ABATE of Indiana, Inc. Logo
Board Meeting Minutes


AUGUST 11, 2024



Jay Jackson opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance at 12:18pm.  Those in attendance were: Region 00 – Jerry & Sherri Gordon, Ed Marti, Jon Kelly, & Steve Gladding; Region 01 – Amanda Case & Jeremy Moore; Region 02 – Glenn “Junior” Susnis; Region 03 – Scott Bowman, Angie Pier, & Brett Anderson; Region 04 – Lori Bussell; Region 05 – currently without a director; Region 06 – Jim Farmer; Region 07 – Ben Koughn; Region 08 – currently without a director; Region 09 – Mo Kintner; Region 10 – Suzanne Eckert; Region 11 – Pat Haggard; Region 13 – Christian & Heidi Harper; AdComm – Rod Taylor; LINC – Aaron Meyer; Marketing Committee – Mike Seiler; Freedom Hall building manager – Elizabeth “Izzy” Hanes; State Administrator – Kelly Jackson; State Secretary/Treasurer – Tina McCormack.  Region 12 notified they would be absent.


ITEM 1:  Jay Jackson introduced Elizabeth “Izzy” Hanes, Freedom Hall building manager, and Fort Wayne Site Administrator and Coordinator.  He stated that one of the AED units we recently purchased will reside at Freedom Hall.


Jay then announced that Lori Bussell is now Region 4’s Director.  Region 8’s director, Ethan Herrera, resigned prior to the Boogie.  There are a couple of members in that region that may be interested in becoming the director.  He further explained that there are a couple of people in our Region 5 area that are interested in resurrecting the region. 


ITEM 2:  Tina McCormack reviewed the directors’ packet for May/June.  AdComm meeting minutes are included in the packets.  Tina requested regions submit their past due minutes and treasurer reports.  Hoosier Motorcyclist submissions are being tracked on the Event Insurance Summary.  She pointed out that for the ABATE Bikers Care (ABC) program to continue, there needs to be more fundraising.  She then requested a motion to approve March/April financials.



Tina distributed a paper from Marc Falsetti, disclosing the number of visitors to our official Boogie 2024 web page.


Jay announced that we have a new insurance agent.  Jay and Tina discussed the upcoming repairs to the roof at Freedom Hall.


ITEM 3:  Jay led into Boogie discussion.  He has received many positive remarks about how clean the grounds and facilities were, as well as how friendly the host crews were.  Our rubbish crew asked Jay to convey their thanks for everyone’s help in keeping trash contained during the event.  The topic of beginning advanced sales earlier next year began.  No decision was made, more thought and discussion will take place at a later date.  Tina reminded the group that we do not charge extra processing fees for advanced sales or for early entry, like many other events do.  Minors on property after Wednesday was the next topic of discussion.  Conversation following included the restriction of pet animals at Boogie.  Jerry Gordon remarked on the number of 4-wheelers at Boogie this year.  Glenn Susnis commented that 4-wheeler operators need to be held responsible.   Suzanne Eckert added that signage stating 4-wheelers must yield to motorcycles should be prominent.  Suzanne also suggested moving our Boogie meeting/dinner to Tuesday night.  Mo Kintner brought up the topic of water guns.  Jay announced that next year’s Boogie theme will be birthdays, since ABATE of Indiana will be 50 years old in 2025.  Jay discussed pool water, and then the discussion with North Lawrence Water that took place during the event.  They will rework our water lines before next year, and we anticipate the water volume and pressure will be improved.  Ben Koughn commented that we did not have electrical issues this year.  Jay gave our electrician, Reno Richardson, accolades for his efforts.  Tina and Jay believe we improved upon selling the appropriate credentials for vehicles entering the event.  


ITEM 4:  Jay reminded the assembly of the NRA event at LCRP this weekend, and the Teams Race at LCRP next weekend.


ITEM 5:  Jay announced that the BMV distributed a survey regarding their performance.  A mobile office trailer that we donated to another provider has been abandoned on city property.  ABATE received notice from the city that it must be removed.  We anticipate moving it to LCRP if the other provider is unable to remove it.  Jay has notified the BMV that our rider ed contract amount will need to be amended to increase our contract total for this season.  We are close to securing a rider ed site in Lafayette.


