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Board Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

February 13, 2015

Clarion Waterfront Hotel, Indianapolis, IN


Executive Director Jay Jackson called the meeting to order at 7:45pm & led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.  Those in attendance were:  Region 00-Teresa & Ray Bodle; Region 01-Wayne Kopec, Holly Bridgman, & Dawn & Brett Tracy; Region 02-Don ‘Bear’ & Jude Hewitt, Brian ‘Beatle’ Bendel, Terry Young, & Steve Haines; Region 03-Rodney Walker & Mark Cullum; Region 04-Jan Johns; Region 05-Tony Brummett; Region 06-Joey Macke, Mark Thomas & Scott Setchfield; Region 07-Ken Harris, & Ernie & Janet Davidson; Region 08-Ricky ‘Mohican’ Burch; Region 09-Mo Kintner; Region 10-Darla Abel & Thom ‘Hippie’ Henderson; Region 11- Ken ‘KFC’ Casey & Carol Poe; Region 12-Dave Hawkins; Region 13-Paul ‘PD3’ Douglas & Aaron Meyer; AdComm- Dave ‘Frosty’ Frost, Gino Johnson & Bob Stoner; LINC-Mike Meyer; DIRT-Roy Garrett; Event Security-Mike ‘Mongo’ Pottorff & Mike Clendenen; Membership Committee-Mike Seiler; Editor/Publisher Marc Falsetti; Secretary/Treasurer Tina McCormack; Guest-Edie Seiler.


ITEM 1:  Having received no questions on Sept/Oct financials, Tina asked for a motion to approve.



ITEM 2:  Tina then explained our process for distribution & approval of financials.  The BOD will receive two months of financials at each BOD meeting, & approve the financials they received at the prior meeting; if any questions/comments are received, they’ll be broadcasted to the entire BOD along with any answers.  


Gino addressed the dashboard for Nov/Dec.  Tina reviewed the financials packages, including the ‘expanded’ financials, which include:  Bingo P&L, Travel & Entertainment detail, Contributions Income & Expense detail, & the General Ledger for each of the 3 companies, which lists every transaction entered.  Tina asked the group to notify her if they do or do not wish to receive the expanded financial package.


Tina asked that anyone wanting to purchase dinner tickets for tomorrow night wait until noon to do so, in the Products room.  She reminded the board that brick orders are due March 1st, & online Boogie RV reservations will open on April 1st.


ITEM 3:  Jay updated the board on the status of Coliseum Bingo.  We closed for bingo on Feb 1 due to winter weather.  One of the players recently slipped & fell on ice in the parking lot.  The State Office did receive a completed incident report.


ITEM 4:  Jay then discussed LCRP.  GNCC (Grand National Cross Country) will host an event this year.  MaxC will host the Miracle Trial Race on June 7, the day after the Miracle Trail Ride.  The MTR happens to be the same day as National Trails Day this year.  


Jay reminded the group that the Confederation of Clubs (COC) rented part of the property for their private event two years ago.  He asked the board to consider whether we want to encourage or discourage renting the property to outside groups.  Consensus was we probably should if we can do so without closing to the public, & lease to private parties.  Jay then asked for a chair for the then formed LCRP Multi-Use Committee; Frosty will chair, with Roy, KFC, Mo, Joey, Darla & Mike Seiler serving. The Central Indiana Grotto (spelunkers) is renting part of LCRP for an event August 7-9, & the COC will have an event there Sept 12-13.


Jay & Rick Thompson inspected the property last week.  We have dead timber that needs to be dropped.


Roger Robertson was recently admitted to the hospital.  We need an operations manual for LCRP, so that in case of an emergency, any of our directors or volunteers will be able to man the gate for Roger.


Bear asked for an update on the septic system.  Jay answered that we submitted our water usage for the past two years to the State Health Department in the hope that they will allow us to continue using our current system.  We are waiting for an answer.


ITEM 5:  Roy Garrett assured everyone that Dirt Bike School (DBS) will continue.  DIRT will conduct a meeting tomorrow morning to determine the schedule for 2015.


He restated that the MTR is June 6-7.  MaxC will have a fun race as opposed to a points race, which is more enjoyable for the riders & spectators, & should be easier on the trails.


Wayne asked about the status of our legislative efforts to revise the state’s current ATV registration law.  Jay replied that we think some administrative revisions may be the way to proceed.  Senator Crider, a former conservation officer, is assisting with this & has the ability to introduce legislation if necessary.  


