ABATE of Indiana Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
June 11, 2022
Lawrence County Recreational Park, Springville, IN
Executive Director Jay Jackson opened the meeting at 1:11pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. Those in attendance were: Region 00-Jerry & Sherri Gordon; Region 01-Russ Zawacki; Region 02-Don & Leann Tunis; Region 03-Scott Bowman & Justin Kennedy; Region 04-Chuc Hunter; Region 05-inactive; Region 06-Mark Thomas; Region 07-Dave Howell, Jennifer Wainscott, Donju Taylor & Jeff Britton; Region 08-Ethan Herrera, & Ricky & Cathy Burch; Region 09-Mo Kintner; Region 10-Suzanne Eckert; Region 11-Mike Seiler; Region 12-Brian Russell; Region 13-Aaron Meyer, Christian Harper & Heidi Hill; AdComm-Bob Stoner & Rick Thompson; LCRP-Rayce Guthrie; Marketing Committee-Mike Seiler; Event Security-Mike ‘Mongo’ Pottorff & Mike Clendenen; MRF-Roberta Meyer; Special Needs-Dakota Whelchel; Vendor Coordinator-Larry Banks; Secretary/Treasurer-Tina McCormack; Guest-Melinda Harvey.
ITEM 1: Tina requested a motion to approve January/February financials.
She then reviewed the March/April packet distributed at this meeting, and explained the financial highlights for the period. She thanked the regions for reports submitted, and reviewed a by-law another state motorcyclist rights organization (SMRO) has in place for their districts that are not submitting reports.
ITEM 2: Jay announced that we recently received a new “Charity Gaming Basics” from the Indiana Gaming Commission. We will review the manual and consult with Gino and Rod as needed. He then shared an article detailing an investigation in another state regarding an SMRO’s charitable proceeds. Jay reiterated to the directors that there are laws in place regarding charitable gaming that we as an organization must adhere to.
ITEM 3: Rayce Guthrie informed the group that Red Bird has opened their new facility. Roy Garrett is conducting our 2nd Dirt Bike School (DBS). Jay added that he attended an Indiana Trails Advisory Board (ITAB) meeting last week, which was sparsely attended. They discussed the Recreational Trails Program (RTP) fund, which are federal funds generated from fuel tax. Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) has opted out of the federal RTP program, and funds are now Indiana Department of Transportation (InDOT) monies. InDOT will direct the amounts to IDNR without the federal stipulations on RTP funds.
ITEM 4: Jay distributed the John Hartford Memorial Festival (JHMF) program. Rayce Guthrie reviewed the event that LCRP hosted the previous weekend. He noted that the crowd was very clean, even picking up trash that others dropped. The event’s entertainment was very organized and efficient. Jay noticed the cleanliness of the group. Larry Banks added that he’s been involved with the JHMF as a vendor, and this year’s event was indicative of the festival. Jay said that there was an incident during the festival, where a golf car collided with a parked car, and injuries were incurred. He added that LCRP has been released from the lawsuit stemming from the Jugallo’s event LCRP hosted in 2019. JHMF plans to return to LCRP in the future.
ITEM 5: Roberta Meyer informed the group that New Hampshire legislature passed a motorcycle profiling bill. The National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA) has been collecting data on driver awareness of motorcycles. She then announced the loss of Deb Butitta, a champion in motorcycle advocacy, to a motorcycle crash. Meeting of the Minds (MoTM) is September 22-25 in Des Moines Iowa. Jay requested anyone interested in attending contact the state office so we can budget for the event. Jay reviewed Bikers Inside the Beltway (BitB) that took place in May. The democrat legislators were still under Covid restrictions and were not hosting meetings.
Jay said the MRF is working on anti-profiling, definition of motorcycle, and ethanol.
ITEM 6: Jay noted how much it costs to fill the gas tank of a motorcycle now. He stated that Mitch Daniels has announced he will retire from Purdue University as of January 1. He reviewed our state primary elections. If the vulnerable road users language is brought up next year, we’ll make sure motorcycles aren’t included, since they are motorized and registered vehicles, unlike bicycles and pedestrians. Next year is a budget bill year in Indiana.
