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Board Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

February 12, 2021

Meeting held via Zoom


Executive Director Jay Jackson opened the meeting at 7:30pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Those in attendance were:  Region 00-Jerry & Sherri Gordon; Region 01-Russ Zawacki & Sam Bardo; Region 02-Terry Young; Region 03-Scott Bowman & Mark Hughes; Region 04-Chuc Hunter; Region 06-Mark Thomas; Region 07- Dan Warnell & Ken Harris; Region 08-Nicole Powell; Region 09-Mo Kintner; Region 10-Suzanne Eckert; Region 11-Pat Haggard; Region 12-Dave Hawkins; Region 13-Aaron Meyer; AdComm- Bob Stoner, Gino Johnson & Rick Thompson; MRF-Roberta Meyer; Marketing Committee-Mike Seiler; DIRT-Roy Garrett; LCRP-Rayce Guthrie; Tiny Tots-Rodney Walker; MSD-Justin Kennedy; Spiritual Director-Pastor Jack Smith; Editor/Publisher-Marc Falsetti; Region 05 is inactive. 


ITEM 1:  Regarding the most recent COVID-19 information and restrictions, Jay stated that the Governor’s press conference on Wednesday didn’t contain much of anything new.  We’ll continue to monitor the situation and plan our events accordingly.


ITEM 2:  Jay remarked that we’ve been able to utilize Zoom for some meetings, but Director Prep is not an event that we can conduct entirely in this type of medium.  It’s important that we supply the newest directors with the tools they need to do their jobs.  The state office & Gino are putting together some things to assist them, and then spend some time with them individually by phone, or in person if needed.  Initially, it will be in the form of a Zoom meeting.  We will miss the camaraderie, fellowship, and team building that develops trust and support.  While previous directors are not expected to participate, all directors are welcome to view the meeting.


ITEM 3:  Jay requested approval of July – Oct financials.



Jay reviewed the dashboard & financial highlights in the Nov/Dec packet.  We lost three nights of bingo due to covid restrictions.  We received approval from the Allen County Health Department to allow a maximum of 100 people at our bingo games.  The Indiana BMV came current on payments due to ABATE, and with interest paid.  Jay then explained the process of approving the financials:  two months’ of statements are distributed at each Board of Directors’ (BOD) meeting; we ask for questions to be submitted within 10 days of distribution; financials are then approved via a motion at the next BOD meeting.


Gino commented that, although our cash on hand is less than this period last year, our current financial position is a phenomenal victory considering the yearlong pandemic we have endured.  He congratulated Jay and the state office for controlling costs.  He added that annual year-end tax adjustments, such as depreciation, will be added to the Dec financial statements.   


Jay stated that we are waiting for approval on our PPP loan forgiveness, and we have applied for the second round of loans.


ITEM 4:  As stated earlier, Jay repeated that we lost a few nights of bingo due to covid restrictions.  Our building manager, Elizabeth Hanes (Izzy), and bingo workers have done a remarkable job of running bingo while complying with pandemic restrictions and responsibilities.  We recently incurred expense for snow removal after receiving about nine inches of snow.


ITEM 5:  Roy Garrett announced that we are still waiting for the additional training bikes for Dirt Bike School (DBS).  Rayce Guthrie & Rodney Walker are working together on the 2021 DBS schedule.  


Rayce stated that the schedule is finalized.  And he explained that the delay in receiving the training bikes is that due to the pandemic, Honda has been unable to obtain the units.  They anticipate delivering them to us mid-March.


Jay said rider ed & DBS online registrations will open online next Friday, 2/19.  DBS tuition will increase and will also include a one year ABATE of Indiana membership.


Rayce informed the group of events at LCRP:  an adventure ride 4/10-4/11, with another in Oct; two races are scheduled, one in April and one in June; and a CMA event in Aug.  The trails are closed for this coming weekend because of ice on the trails.


Jay then told the board that our Tiny Tots program is still on hold until covid restrictions are relaxed.


ITEM 6:  Moving to LINC, Jay stated that there is nothing normal at the Statehouse, and it resembles a “ghost town”.  The House of Representatives meet in the Government Ctr South, meetings can only be viewed on TV, and testimony is delivered electronically or written.  Jay will be at the Statehouse on Monday to testify for SB303, which is in regards to ethanol, & is being heard in committee.  We are also watching HB1285 in the Indiana General Assembly, the routine BMV clean-up bill containing technical corrections and revisions.


ITEM 7:  Jay and William “Rocky” Fox with the MRF are generating a response to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), wherein they are taking public comment on a Notice for Proposed Rule Making (NFPRM), intending to eliminate warning stickers regarding ethanol.  Federal law currently prohibits the use of E15 in motorcycles.    The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) issued their final report on the New Hampshire crash that killed seven motorcyclists.  The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is seeking public comment on automatic driving systems, or ADS.


Roberta Meyer offered to provide a copy of the letter the MRF forwarded to NHTSA regarding ADS.  Bikers Inside the Beltway (BIB) is scheduled for May 18, with a ‘pre-event’ on May 17.  Roberta apprised the group of New Hampshire Speaker of the House Sherman “Sherm” Packard.  He’s basically a grassroots lobbying motorcyclist who was elected to public office.  Jay added that Sherm & his wife are both inductees in the MRF Hall of Fame, which is housed in our Bargersville office.  


