attending MotM 2019 email Tina with that information.


ITEM 13:  Mike Seiler had no updates from the Marketing Committee.  Jay shared a personal experience wherein he engaged in a lengthy, positive conversation with a stranger about ABATE, when asked if he was in ABATE.


ITEM 14:  Jay demonstrated a colorful display he built for use with ABATE Children’s Motorcycle Adventure (ACMA).   Discussion followed regarding a request for the Tiny Tots in Cass County.  A training opportunity will be April 27 in Region 1.


ITEM 15:  The group discussed the event scheduled for 7/31-8/4 at LCRP.  Motorcycles on Meridian (MOM) will be 8/24/19.


Because ABATE Legal Services is a program of ABATE of Indiana, we have an exclusive relationship with them for sponsorship & advertisements. 


The city of Bargersville is seeking sponsorship for an event in June.


We are conscious of a recent shooting in Indianapolis that may have some club overtones.  ABATE continues to have a presence at the Confederation of Clubs (COC) meetings.


Jay discussed his involvement with organizations like the MRF, SMSA, & NHTSA, which benefits ABATE of Indiana & motorcyclists.


Jay thanked Bob Stoner for conducting the call out meetings in Region 0, & Jerry Gordon for stepping in as acting region director.  Jay announced that Mid-West MC Club’s swap meet is taking place this weekend.


We have a part-time employee starting work in the office this coming week.


ITEM 16:

Meeting adjourned, 4:23pm.



Respectfully submitted,



Tina McCormack



The next scheduled Board of Directors meeting will be June 15 at LCRP. 






Motion 1:  Jan Johns made a motion to approve the November/December financials, with a second by Don ‘Bear’ Hewitt.  Region 0 abstained, all remaining regions voted yes; motion carried.


Motion 2:  Jan Johns motioned to approve AdComm’s recommendation to award the Kid Kare grant, Mark Thomas seconded.  All regions voted in favor; motion carried.


Motion 3:  Ken Harris made the motion to adjourn, Scott Bowman seconded.  All regions present in favor; motion carried.


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