ABATE of Indiana Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
November 17, 2023
Rodeway Inn, Indianapolis, IN
Executive Director Jay Jackson opened the meeting at 7:38pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. Those in attendance were: Region 00-Jerry & Sherri Gordon; Region 01-Russ Zawacki, Amanda Case, Randy & Shawna Katschke; Region 02-Jason Moles; Region 03-Scott Bowman, Brett Anderson, & Rey Diaz; Region 04-currently without a director; Region 05-inactive; Region 06-Jim Farmer; Region 07-Donju Taylor & Ken Harris; Region 08-Ethan Herrera; Region 09-Mo Kintner, Steve Parks, Carlis & Betty McKinney; Region 10-Suzanne Eckert; Region 11-Pat Haggard; Region 12-Brian Russell; Region 13-Christian & Heidi Harper; AdComm-Bob Stoner (via Zoom), Gino Johnson, Rick Thompson & Justin Kennedy; Region 99-Rene ‘RD’ Diaz; LCRP-Rayce Guthrie; DIRT-Roy Garrett; MRF-Roberta Meyer; BAG-Aaron Meyer; Marketing-Mike Seiler; State Administrator-Kelly Jackson; State Secretary/Treasurer-Tina McCormack.
ITEM 1: Jay read the AdComm report provided to him by Chair Bob Stoner. AdComm plans to hold an in depth budget planning during the upcoming Director Prep (DP); they discussed rider ed tuition for 2024, and plan to keep it at the current amount; we recently received an RFP from the Indiana BMV for rider education, which is due December 15; LCRP has the opportunity to purchase a used bush hog.
Jay recapped the revision of our By-Laws last year regarding our Advisory Committee (AdComm). Two positions, counsel and accountant, are self-perpetuating; two positions are elected; one is appointed; the Executive Director (ED) only votes in case of a tie vote. We will elect one tonight, and the ED will appoint one.
Pat Haggard nominated Rick Thompson, Brian Russell seconded; Rick accepts.
Scott Bowman nominated Bob Stoner, with a second by Jim Farmer; Bob withdrew his nomination. Rick Thompson is elected to AdComm by default with no election necessary; Jay appointed Bob Stoner.
Bob then recapped the number of grants received and approved through our ABATE Bikers Care (ABC) Fund. He stated that two organizations pending a decision will resubmit their application. Ethan Herrera visited an organization pending decision that is in his region and believes they are legitimate.
ITEM 2: Tina requested a motion to approve July/August financials.
She then reviewed and explained the directors’ packet contents for the incoming directors. Jay added that rider ed tuition is less than expense per student. Tina also gave details on due to/from accounts on the balance sheets. She reminded the directors that the region director, region treasurer, and state treasurer must be signatories on their respective region’s bank accounts. Tina explained the process and encouraged those affected to start the procedure with their bank immediately. Ethan Herrera asked what the minimum and maximum amount is that the regions should have in their account. Tina, Gino and Jay responded that each region’s needs are different, and regions can request an advance when needed. Jay further explained that the regions should only hold what they need for immediate expenditures. He added that ABATE’s bank accounts can earn interest on its balances. Tina, Jay and Gino reiterated that the state office must have monthly treasurer reports and bank statements from every region. Tina brought up the ABC Fund, and the concern that only five regions have planned events for the fund in 2024. If we are to continue the program, we must make sure to raise the funds to award applicants.
Gino reminded current directors, and informed incoming, that ABATE has been spending more money than it’s earned for a few years. He and Jay have developed a budget in the intent to reverse that trend. The directors will discuss the budget in more detail at DP.
ITEM 3: Jay informed the group of a “slip and fall” at Freedom Hall recently, with no injury reported. We are still on course to replace the fire suppression system. We are exploring ways to increase the spend per player at Coliseum Bingo. Brian Russell asked if ABATE has the funds to pay for the suppression system; Jay answered that yes, we have the money, and are waiting for the most convenient and fiscally responsible time to begin the replacement of the system. Tina referred the group to the balance sheet which lists each bank account’s balance.
ITEM 4: Roy Garrett stated that we held fewer DBS classes this year, but it was a successful year for DBS. We’ll begin classes again in the spring of 2024.
