ABATE of Indiana Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
November 18, 2022
Rodeway Inn, Indianapolis, IN
Executive Director Jay Jackson opened the meeting at 7:37pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. Those in attendance were: Region 01-Russ Zawacki & Holly Bridgman; Region 02-Don & Leann Tunis, Terry Young; Region 03-Scott Bowman, Brett & Lynn Anderson; Region 04-Chuc Hunter & Lori Bussell; Region 05-inactive; Region 06-Mark Thomas, Jim & Maggie Farmer; Region 07-Dave Howell, Jennifer Wainscott, Donju Taylor; Region 08-Ethan Herrera, Angela Rustan, Ricky & Cathy Burch; Region 09-Mo Kintner; Region 10-Suzanne Eckert; Region 11-Pat Haggard; Region 12-Brian Russell; Region 13-Aaron Meyer, Christian & Heidi Harper; AdComm-Bob Stoner, Gino Johnson, Rod Taylor, Rick Thompson; LCRP-Rayce Guthrie; DIRT-Roy Garrett; MRF-Roberta Meyer; Marketing Committee-Mike Seiler; Rider Ed Consultant-Donnie Becker; Editor/Publisher-Marc Falsetti; Administrative Assistant Kelly Jackson; Secretary/Treasurer-Tina McCormack.
ITEM 1: Bob Stoner gave a report on topics discussed during the AdComm meeting held prior to this meeting. Gino Johnson and Jay plan to present budget numbers to the directors during Director Prep in January. Jay continues to search for assistance with obtaining a quote on replacement of the fire suppression system at Freedom Hall. Gino reviewed his comparison of Boogie net revenue for the past five years. Pat Haggard asked if AdComm will solicit bids for Boogie security; Bob answered that the Board of Directors (BOD) will request those bids. The AdComm recommended awarding the ABC grant to Wabash Center.
ITEM 2: Jay announced that, pursuant to our revision of By-Law 6.1, we will elect the fifth member of AdComm. Justin Kennedy was elected for a two year term to the AdComm.
TEM 3: Tina McCormack requested a motion to approve July/August financials.
She then reviewed the financial highlights and dashboard for September/October. Aaron Meyer asked if we plan to keep our properties encumbered; Jay replied that we will continue to reduce the debt; Gino Johnson added that it’s more of a legal question than financial.
Tina reminded the board to have their awards lists to the state office by December 15. Pat Haggard asked for the memorial brick due date; Tina replied March 1st, and Jay added that the information is on our website with the order forms. Mo Kintner inquired about maintenance at the memorial; Jay answered that it falls under the Recognition Committee, but we will request assistance with and donations for that in the Hoosier Motorcyclist(HMC).
ITEM 4: Jay reported that he, Marc Falsetti, Tina McCormack and Elizabeth Hanes attended the online Charity Gaming Seminar on November 9th.
ITEM 5: Roy Garrett stated that LCRP conducted 10 Dirt Bike School (DBS) classes in 2022. Aaron Meyer asked how many coaches are certified to teach DBS; Roy answered that there are four. Rayce added that LCRP is in possession of three new dirt bikes for DBS, and are searching for additional units. The grant application has been submitted to the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for reimbursement in the amount of 80% of the purchase price.
ITEM 6: Roberta Meyer announced the legislative agenda for the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF). She reminded the group that the MRF is relying on submissions to their online survey regarding profiling of motorcyclists. Marc Falsetti added that the survey is also on ABATE’s Facebook page. Roberta then stated that electric motorcycles are not eligible for the tax credit awarded to other electric vehicles. Roberta would like to add some Assistant MRF Reps in Indiana to help her raise awareness and gain members. The MRF has a goal to add 7,000 members in the next year. Jay added that the MRF is hopeful that the profiling resolution will be called for a vote soon. He recently learned that the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) is testing autonomous vehicle recognition of motorcycles in the dark. Jay has communicated with the supporters of SB173, the vulnerable road users’ bill, reminding them of our position that motorcyclists do not wish to be classified as such, but if we can find suitable language where motorcyclists are not included, we will support their bill. He announced dates for ABATE Day at the Statehouse and Kids’ Day at the Statehouse: ABATE Day is January 24th; Kids’ Day is April 11th.
