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Board Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

June 13, 2020

Lawrence County Recreational Park


Executive Director Jay Jackson opened the meeting at 1:05pm with the Pledge of Allegiance, & then a moment of silence for those we have lost.  In attendance were:  Region 00-Jerry & Sherri Gordon; Region 01-Wayne Kopec; Region 02-Terry Young & Don ‘Bear’ Hewitt; Region 03-Scott Bowman, & Mark & Shannon Hughes; Region 04-Kent Taylor; Region 05-absent; Region 06-Mark Thomas; Region 07- Ken & Andru Harris; Region 08-Ted Borchelt; Region 09-Mo Kintner; Region 10-Suzanne Eckert & Thom ‘Hippy’ Henderson; Region 11-Pat Haggard; Region 12-Dave Hawkins; Region 13-Aaron Meyer & Christian Harper; AdComm- Rick Thompson; LCRP-Rayce Guthrie; MRF-Roberta Meyer; DIRT-Roy Garrett; LINC-Richard & Cheryl Dolson; Marketing Committee-Mike Seiler; Event Security-Danny Bertolet; Vendor Coordinators-Larry Banks, & Harold & Dolly Davidson; RKRC-Leonard Shook, Ben Koughn, Dave Mings, Kayla Tomlinson & Clayton Ainscough; Boogie Radio-Dave ‘Big Willy’ Stoike; Rider Ed Coordinator-Kelly Jackson; Secretary/Treasurer-Tina McCormack. 


ITEM 1:  Tina requested a motion to approve January/February financials.



She reminded the group that all ABATE of Indiana events & programs were suspended beginning March 17th.  Tina then explained the process & ongoing revisions for the PPP forgivable loan that ABATE applied for & was granted.


Jay asked the regions to take the supplies they requested, as well as extra copies of Hoosier Motorcyclist for promotional purposes.



ITEM 2:  Jay announced the Miracle Ride has been postponed until 8/29-8/30, which is the week after the rescheduled Indy 500 race.


ITEM 3:  Rayce Guthrie stated that we’ve seen more interest in our Dirt Bike School (DBS).  He recently received notice that the grant through Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has been approved.  We plan to purchase 8 bikes to use in DBS.


Jay reminded that we were successful in passing the resolution requesting the US Forest Service to re-evaluate their forest plan to allow motorized recreation in Hoosier National Forest (HNF).  Scott Bowman requested a list of the supporters.


Rayce continues to work with the Motorcycle Dealers’ Association of Indiana to award a one year ABATE of Indiana membership to every customer that purchases a motorcycle or off-road vehicle (ORV) from the dealers.  


ITEM 4:  Jay gave an update on our bingo operation.  We have followed all state guidelines throughout the COVID-19 crisis.  Coliseum Bingo is scheduled to reopen on Tuesday, June 16 & Jay plans to attend.  Attendance continues to be limited.  Elizabeth Hanes, building manager, & the workers have been cleaning & organizing the hall for social distancing.


ITEM 5:  On the federal level, we are in the midst of the reauthorization of the highway bill.  The Motorcycle Riders Foundation is monitoring the progression.


Richard Dolson referenced an article from the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) magazine. 


Jay informed the group that the MRF is actively communicating with members of Congress via telephone conferences.


Next year is a budget year for Indiana General Assembly.  Discussion followed regarding the financial impact of COVID-19 & recent protests.


The MRF’s May event, Bikers Inside the Beltway, was cancelled this year.  Meeting of the Minds (MOTM) is still planned for September.


Discussion ensued regarding COVID-19 restrictions & precautions.  Terry Young inquired about the status of our Tiny Tots program. Jay answered that it’s suspended, probably for the rest of this year, but we will evaluate on a case-by-case basis.   


Wayne Kopec reminded the group that September 1 is the early registration deadline for MOTM.  We have lodging accommodations for overflow, which Wayne asked local members to utilize.  He asked for volunteers & donations for the event.  Mike Seiler added that the committee will distribute flyers at Boogie to promote MOTM.  Jay asked for volunteers to assist with the Hall of Fame in the Bargersville annex. 


