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Board Meeting Minutes

ABATE of Indiana Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

November 19, 2021

Rodeway Inn, Indianapolis, IN


Executive Director Jay Jackson opened the meeting at 7:40pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Those in attendance were:  Region 00-Jerry & Sherri Gordon; Region 01-Russ Zawacki & Holly Bridgman; Region 02-Terry Young & Don Tunis; Region 03-Scott Bowman, Mark & Shannon Hughes, Justin Kennedy, & Brett & Lynn Anderson; Region 04-Chuc Hunter; Region 05-inactive; Region 06-Mark Thomas; Region 08-Ethan Herrera; Region 09-Mo Kintner; Region 10-Suzanne & Bob Eckert, & Roy & Becky Rogers; Region 11-Pat Haggard; Region 12-Dave Hawkins; Region 13-Aaron Meyer & Christian Harper; AdComm-Bob Stoner, Rod Taylor & Rick Thompson; LCRP-Rayce Guthrie; DIRT-Roy Garrett; Marketing Committee-Mike Seiler; Event Security-Danny Bertolet; MRF-Roberta Meyer; Publisher/Editor-Marc Falsetti; Administrative Assistant-Kelly Jackson; Secretary/Treasurer-Tina McCormack; Guest-Donnie Becker; Region 07 is an excused absence.


ITEM 1:  Marc Falsetti exhibited prototypes of program brochures he has created.  He also displayed brochure holders that can be customized with crayons, paint, etc.  He will distribute both the brochures and holders at Director’s Prep.  He then announced that he brought pre-packaged issues of Hoosier Motorcyclist, advertising promos, and ABATE courtesy cards for each region.  Marc informed the group that he is pursuing high speed internet for LCRP.  Primary use will be for the office; however, it’s possible that we will be able to offer Wi-Fi to campers, as well as utilize it at the main stage during events.  Marc plans to promote membership via Facebook.  Chuc Hunter requested that he notify the regions prior to the release so the regions can also promote the organization via their social media.  He then explained some recent delays in the mailing of the Hoosier Motorcyclist. Marc thanked Sherri Gordon and Kelly Jackson for assisting with our social media.


ITEM 2:  Bob Stoner reviewed topics discussed at the AdComm meeting earlier tonight.  With no additional ABC submissions, there were none to review.  We have one prior submission pending further information.  Rayce Guthrie is seeking Boogie sponsors.  Bob asked Tina for a Boogie analysis.  Jay Jackson will obtain necessary drawings to acquire a quote to replace the fire suppression system at Freedom Hall.  AdComm discussed commercial insurance providers and recommend staying with our current carrier, with the exception of the rider ed portion, which has been moved to a previous vendor.  Future projects include maintenance and cosmetic attention at the Bargersville office. 


ITEM 3:  AdComm elections followed.  Aaron Meyer nominated Justin Kennedy with a second by Mo Kintner; Dave Hawkins nominated Bob Stoner, and Pat Haggard seconded; Rick Thompson was nominated by Scott Bowman with a second by Mark Thomas.




Bob Stoner was re-elected to AdComm; Rick Thompson was appointed by Jay Jackson.


ITEM 4:  Tina McCormack reviewed the September/October financial packets.  The second PPP loan was recently forgiven in full.




Tina reminded the directors that all awards data is due at the end of the year.  Jay recapped that because of our not for profit status, members cannot benefit personally from the organization.

ITEM 5:  Jay Jackson recapped our bingo operations.  Some of our suppliers are experiencing shortages of certain items.  He then explained the outcome of an audit from Indiana Gaming Commission (IGC) last year.  Scott Bowman asked about current capacity; Jay answered that we are fully open.  Tina added that attendance numbers are included in the directors’ packets.


ITEM 6:  Roy Garrett announced that we conducted 36 Dirt Bike School (DBS) classes this year.  In following up on training bikes we purchased through the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) grant, Rayce Guthrie learned that additional shipments to manufacturers are expected this month.  Rayce will research optional suppliers.  Aaron Meyer congratulated Roy, Rayce and all responsible for the off-road training program.