Jay is traveling to Mississippi next weekend to participate in the National Council of Clubs, which the MRF is hosting.  He asked that directors read all MRF postings.  Pat Haggard asked if counties can use event funds to pay the sustaining membership to MRF; Jay replied that the dues cannot be paid from the general funds, and encouraged all counties and regions to be sustaining members of the MRF.


Aaron Meyer stated that there was an attempt in the Indiana General Assembly to introduce a motorcycle only tax, in the form of a fee assessed during registration on electric motorcycles only.  The sponsor withdrew the bill.  Jay explained that the programs in our federal highway bills are funded by a tax on gasoline, and electric vehicles do not pay into that.  So legislators are now trying to find ways to tax electric vehicles in order to maintain funding.  


ITEM 8:  Jay reminded the group that last year’s Instructor Prep (IP) was cancelled due to the pandemic.  We have an IP scheduled for this spring.  Out of about 30 applicants, we hope to begin class with about 18.  Since the state program’s Instructor Updates have been disappointing, ABATE of Indiana will host updates for our instructors, also this spring.  Our Indianapolis & Elkhart area courses are homeless.  We are in negotiations with a property in the Elkhart area, but have no leads in Indianapolis.  He repeated that online registration opens Friday, 2/19, at 12:01am.  Pat Haggard asked if ABATE carries liability insurance on the properties that host our sites; Jay responded that yes, site hosts are additional insureds on ABATE’s liability policy.  Additionally, the site host is indemnified in our waivers that all students read and sign.  With four fatalities in 3-wheel training last year, we will delay implementation of 3-wheel training in our rider ed program.  We currently conduct license exams for 3-wheel motorcycles.  


Our kickoff event for May is Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month (MSAM) is planned for early May.  Motorcycles on Meridian (MOM) will be on 8/28 this year.  Both events are subject to change.


ITEM 9:  Suzanne Eckert re-distributed a proposed rotation of the box office schedule for Boogie.  Lengthy discussion ensued.

MOTION 2 withdrawn with assurance that the issue would be resolved in two weeks.


Jay announced that The Flying Toasters are signed for Boogie entertainment.  Suzanne inquired as to why we rent radios for Boogie versus purchasing our own.  Jay replied that at one time we did own radios, but due to technology updates, maintenance, and licensing, it is not cost effective to purchase radios for our use.


ITEM 10:  The Awards Banquet will be a virtual event tomorrow.  Jay and Marc tested the process earlier this day.  Aaron Meyer suggested we utilize live broadcasting and/or simulcasting for future events to both cut expense and reach a broader audience.  Jay agreed we may consider that idea, provided tomorrow’s event is successful.  He informed the board that award plaques will be distributed at April’s BOD meeting.  Some directors requested them sooner, so we will notify directors when the plaques are delivered.  Jay requested names for the “ringing of the bell” that will take place during the banquet, to memorialize those that passed last year.  


ITEM 11:  Bob Stoner reviewed topics discussed in the earlier AdComm meeting.  The Bargersville office restroom floor has been repaired; they discussed the search for rider ed site hosts; the group agreed that we should continue the moratorium on ABC disbursements.  We have three submissions tabled from last year, and have received three in 2021.  Discussion followed.  Consensus is that we will suspend payouts until fundraising returns to pre-covid levels, but may consider payouts for critical needs.  Pat Haggard asked if we have planned the annex floor repair; Jay answered that we are in need of a competitive bid.


ITEM 12:  Pastor Jack Smith had been working to create an informational pamphlet, for people admitted to a hospital, in an effort to provide them with direction and advice.  The other party he’s been working with is out of state, so that project is on hold.  Jay will contact Pastor Jack with some ideas.  


Marc is working on campaigns to stimulate membership growth.  Jay stated the multi-year membership has been popular.  He and Gino are discussing budgeting for the effect on revenues.


Marc described the tri-fold flyer he produced that will be included in our membership packet.  He’s also creating a birthday celebration for ABATE of Indiana’s June birthday.  He reminded the directors that we need a submission from every region for the Hoosier Motorcyclist Classifieds (HMC) each month.


ITEM 13:  There was no old business to discuss.


ITEM 14:  There was no new business to discuss.


Jay asked for anything for the good of the order.  Aaron Meyer advocated that Marc Falsetti should have some technical service assistance.  Marc thanked him and replied that Kelly Jackson has been helping with many office tasks, including monitoring our social media platforms.  Jay added that Kelly has also been selling multi-year memberships. 


Jay thanked the group for their dedication and persistence through this past year.


Meeting adjourned, 9:40pm.



Respectfully submitted,




Tina McCormack



The next scheduled Board of Directors meeting will be April 17, 2021, location TBA.





Motion 1:  Pat Haggard made the motion to approve July-Oct financials, Suzanne Eckert seconded.  Region 01 was unable to communicate, all other regions voted yes; motion carried.


Motion 2:  Suzanne Eckert motioned to adopt the rotation schedule for Boogie box office shifts, Jerry Gordon seconded.  Motion was withdrawn by Suzanne.


Motion 3:  Ken Harris motioned to adjourn, with a second by Pat Haggard.  All regions in favor; motion carried.

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