Rayce asked for volunteers for the Total Eclipse 2024 event at LCRP. He has met with Lawrence County officials regarding the event. Rayce detailed LCRP’s pricing for attending and camping during the event. He then stated that we are nearing the signing of the contract between the National Racing Association and LCRP, to host their race in August of 2024. Rayce recently attend the National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council (NOHVCC) in Utah. He learned of ideas for trail maintenance grants that he is currently working on.
ITEM 5: Jay stated that we are working through the Federal Highway Administration (FWHA) to reinstate the Motorcyclist Advisory Council (MAC). Governor Holcomb is term limited and so is not seeking reelection. There are a number of candidates for Indiana’s gubernatorial race. Jay will attend Organization Day at the State House this Tuesday, November 21st. Jay has not heard of anything controversial legislatively for the upcoming General Assembly session, which will be a short session.
ITEM 6: Jay repeated that we will respond to the Indiana BMV’s contract request for proposal (RFP). We hope to host an Instructor Preparation (IP) in the spring of 2024. As Gino alluded to earlier, rider education income saw an increase this year, and anticipate an increase again for 2024. We continue to pursue a range in Lafayette for a rider ed site. We will have a Site Coordinator’s meeting Sunday morning.
ITEM 7: Jay stated that we are releasing the new 20th edition of the Guide Book at Fall Seminar tomorrow. Since we incorporated most of the contents of the Fall Seminar supplement into the Guide Book, this year’s supplement is smaller. Tina explained the sales tax exemption form request process that Indiana’s Department of Revenue revised as of July 1st. She requested the regions send her the information for their standard vendors so we can get the NP-1 requested for them. Jay began discussion regarding getting members involved with the organization.
ITEM 8: Director Prep is scheduled for January 5-7, 2024, location to be announced. This event is limited to region directors only.
ITEM 9: Jay said that we’re seeing a slight increase in membership numbers, and are encouraged by that. Russ Zawacki reminded everyone to check with people at events and meetings to make sure their memberships are active. Jerry Gordon shared that some former members he socializes with have obsolete reasons as to why they haven’t renewed. Scott Bowman asked about a membership recruitment contest. Jay replied that we currently have the recruiter program, wherein a member can earn one year at no cost for recruiting 10 new or renewed memberships. Discussion followed.
ITEM 10: Jay invited Rene ‘RD’ Diaz to share his ideas with the board. RD stated that in addition to working Region 99, (out of state members), he would like to create a social media video for our Tiny Tots program, the Boogie, and a membership drive. These videos will be approved by the board prior to release. Discussion followed regarding riding your motorcycle to places such as church and elections.
ITEM 11: Aaron Meyer offered to email information regarding Biker Approved Gas, or BAG, to anyone in need. He also has stickers to distribute to those that do not have them.
ITEM 12: Scott Bowman asked about award plaques. Jay requested an impromptu meeting of the Recognition Committee, with all present contributing. Our Awards Banquet will be conducted virtually on February 10, 2024, originating at the Bargersville office. Jay suggested regional watch parties, and we will have space at the office for some recipients. We plan to host the Board of Director’s meeting that afternoon, prior to the banquet. Consensus is that sponsors can be awarded plaques, members will receive a distinct certificate; vouchers should be reserved for those that have gone above and beyond. The deadline for award list submissions is December 31, 2023 or sooner if possible.
ITEM 13: Event Sanctioning was completed electronically, with the exception of the February and June Board of Director’s meetings, which will be February 10 and June 8 respectively.
Brian Russell asked if ABATE will have a booth at the Indianapolis Boat, Sport, & Travel Show in February; Jay replied that we will.
Jay implored the regions to respect deadlines. He then dispelled a rumor that a part time ABATE employee earns $80,000/year.
Meeting adjourned to Executive Session, 10:09pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Tina McCormack
The next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Saturday, February 10, 2024 at the Bargersville Conference Center.
Motion 1: Mo Kintner motioned to approve the purchase of a used bush hog for $4700, seconded by Pat Haggard. All regions present voted yes; motion carried.
Motion 2: Pat Haggard made the motion to approve AdComm’s recommendation to approve an award from our ABC Fund for Indigo Rescue Ranch & Sanctuary, Suzanne Eckert seconded. All regions present voted yes; motion carried.
Motion 3: Donju Taylor motioned to approve July/August financials, with a second by Brian Russell. All regions present voted yes; motion carried.
Motion 4: Jerry Gordon motioned to adjourn, Mo Kintner seconded. All regions present voted yes; motion carried.