ITEM 7:  Rayce then apprised the group of events at LCRP.  LCRP hosted two racing events in 2021 and has signed a musical event for next year.  LCRP purchased a water trailer to use for watering roads during events.  Aaron Meyer offered volunteers to assist in the upkeep of the cemetery on the property; Rayce replied that a youth group has also offered to help with that project.  Rayce and Jay attended the recent Indiana Motorcycle Dealers Association (IMDA) meeting.  ABATE will begin presenting an annual membership with every new motorcycle purchase beginning in January, for both street motorcycles and off-road vehicles.


ITEM 8:  Jay reminded the directors that we are currently searching for a LINC Director, due to Richard Dolson relocating out of state.  Next year is a short session for the Indiana General Assembly.  Jay referenced an article in the Indiana Chamber of Commerce’s newsletter that highlights Indiana’s Senator Mark Messmer as Government Leader of the Year.  Jay expects ethanol to be an issue in the legislative session next year.  The American Petroleum Council is leading a coalition regarding fossil fuels; we will participate in this coalition.  The Executive Director of the Indiana Petroleum Council may be attending our seminar tomorrow.  We need to work on relationships in the Indiana State House, due to the most recent redistricting.


ITEM 9:  Roberta Meyer reported that the federal highway bill was passed.  The bill reestablished the Motorcycle Advisory Council, and expanded the membership to include a member of a national motorcycle foundation.  It also increased grant funding for motorcycle safety.  The MRF is working on profiling, autonomous vehicles, ethanol, data collection devices and ownership of the data, emissions regulations, definition of motorcycle crash avoidance, and helmet laws.  Membership in the MRF has increased by 20% in the past year.  The MRF is switching from its CQ Engage program to Fiscal Notes.


ITEM 10:  Jay stated that our motorcycle safety division (MSD) is still searching for a host in Indianapolis.  We are considering an increase to our fee for a Rider Skills Test (RST) if we continue to administer the exams.  The Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) is adding a cornering component to the test.


ITEM 11:  Jay then reviewed the schedule for tomorrow’s seminar, which will include a membership recruiting contest.


ITEM 12:  The board set the date for Directors’ Prep to be January 28-30, 2022.


ITEM 13:  The By-Laws Committee, consisting of Chair Bob Stoner, Pat Haggard, Suzanne Eckert, Jay Jackson and Rod Taylor have reviewed the By-Laws and policies, and have compiled suggested revisions to evaluate a second and possibly third time prior to presenting those to the board.


Mike Seiler with the Marketing Committee offered that the general public doesn’t know what ABATE of Indiana has accomplished for motorcyclists.  Aaron Meyer suggested a small flyer containing a QR code that will link to a website depicting ABATE’s accomplishments. 


The Memorial Committee, of which Jay Jackson is the lone remaining member, will offer for review the memorial policy during Directors’ Prep in January, and the policy will be included in the Policies section of our Guidebook.


ITEM 14:  Jay informed the group that LCRP should be released soon from the ongoing lawsuit stemming from a 2019 event that it hosted.


Jay reminded the directors to submit their responses for the proposed RFP for Boogie Event Security.


ITEM 15:  Bob Stoner announced that Creed Fisher has been signed for Boogie 2022.  Further discussion ensued regarding our Boogie Entertainment budget and possible acts.


Jay added that another topic of discussion during Directors’ Prep will be electronic participation in meetings such as board meetings.


ITEM 16:  Our sanctioned events were finalized.


Meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 11:13pm.



Respectfully submitted,




Tina McCormack



The next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for Friday, February 11, 2022 Rodeway Inn, Indianapolis.





Motion 1:  Pat Haggard motioned to close AdComm nominations, Dave Hawkins seconded.  All regions present voted in favor; motion carried.


Motion 2:  Dave Hawkins motioned, & Suzanne Eckert seconded, to approve the July/August financials.  All regions present voted yes; motion carried.


Motion 3:  Chuc Hunter made the motion to adjourn this meeting to Executive Session; Pat Haggard seconded.  All regions present voted in favor; motion carried.


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