ITEM 7: Jay continued with Motorcycle Safety Division by sharing information on a new rider education provider in Indiana. He then stated that motorcycle fatalities are expected to increase. NHTSA predicts a 9% increase for 2021. We continue to search for an Indianapolis site, and still need instructors and examiners. We are hopeful that we will be able to conduct Rider Skills Tests (RST) at our Merrillville site this year. Tina reminded the group that you are no longer required to hold a motorcycle learner’s permit before taking the RST. The BMV has agreed to examiner training. Jay referenced the trailer we purchased for a mobile classroom that is parked at LCRP. The BMV requires instructors to attend a mandatory update in even numbered years; they have not scheduled updates this year. Jay stated that we have a new commissioner at the BMV. Cathy Burch asked about the status of the new contract from BMV; Jay answered that we have not received anything on the new contract. Russ Zawacki asked if we will continue with the Zoom classroom; Jay replied that we will, although we do have an alternate low technical version that we can send to students that are not able to attend via Zoom.
Glenn “Jr” Susnis, our Jasper/Newton County Rep, has accepted the North Coordinator position for our Tiny Tots program. We still would like to have a coordinator in southern Indiana. Sherri Gordon said the black trailer that they currently have possession of needs tables, chairs, and waivers, as well as roof repair.
ITEM 8: Bob Stoner updated the group on topics discussed during today’s AdComm meeting: our budget; BMV reimbursements; JHMF income; the Juggalo’s lawsuit release of summary judgement; the fire suppression system at Freedom Hall; limited Boogie discussion; and ABC submissions.
ITEM 9: Suzanne Eckert stated that the Recognition Committee has some basic suggestions for the appreciation brick policy and will meet again soon to further discuss. There will be a separate section in the Hoosier Motorcyclist (HMC) for memorial recognition.
Mike Seiler has found that texting meeting reminders to members has increased attendance at his county meetings. Jay added that personal contact usually results in a response, hopefully positive. He presented Marc Falsetti’s written update on Boogie and membership promotions.
ITEM 10: Mo Kintner believes the board omitted two employee positions in our by-laws. Suzanne Eckert stated that those will be added to policies rather than by-laws. The By-Law Committee will forward the language electronically, with a vote to be taken in our July meeting.
Mo then stated that a flyer with discriminatory language on Facebook also had ABATE’s name on it. This is not an ABATE of Indiana or ABATE Foundation flyer or event.
ITEM 11: Jay discussed members and acquaintances that have passed in the last year.
Aaron Meyer asked if we have formalized the removal of the drop ceiling at the Bargersville office; Jay responded that we will coordinate that and other Bargersville projects later.
The Motorcycles on Meridian (MOM) event has been terminated. An alternate event may be introduced for the future. Scott Bowman asked about the kickoff event for Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month; Jay replied that we did not have the kickoff event this year. Dave Howell asked what will happen if motorcycles show for MOM; Jay answered that city officials will be prepared to address the participants if they do not follow the law.
ITEM 13: After a short recess, the Boogie meeting commenced. Those joining the meeting were: Mike ‘Hadji’ Barnes, Angie Crawford, Leonard Shook, Ben Koughn, Clayton Ainscough, Kayla Tomlinson, and Ron Craig.
Ron Craig and Jay agreed we will rent 100 porta-pot units this year. Discussion ensued regarding the relocation of the VIP and handicap areas at/from stage front. Jay and Larry Banks discussed vendors. We will have a new electrician crew this year. EMTs will have two stations again. Discussion began regarding local changes for response. Jay and Mike Barnes will discuss in a separate meeting. Sherri Gordon displayed T-shirt samples. She asked crew leaders for their ice needs and authorized signers. Bleachers will be revamped and utilized for spectators. Each region’s duties were reviewed.
Meeting adjourned 4:24pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Tina McCormack
The next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Wednesday July 13, 2022 at the Motorsports arena at Boogie.
Motion 1: Aaron Meyer made the motion with a second from Mark Thomas, to approve January/February financials. All regions present voted yes; motion carried.
Motion 2: Jerry Gordon motioned to limit ABC grants to a maximum of $2,000.00; Dave Howell seconded. Region 00 and 07 voted in favor, all other region voted against; motion failed.
Motion 3: Suzanne Eckert motioned to accept AdComm’s recommendation for ABC to forward a letter of intent to grant $5,000.00 to the American Legion after they raise the balance needed by 12/31/2022, Chuc Hunter seconded. Regions 04 and 07 voted no, all other regions voted yes; motion carried.
Motion 4: Aaron Meyer made the motion to accept AdComm’s recommendation for ABC to approve the grant for Parke-Vermillion Christian Youth Mission, with a second by Chuc Hunter. Region 00 voted against, all other regions voted in favor; motion carried.
Motion 5: Aaron Meyer motioned, with a second by Jerry Gordon, to adjourn to the Boogie meeting. All regions voted in favor; motion passed.
Motion 6: Suzanne Eckert made the motion to adjourn, Dave Howell seconded. All regions voted yes; motion carried.