ITEM 6:  Our Motorcycle Rider Ed season began optimistically with ample registrations at the Motorcycle Expo in February.  Once COVID-19 restrictions were enacted, we had to cancel several classes until we found a means to conduct classroom virtually.  This has created much more work for the office staff this year.  Tyler Armour, Donnie Becker & Jay were instrumental in creating a product to use for the virtual classroom; Marc Falsetti worked tirelessly to merge the product into the Zoom meeting; office staff has been inundated with phone calls & rescheduling students.  Two site hosts recently notified us that they need their ranges for a couple of weeks, due to their own rescheduling of events because of the pandemic; this will cause us to reschedule an additional six classes.


Jay recently testified in Ohio at their House Transportation Committee hearing on a bill that would allow the Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) to circumvent Ohio’s state program. 


The National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM) conference was cancelled; the National State Legislators’ Association’s conference has been cancelled; the State Motorcycle Safety Administrator’s (SMSA) annual conference is cautiously planned for September, but is uncertain at this time.


ITEM 7:  The AdComm discussed finances & our ABC program.  The committee suggested placing a moratorium on the ABC awards until further notice.  Bob Stoner will notify the organizations that have applications pending.


ITEM 8:  Mike Seiler asked the board to vote on the following proposal, at the August BOD meeting:  ABATE of Indiana will offer a 5 year membership for $100.  Tina asked about a similar offer for a couple’s membership.  Jay offered that we will research the cost of memberships & present that information at the August meeting.


Aaron Meyer asked how many supporter sets we have on hand; Tina & Jay replied that we have a couple dozen left, but we can produce more when needed.


Discussion followed on the number of years members renew.  Although ABATE of Indiana is the only organization in Indiana that lobbies for motorcyclists’ rights, there are many more motorcyclist’s organizations now than when ABATE began.  


ITEM 9:  Roberta Meyer announced that Monday, June 15 is Ride to Work day.  The MRF is seeking applicants for their Young Activist award.


ITEM 10:  Sherri Gordon gave an update on the scavenger hunt that ABATE conducted on Facebook.  


Jay suggested the directors focus on regaining inactive members, as well as contacting new members to welcome them to the organization.


Jay informed the group that a member in Region 2 has plastic eggs available for free if anyone is interested. 


ITEM 11:  Jay announced that MotoAmerica has been rescheduled to October 9-11, & Motorcycles on Meridian (MOM) will be October 10th.  We will need volunteers for both events.  Subsequently, our October BOD meeting & Workers’ Party will move to October 17.


Jay was asked if ABATE of Indiana would recognize a spiritual leader as a position within the organization.



ITEM 12:  Board of Directors’ meeting adjourned at 3:00pm, & Boogie meeting commenced.



ITEM 13:  Those joining the meeting were:  A&A-Ron Craig; Electricians-Gus; EMS-Mike ‘Hadji’ Barnes & Angie Crawford.


Jay reviewed preparedness & needs with each region & crew leader.  Rayce will have utility locates done the week prior to Boogie.  Admissions will move to the office trailer at 11:00pm Thurs & Fri nights, then back to Front Gate at 7:00am Fri & Sat mornings.  RVs/campers will be allowed to camp throughout the property for $100 fee, provided they don’t move until Sunday, and have a valid RV sticker.  Scott Bowman & Kent Taylor will be responsible for escorting those vehicles into the bottoms.  Discussion regarding social distancing, gloves & masks.

Meeting adjourned at 5:17pm.




Respectfully submitted,




Tina McCormack



The next scheduled Board of Directors meeting will be.­­





Motion 1:  Wayne Kopec made the motion to approve January/February financials, with a second by Ken Harris.  All regions present voted yes; motion carried.


Motion 2:  Jerry Gordon motioned to recognize Spiritual Director as a volunteer position within ABATE of Indiana, Scott Bowman seconded.  Regions 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 06, 07, 08, 10, 11 & 12 voted in favor; Regions 09 & 13 voted against; motion carried.


Motion 3:  Ken Harris motioned to adjourn to the Boogie meeting, with a second by Wayne Kopec.  All regions present voted yes; motion carried.

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