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Board Meeting Minutes

ABATE of Indiana Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

October 9, 2021

Lawrence County Recreational Park, Springville, IN


Executive Director Jay Jackson opened the meeting at 2:05pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Those in attendance were:  Region 00-Jerry & Sherri Gordon; Region 01-Russ Zawacki & Holly Bridgman; Region 02-Terry Young & Don Tunis; Region 03-Scott Bowman, Mark Hughes & Justin Kennedy; Region 05-inactive; Region 06-Mark Thomas; Region 07- Dan Warnell; Region 09-Mo Kintner; Region 10-Suzanne & Bob Eckert; Region 12-Dave Hawkins; Region 13-Aaron Meyer & Christian Harper; LCRP-Rayce Guthrie; DIRT-Roy Garrett; Regions 04, 08 & 11 were absent.


ITEM 1:  Jay updated the group on the health situation of some members/employees.  Terry Young announced the passing of a long time member in Region 02, & Jay added a long time member in Region 08 also passed.


Jay thanked those that assisted with Motorcycles on Meridian in August.


ITEM 2:  Jay reviewed July-August financials.  He requested approval of May-June financials.



Sherri Gordon inquired about an expense on the Boogie profit & loss statement; Jay explained the expense.


ITEM 3:  Jay cited that we received notice from our licensed vendor for bingo supplies that there is a shortage of some items.  We don’t expect a dramatic effect on our bingo crowd.


ITEM 4:  Roy Garrett declared that we are still conducting Dirt Bike School (DBS) classes.  He added that the delay in delivery of the adult training bikes we ordered in 2019 is causing some dilemma in enrollment. Roy commented that a group of bicycle instructors participated in a DBS earlier this year.


Jay announced that we are in discussion with a music festival that might be a tenant of LCRP next year. He then updated the group of the status of depositions regarding the suit LCRP is named in stemming from a prior event.


Rayce said LCRP has hosted a couple of races this year, which has brought in some revenue in addition to improvements of the trails.  


ITEM 5:  Jay was unable to attend Meeting of the Minds (MotM) this year.  He asked for an overview from those that attended.  Scott Bowman began by stating that his favorite part is networking with members from other states.  He attended the Legislative Strategy breakout session, and then reviewed the MRF’s process for prioritizing legislative objectives.  Jay discussed lane splitting/lane filtering.  Scott shared that he learns something new each time he attends MotM.  Jay added that fuel tax revenues that help to fund infrastructure, will be decreased dramatically as combustion engine vehicles are replaced with electric.


ITEM 6:  Jay shared that the highway bill vote has been delayed.  He reminded directors that our current LINC Director, Richard Dolson, will be moving out of state soon & we will need to find a replacement. 


The Indiana General Assembly has submitted new maps for state, senate & congressional districts.  


ITEM 7:  We will schedule a Motorcycle Safety Division (MSD) Site Coordinators meeting in November. We decided against a fall Instructor Prep (IP) this year, & have scheduled an IP for the spring of next year.  Discussion followed regarding the fee we charge applicants for a Rider Skills Test (RST).  We plan to make decisions regarding our future with RST in our November meeting.


ITEM 8:  Jay referred to a notice from Marc Falsetti, which updates the group on his various projects. He reminded directors to submit their 2022 sanctioned events requests in a timely manner to expedite that portion of our November meeting.


We have enough Guidebooks for this year’s Fall Seminar, but will plan to reprint them for next year.  Any revisions or additions should be submitted soon.  The location for the seminar is to be announced.


ITEM 9:  We plan to conduct Director Prep (DP) in January.  Choices for dates are:  Jan 7-9; Jan 21-23; or Jan 28-30.


ITEM 10:  AdComm discussed topics from the By-Laws Committee meeting that took place recently.  All directors are welcome to join the By-Laws Committee meetings.  The committee will bring their recommendations to the Board of Directors.


ITEM 11:  Jay spoke with Mike Seiler this week regarding the Marketing Committee.  Membership numbers remains level.  Scott Bowman asked for clarification of our gaming license regarding drawings.   


ITEM 12:  Jay asked how the board intends to decide to award the Boogie security agreement.  Consensus is to gather information regarding similar events, then request bids based our budget.  Additionally, the board should develop a scope of work expected, with Jay providing a draft for the November meeting.  Mark Thomas suggested we eliminate the VIP area at Boogie.  Discussion ensued regarding possible reductions to the Boogie budget in other areas.  The next discussion concerned shuttles and rented golf carts.  The Boogie Product booth discussion followed.


Jay initiated conversation on award vouchers given for recognition purposes.  Online usage is a popular request.  Jay disclosed that we plan to streamline our product line.


ITEM 13:  Jay has learned that the BMV is experiencing a shortage of staff, and is closing branches because of that.


Jay informed the group that we lost another longtime member, former instructor & former director a couple of weeks ago.  Jay explained our memorial recognition process. We’ll revisit the criteria in November’s meeting.


Aaron Meyer requested a lifetime membership.  Discussion followed.  Directors will review the process at DP in January.


Jay expressed disappointment with the lack of participation and attendance.  He encouraged directors to recognize that the importance of representation will help us to be a cohesive unit.


ITEM 14:  Meeting adjourned at 5:06pm.



Respectfully submitted,



Tina McCormack



The next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Friday, November 19, location to be announced. 





Motion 1:  Dave Hawkins motioned, & Aaron Meyer seconded, to approve the May/June financials.  All regions present voted yes; motion carried.


Motion 2:  Mark Thomas made a motion to adjourn; Aaron Meyer seconded.  All regions present voted in favor; motion carried.


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