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Board Meeting Minutes


AUGUST 13, 2023



Jay Jackson opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance at 12:13pm.   Those in attendance were: Region 00 – Jerry & Sherri Gordon; Region 01 – Russell Zawacki; Region 03 – Scott Bowman, Brett Anderson and Mark & Shannon Hughes; Region 04 – Lori Bussell; Region 05 – currently without a director; Region 06 – Jim & Maggie Farmer; Region 07 – Donju Taylor; Region 09 – Mo Kintner; Region 10 – Suzanne & Bob Eckert; Region 11 – Pat Haggard; Region 12 – Brian Russell; Region 13 – Christian & Heidi Harper; AdComm – Justin Kennedy; Spiritual Director Pastor Jack Smith; MRF State Rep Roberta Meyer; Marketing Committee – Mike Seiler; Road Kill Road Crew – Ben & Joyce Koughn; Administrative Assistant Kelly Jackson.  Regions 02 and 08 were without representation.


Jay introduced Elizabeth ‘Izzy’ Hanes, Freedom Hall building manager, and Fort Wayne Rider Ed Site Coordinator and Administrator.  Jay updated the group on the current status of the fire suppression system replacement.  Mark Hughes detailed the project, adding that his employer will donate necessary materials.


With no questions regarding March/April financials, Jay requested a motion to approve.




He then reviewed the May/June financial packet.  Jay reminded the directors to review their region’s election procedures, and to use the most recent version of the Officer Acceptance Forms (OAF).  Workers’ Party invitation lists are due no later than September 11.


Jay shared his experience in attending the Kentucky Bike Rally earlier this year.  Next was a brief discussion regarding Boogie 2023.  Mo Kintner requested the board consider changing the date of Boogie.  Jay answered that not only was Boogie the first event of its kind to schedule the third weekend of July, there isn’t another weekend that doesn’t already have a competing event scheduled.  The use of tugs for shuttles will be reevaluated.  Jay asked the directors and crew leaders to report names of their Boogie volunteers to the state office.  A number of Boogie topics will be addressed at our next Director’s Prep.


Rayce Guthrie, Rick Thompson, and Roy Garrett are working the National Racing Association (NRA) event at LCRP this weekend.  Rayce estimated attendance at more than 3,000.


Jay announced that our Indianapolis Rider Ed site is operational.  We have another lead for a site in Lafayette.  We are conducting Rider Skill Testing at all of our sites.  Pat Haggard asked about examiner certification.  Jay responded that we are waiting to hear from the Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) when they will schedule examiner training.


Roberta Meyer stated the MRF’s Meeting of the Minds (MotM) is September 21-24, 2023 in Harrisburg, PA.  She then asked Jay to enlighten the group on the MRF Board’s meeting with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).  Jay talked about the unproductive meeting held in July.  He informed the board that the MRF is close to having a motorcycle definition bill introduced in the US Congress, as the current law is antiquated. 


Jay addressed Pastor Jack Smith and welcomed him back.


Indiana’s General Assembly will meet in November for Organization Day, and the short session will begin in January.


Our Fall Seminar is scheduled for November 18.  Jay appealed to the directors to assist in finding a facility for the event. 


Jay asked for preferred dates for Director Prep.  January 5-7, 2024 are the tentative dates.


We are working with the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute (ICJI) on awareness campaign grants, one of which involves our ABATE Children’s Motorcycle Adventure featuring the Tiny Tots.


Jay reviewed Bob Stoner’s AdComm report. 




The Memorial/Awards Committee suggested a revised memorial brick policy.  Discussion followed regarding the meaning of ‘good standing’.



Discussion began concerning the Awards Banquet.  


There was no old business to discuss.


Jay opened discussion about formally observing Region 99.  Rene Diaz summarized his idea for the project.


Jay asked the directors to respect deadlines.  Jim Farmer asked the deadline for reporting Boogie volunteers to the state office.  Brian Russell asked for clarification on what names to report.  August 27 was set for the deadline.


Christian Harper suggested allowing Boogie volunteers to utilize their personal golf cars for their Boogie responsibility.  Discussion followed.


Meeting adjourned, 2:31pm.



Respectfully submitted,




Tina McCormack 








Motion 1:  Suzanne Eckert motioned to approve the March/April financials, with a second by Donju Taylor.  All regions present voted in favor; motion carried.


Motion 2:  Donju Taylor made a motion to approve AdComm’s recommendation to grant Fulton County Backpack $500 from our ABC fund, seconded by Jerry Gordon.   All regions present voted yes; motion carried.


Motion 3:  Motion was made by Pat Haggard to approve a grant through our ABC fund to Veterans’ Best Friend, seconded by Jim Farmer.  All regions present voted in favor; motion carried.


Motion 4:  Suzanne Eckert made the motion to supply a memorial brick at no cost to any member of at least 20 years, and any current or past director, whose membership is in good standing, seconded by Brian Russell.  Region 00 voted against, all other regions present voted in favor; motion carried.


Motion 5:  Donju Taylor motioned to adjourn the meeting, and Suzanne Eckert seconded.  All regions present voted yes; motion carried.

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