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Board Meeting Minutes

ABATE of Indiana Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

April 9, 2022

ABATE Conference Center, Bargersville, IN


Executive Director Jay Jackson opened the meeting at 1:10pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. Those in attendance were: Region 00-Jerry & Sherri Gordon; Region 01-Russ Zawacki & Holly Bridgman; Region 02-Don & Leann Tunis; Region 03-Scott Bowman & Justin Kennedy; Region 04-Chuc Hunter; Region 05-inactive; Region 06-Mark Thomas & Jim Farmer; Region 07-Dave Howell, Jennifer Wainscott, & Donju Taylor; Region 08-Ethan Herrera; Region 09-Mo Kintner; Region 10-Suzanne Eckert; Region 11-Pat Haggard; Region 12-Brian Russell; Region 13-Aaron Meyer; AdComm-Rod Taylor & Rick Thompson; LCRP-Rayce Guthrie; DIRT-Roy Garrett; Marketing Committee-Mike Seiler; Event Security-Danny Bertolet; MRF-Roberta Meyer; Administrative Assistant-Kelly Jackson; Secretary/Treasurer-Tina McCormack; Guest-Mike ‘Mongo’ Pottorff, Mike Clendenen, & Roger Lake.


ITEM 1: Tina requested a motion to approve November/December financials.



She then reviewed the January/February packet distributed at this meeting. Mo Kintner questioned why the Region 9 ABC proceeds are not reflected on the ABC report. Tina followed up with the following answer when emailing the minutes to the Board: the reports in the directors’ packet distributed today are for the period January-February 2022, & Region 9’s proceeds were deposited into ABATE Foundation on March 4. Therefore, the proceeds and report will be reflected in the reports for March-April 2022.


ITEM 2: Jay stated that while we continue to monitor developments concerning the pandemic, we don’t expect restrictions to be established.


ITEM 3: Jay then announced that we recently experienced our best night for Coliseum Bingo since pre-Covid. Jay recently visited Freedom Hall where he and Elizabeth ‘Izzy’ Hanes examined the building for needed repairs or improvements. They also discussed expenses. Mike Seiler questioned the cost of trash removal. Jay and Tina explained the recent contract negotiation which decreased the monthly expense, but we were required to sign a new three year contract. We also traded the dumpster at Bargersville for a residential sized container to decrease that expense. Rayce Guthrie and Tina McCormack discussed the dumpster situation at LCRP.


ITEM 4: Jay reviewed the floor replacement in our Bargersville conference room and museum. He stated that prior to this meeting, he and Rod Taylor discussed removing the drop ceiling to expose the original ceiling. We will postpone installing a concrete pad between the building and the alley.


ITEM 5: Jay shared that Dirt Bike School (DBS) registrations are slow compared to last year, but we expect that to change when the weather warms. We cancelled the first DBS at LCRP in March.

Rayce Guthrie recently met with the promoters of the John Hartford Memorial Festival, which will be hosted at LCRP. The RV campground is sold out for the festival the first weekend in June. We received the second deposit from the festival this week.


Roy Garrett stated that off-road vehicle (ORV) events are starting for the season.


Jay presented a timber management contract from our current contractor for LCRP. The previous contract has expired.



ITEM 6: Jay announced that David Howell has accepted the position of Region Director for Region 7. The group thanked David.


ITEM 7: Jay requested the directors review the two responses to our request for proposal (RFP) for a Boogie security contractor. Discussion ensued.




Jay, Danny Bertolet and Mike Pottorff will discuss the position of ABATE Security Director in the near future.


ITEM 8: Jay reported that ABATE has agreed to continue to administer the Rider Skills Test (RST), with an increase in the applicant fee. The Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) extended our current contract through the end of 2022, so there will be no change to the test this year. However, we have not received the executed extension yet, so we will add post April dates once the executed agreement is received. We expect an RFP from the BMV for both RST and Rider Education sometime this year.


Our Elkhart rider ed site will move to Granger. The new range was secured largely due to the efforts of Russ Zawacki and Holly Bridgman. The Granger range will allow for 12 students as compared to the Elkhart range allowing for 10. We also have a potential host for a range in the Indianapolis area.


Our rider ed contract with the BMV requires our instructors to attend an update this year. After many requests from us for the update schedule, the BMV still has not supplied that information. Jay reviewed some requirements of the current rider ed contract. Discussion followed regarding content in the Indiana Driver’s manual, which is produced by the Indiana BMV.


We completed or Instructor Prep (IP) last weekend in Fort Wayne. Six candidates were successful. ABATE requested the BMV to allow instructors outside our curriculum to be qualified in our curriculum by attending an update rather than completing an IP; the BMV recently agreed to this, pending their approval of our proposed update process. Holly Bridgman asked if there’s a possibility that the Indiana BMV would consider reciprocity of a passing score from an Indiana RST for a Michigan endorsement. Jay replied that it would be up to the Michigan BMV to allow reciprocity from an Indiana RST, and we currently are not allowed by our RST contract to administer the test to anyone without an Indiana permit.