ITEM 7: Jay is following up on a lead for a rider ed site in Indianapolis. Jay apprised the board of a schedule we recently received from the Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) for mandated updates for motorcycle safety instructors.
Jay then detailed concerns with the 2023 contract for motorcycle licensure, the Rider Skills Testing. Discussion followed.
ITEM 8: Marc Falsetti shared that he is revitalizing the membership inserts and updating websites. He is researching a high speed internet service for LCRP that should be available next year. Marc and Cyndii Underwood are thinking of ways to smoothly transition to her absence when she begins her new career next year. Dave Howell asked about deadlines for HMC submissions; Marc answered it’s the 1st day of the prior month.
ITEM 9: Jay reviewed the schedule for tomorrow’s Fall Seminar. Our Site Coordinators are meeting Sunday morning. Tina added the Products sales hours, as well as seminar registration times. Sherri Gordon reminded everyone that we will need help with load out tomorrow evening.
ITEM 10: Jay conveyed that our tentative dates for Director Prep are not opportune for some. After discussion, Director Prep is now scheduled for January 27-29, 2023. Jay thanked Brett and Lynn Anderson for agreeing to administer the Tiny Tots in Ohio that weekend.
ITEM 11: Suzanne updated the board on the progress of the Recognition Committee. The committee will present their suggestions during Director Prep. They also would like to have a separate section in the HMC, with a consistent format for memorial announcements. Guidelines for award presentations are also a project they are working on. Suzanne asked for input from the directors. Suzanne suggested a day in May each year, which is Motorcycle Safety and Awareness month, for an official ceremony at the memorial. Desired maintenance and additions at the memorial include parking bumpers, landscaping, fencing and adding a walkway for off-road riders. We have volunteers for fence installation. The directional signs in Judah are missing, and will need replaced.
Mike Seiler distributed active member numbers analysis.
Aaron Meyer asked directors for ideas, if any, for Director Prep by the 1st of December.
Dave Howell would like the Boogie Entertainment Committee to be able to finalize the schedule soon so we can begin marketing for Boogie.
ITEM 12: Jay shared that we were not successful in having the apron behind the Bargersville office paved during the recent repaving of the alley. The contractor will provide us with a quote in a few months. The awnings on both our buildings are shredding. Jay has requested a quote for replacement.
ITEM 13: The Motorcycle and Powersports Expo has been cancelled for 2023. The Indianapolis Boat, Sport & Travel Show (IBSTS) is scheduled for February 17-19, and 22-26, and expects to include a substantial motorcycle presence. We will have our Tiny Tots program there. Our Tiny Tots will also be in Cincinnati January 20-22 and 25-29.
Mike Seiler suggested a special membership card for anyone volunteering for a minimum of three state events.
Don Tunis asked the possibility of replacing one of the Tiny Tots trailers. Discussion followed, with Dave Howell and Russ Zawacki volunteering assistance in repairing the current trailer vs replacing it.
LeAnn Tunis asked about Tiny Tots training. Jay replied to notify him so we can coordinate the training with an event. Chuc Hunter asked to be included as well. The Indiana Motorcycle and Powersports Expo (this year the Ford Indianapolis Boat, Sport and Travel Show) is an excellent opportunity to gain Tiny Tots training.
ITEM 14: Tina distributed award calculations explanations and the proposed 2023 sanctioned events calendar. Sanctioning of events was finalized.
Meeting adjourned 10:02pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Tina McCormack
The next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Friday, February 10, 2023, location TBA.
Motion 1: Dave Howell motioned to accept AdComm’s recommendation for ABC awards, Chuc Hunter seconded. All regions voted in favor; motion carried.
Motion 2: Aaron Meyer nominated Justin Kennedy for AdComm member, Mo Kintner seconded; Justin accepted the nomination.
Motion 3: Brian Russell made the motion to close AdComm nominations, with a second by Pat Haggard.
Motion 4: Pat Haggard motioned to approve the July/August financials, seconded by Jerry Gordon. All regions voted yes; motion carried.
Motion 5: Dave Howell made a motion for us to sign a contract with the BMV for RST only if our concerns with the current proposal are adequately addressed; Aaron Meyer seconded. Region 0 voted no, all other regions voted in favor; motion carried.
Motion 6: Suzanne Eckert motioned to adjourn, Aaron Meyer seconded. All regions voted in favor; motion carried.