ITEM 6:  Mike Meyer thanked all that attended ABATE Day at the State House & reminded everyone how important it is to have presence there.  He reviewed several bills, including SB383 & SB343 (adds steering wheel to definition of a motorcycle), SB421 (defines auto cycles), HB1191, HB1220, & HB1471, all trail related.  Mike encouraged all to review the bills on Indiana’s website, iga.in.gov.  Jay added that 1471 went through a summer study, & probably will continue to gain some support.  Discussion followed.


Jay stated that there are some charitable gaming bills that we’re watching, nothing that’s truly detrimental to us.  SB166 is advancing though the legislative process, & is a bill that we’re watching because in the synopsis is the phrase “spinal cord & brain injury fund”.


Jay spoke with WXIN Fox 59 regarding a study publicized by the Advocates for Highway & Auto Safety, wherein they state Indiana needs a mandatory helmet law.  The MRF is addressing this on the national level.  


Jay added that while we had an acceptable showing for ABATE Day, if we find ourselves in a legislative battle we’ll need more support.  He also stated the importance of members following up with the State Office in letting us know who they spoke with.  Tina asked that members pre-register so we can better prepare for the event.  Mike Meyer reminded the group that they can go to the Statehouse any day that they’re in session, not just on ABATE Day.  Bob Stoner further added that Tues, Feb 17th is ABATE Kids’ Day at the Statehouse.


ITEM 7:  Jay gave an update on the current status of motorcycle rider education in the State of Indiana.  The MSF has hired a Program Manager, who has been visiting dealers for the purpose of recruiting them to subcontract with the MSF to deliver rider education.   He informed the board of plans for our rider education program, including necessary equipment purchases.  The criteria for approved training motorcycles is any motorcycle manufactured for on highway use that meets two of the following:  engine displacement of 500cc or less; dry unladen weight of 440 pounds or less; seat height of 30” or less.  Jay implored the directors to contact dealers in their area in an attempt to secure needed equipment.  The Motorcycle Expo is next weekend, & we plan to launch our schedule & begin accepting registrations.  Discussion followed.


ITEM 8:  Bob Stoner reviewed topics discussed in today’s Advisory Committee (AdComm) meeting.  They discussed Director Prep, LCRP septic system, capital purchases of training bikes, the 2016 ABC State Charity (AdComm requested applications by the June BOD meeting), an operations manual for LCRP, a liaison to LCRP (person(s) to walk through & assess the property on a regular basis), & an organizational chart for ABATE of Indiana.  The process for applying to be the recipient of our ABC State Charity is to forward six informational packages to the State Office; the office will keep one for a file copy & forward the rest to AdComm for their review & recommendation to the BOD.


ITEM 9:  Mike Meyer distributed the results of the 2014 Tour Program & announced the winners.


Mike Seiler handed out the 2014 results for HMC submissions.  Tina stated that we expect to have Boogie Bike Raffle (BBR) tickets to sell at the Expo.


Jay informed the group that Steel Horse aired a show that they recorded during Boogie 2014; it can be seen via their website.  Discussion followed regarding attendance & event features.  Marc reminded everyone that BBR tickets cannot be distributed through the postal service; he asked the directors to make the tickets available to their members.  Darla announced a Boogie meeting for 10:00 tomorrow morning.


Rodney reminded everyone that we need volunteers for Tiny Tots at the Expo next weekend.  The Expo schedule was discussed.


ITEM 10:  Jay informed the group that IMS will not host Motorcycles on Meridian this year, but Downtown Indy, formerly IDI, will host the event.  


ITEM 11:  This year’s Ride with the Governor will be on July 31st & will probably travel north.  


Jay asked the directors to contemplate ways to increase attendance at the Awards Banquet.  Discussion followed.


Tony stated that the Region 5 memorial wall needs additional space.  The Wall Committee was formed, with Tony Brummett as chair, & Jan Johns serving.


Mo brought up discussion regarding a resume received for Operations Director.  At this time we do not anticipate hiring for that position.  Jay updated the board on office personnel.


ITEM 12:  Jay reminded everyone of the Awards Banquet schedule & entertainment.  Teresa asked for silent auction items.


ITEM 13:  Meeting adjourned at 10:15pm




Respectfully submitted,




Tina McCormack



The next scheduled BOD meeting is April 11 at the annex in Bargersville.






Motion 1:  Don Hewitt motioned, with a 2nd by Jan Johns, to approve the September & October financials.  All regions voted yes; motion carried.


Motion 2:  Ken Harris motioned to adjourn, Rodney Walker seconded.  All regions voted in favor; motion carried.


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