ITEM 6:  Jay declared that Roberta Meyer has resigned as the MRF State Rep for Indiana; Justin Kennedy is currently the Assistant State Rep.  Just prior to Boogie, Jay was appointed to the Motorcyclist Advisory Council, which will respond directly to the Secretary of Transportation.  Jay requested expected attendance to this year’s Meeting of the Minds (MOTM).   Jay thanked Aaron Meyer for his legislative updates on Fridays, then invited him to speak.  


Aaron discussed the recent call to action from the MRF, and subsequent follow up.  Jay added that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is seeking information from motorcyclists regarding crash avoidance devices.  The MRF has requested that they be fair and impartial with the survey.  The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety has requested the federal government to require automatic braking systems (ABS) on all motorcycles sold in the United States.  Aaron added that the fifth case of a Tesla operating in auto drive killing a motorcyclist has been confirmed.  


ITEM 7:  Aaron has had better success in our (Biker Approved Gas) BAG program with local gas stations vs corporate stations.  He then discussed a couple of state legislative candidate surveys he received responses to.  Both the incumbent and challenger are in a region that is currently inactive.  Jay reminded the group that ABATE of Indiana cannot and does not endorse any political candidate, but we can broadcast their responses regarding motorcyclist issues.  Aaron reiterated that ABATE of Indiana needs to have 10,000 members by election day in November.  Jay and Kelly commented that we are very close to that.  Aaron then stated that we must have 150 members attend ABATE Day at the Statehouse in January or February.  


ITEM 8:  Jay recapped that we are combining officer training with our awards banquet in February.  He hopes we will also include the hospitality contest afterward.  


ITEM 9:  Jay anticipates Director Prep will be in early January.  Aaron requested ideas and comments for the sessions.  


ITEM 10:  Jay spoke on the current status of Freedom Hall’s fire suppression system, and believes it will be completed soon.  Jay and Glenn Susnis will follow up on the concrete apron project at the Bargersville office.  Jay then thanked Rod Taylor for his connection that resulted in two awning replacements in Bargersville at no cost to ABATE.  He then invited Rod to review the recent AdComm meeting.


ITEM 11:  Rod Taylor reminded the directors that the Advisory Committee exists to advise the Board of Directors in a manner that assists in making their decision making process more efficient.  Rod thanked Aaron Meyer for his legislative updates.  Rod reviewed the various programs within ABATE of Indiana.  




ITEM 12:  Mike Seiler discussed membership numbers.  He offered a venue for a meeting in our inactive region later this year.  


ITEM 13:  Jay emphasized the importance of successful ABC events if the board wants to continue the program.  He reminded the directors that we have revised our voting process concerning ABC grants to be electronic where feasible, in order to expedite the process.


ITEM 14:  Jay then discussed the decreasing participation in the Workers’ Party.  Unfortunately, we continue to loose traditional events due to less support and participation.  He reminded directors of the importance of meeting deadlines.  Discussion followed regarding current staffing in the office, and future expectations and alternatives.  Tina set the deadline for Workers’ Party invitation lists to be September 12.  She explained that names submitted after the deadline will not receive a mailed invitation, but we still need the names for entry into the party at LCRP.  Aaron suggested emailed invitations.  Tina then requested region sanctioned event dates at the October BOD meeting.  


Meeting adjourned, 2:53pm.



Respectfully submitted,




Tina McCormack



The next scheduled BOD meeting is Saturday, October 12, 2024 at Lawrence County Recreational Park.


Motion 1:  Suzanne Eckert motioned to approve the March/April financials, with a second from Jerry Gordon.  All regions present voted yes; motion carried.


Motion 2:  Jim Farmer made the motion to approve AdComm’s recommendation to approve the ABC application from Pike County Chargers and Band Boosters , and Jerry Gordon seconded.  Region 10 voted against, all other regions present voted in favor; motion carried.


Motion 3:  Jim Farmer motioned to approve the revised ABC application from Greene County Literacy, with a second from Suzanne Eckert .  All regions present voted yes; motion carried.


Motion 4:  Ben Koughn motioned to adjourn the meeting, Glenn Susnis seconded.  All regions present voted yes; motion carried.

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