ITEM 9: The Indiana General Assembly’s session ended March 14, as 2022 is a ‘short’ session year. The ethanol issued was not resumed in this session. We will be discussing the content of the vulnerable road users bill language to ensure motorcyclists are not included.


ITEM 10: Roberta Meyer stated that the MRF requested a Call to Action recently, and only 27 Indiana residents responded. She then instructed the group on the process of responding to an MRF Call to Action. Roberta informed everyone that the Motorcycle Advisory Council (MAC) has not yet been formed.


Jay will attend Bikers Inside the Beltway (BIB) in May and will review the event afterward.


ITEM 11: Jay began conversation regarding renting items for Boogie entertainment, such as the inflatable slide. He then updated the group on the current entertainment lineup. Discussion ensued regarding our Boogie shuttle service. It was decided to provide shuttle service in 3 six hour shifts from 8:00am-2:00am. Kelly Jackson explained the status of the signup genius for Boogie crews. We will have a printed copy of the schedule in the box office during Boogie. Scott Bowman asked about the VIP area in front of the main stage. Discussion followed regarding the main stage and crowd control. Mark Thomas asked about region bands for Boogie; Chuc Hunter had the same question. Jay replied that our Entertainment Coordinator should receive that information, and Jay will follow up with Mark and Chuc.


Sherri Gordon displayed product she offered to sell for ABATE at Boogie. Opinions were voiced, and consensus is to allow selling of the shirt at Boogie.


ITEM 12: Jay reviewed topics discussed during the AdComm meeting earlier today. We received one ABC app since our last board meeting.


ITEM 13: The Recognition Committee is scheduled to meet on Tuesday. To conclude the By-Law revisions, we can conduct the third reading today. There are no changes since the second reading.



Mike Seiler observed that texting meeting reminders vs emailing them seems to have increased attendance in Shelby County meetings. Aaron Meyer reminded Jay of a discussion with Gino Johnson regarding outsourcing email blasts. Jay replied that they’ll follow up on that. Kelly Jackson agreed that she receives more response from rider ed students through texts vs phone calls or emails. Aaron disclosed that he has not received input from anyone regarding Director Prep.


ITEM 14: There is no old business.


ITEM 15: Jay said there were no issues with the revival of our Tiny Tots program at the Indianapolis Boat Sport & Travel show in February. We will partially resume the program. However, we don’t have a coordinator for the program. Jay will revise the request form and distribute when it’s completed. He asked that any requested dates be emailed to him now, in advance of the revised request form. Jerry Gordon asked if there will be a training scheduled for workers; Jay replied that workers are trained at events, and to email Jay with information regarding people that need trained. All emails should copy ridered@abateonline.org.


The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department (IMPD) law enforcement rodeo may not happen in 2022, because we have not been able to secure a host location. The desired date is June 11, 2022, which is the date of our June BOD meeting.


The Indiana State Fair has requested our Tiny Tots at their event this year. This could also include motorcycle awareness and/or a rodeo. We will need volunteers and need to respond soon. Conversation followed.


Jay spoke on the possibility of sharing a portion of the office with another business. The Indiana BMV offered RSI branded t-shirts to our rider ed sites that are to be given to students.


Jay shared that Boogie RV reservations have been brisk. Aaron Meyer asked when Boogie supplies lists are needed; they are due no later than the June meeting, sooner if possible. Aaron then asked if we will have the May is Motorcycle Safety and Awareness month proclamation. Jay answered that we will have a proclamation and are planning the kickoff event on Thursday, May 5.


Meeting adjourned 4:31pm.



Respectfully submitted,




Tina McCormack



The next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Saturday, June 11, 2022 at Lawrence County Recreational Park, Springville.





Motion 1: Pat Haggard made the motion with a second from Mo Kintner, to approve November/December financials. All regions present voted yes; motion carried.


Motion 2: Pat Haggard motioned to accept the timber management contract pending approval by counsel; Aaron Meyer seconded. All regions present voted in favor; motion carried.


Motion 3: Chuc Hunter motioned to require our Boogie security contractor to provide liability insurance, Suzanne Eckert seconded. Regions 00, 02, 04, 06, 09, 10, 11, 12 and 13 voted in favor; regions 01, 03, 07 and 08 voted against; motion carried.


Motion 4: Aaron Meyer made the motion to contract Mike Pottorff as our Boogie security contractor, with a second by Brian Russell. Regions 00, 01, 02, 03, 06, 08, 10, 12, and 13 voted yes; regions 04, 07, and 09 voted no; region 11 abstained; motion carried.


Motion 5: Aaron Meyer motioned, with a second by Pat Haggard, to adapt the By-Law revisions as read three times. Region 07 abstained, all other regions voted in favor; motion passed.


Motion 6: Aaron Meyer made the motion to adjourn, Suzanne Eckert seconded. All regions voted yes; motion carried.


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