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Board Meeting Minutes

ABATE of Indiana Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

November 8, 2019

Waterfront Hotel, Indianapolis, IN


Executive Director Jay Jackson opened the meeting at 7:40pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Those in attendance were:  Region 00-Jerry & Sherry Gordon; Region 01-Wayne Kopec & Al 'Putt' Putman; Region 02-Don ‘Bear’ Hewitt & Terry Young; Region 03-Scott Bowman, Brett Anderson, & Mark & Shannon Hughes; Region 04-Jan Johns; Region 05-Randy & Janet Penix; Region 06-Mark Thomas; Region 07- Ken Harris;  Region 08-Mike Jeffers & Ted Borchelt; Region 09-Mo Kintner; Region 10-Suzanne & Bob Eckert, & Roy & Becky Rodgers; Region 11-Zach Bird & Pat Haggard; Region 12-Dave Hawkins & Brian Russell; Region 13-Aaron Meyer & Christian Harper; AdComm- Gino Johnson, Bob Stoner, & Rick Thompson; DIRT-Roy Garrett; LCRP-Rayce Guthrie; Marketing Committee-Mike Seiler; LINC-Richard Dolson; MRF-Roberta Meyer; Event Security-Danny Bertolet; Guests-Cheryl Dolson; Editor/Publisher-Marc Falsetti; Secretary/Treasurer Tina McCormack; Office Assistant Kelly Jackson.


ITEM 1:  Bob Stoner reported on topics discussed in today's AdComm meeting.  The committee talked about the Boogie Entertainment budget, our ABC Fund, & ways to increase revenue.  The AdComm recommendation for ABC applicants is to deny one, & to request a specific project from another.  


ITEM 2:  AdComm elections took place.  One position is open for election by the Board of Directors, & one position is open for appointment by the Executive Director.





There are only two nominees, one of which would be elected, & the other would be the appointee; therefore, no election is necessary.


ITEM 3:  Bob Stoner stated that he will speak about our ABC Fund in Fall Seminar tomorrow.


ITEM 4:   Tina asked for any questions on July/August financials.



She reviewed the September/October financials packet.  Gino spoke on our cash flow position.  Tina noted an increase in memberships sold at LCRP.  She asked the directors to confer with their secretaries & treasurers on any missing reports & funds due the state office.  ABATE receives donations through Facebook.  Tina reminded the group to ensure all membership applications are legibly completed in full.


ITEM 5:  Jay reported that our gaming revenues are down about 4% over year-to-date 2018, which is about what the industry is experiencing throughout the state.  Replacement of the fire suppression system remains as a task.   


ITEM 6:  Roy Garrett announced that Dirt Bike School (DBS) has concluded for the year.  He recited class numbers per range, at LCRP & Wabash Cannonball. Scheduling around LCRP, ABATE & Wabash Cannonball events can be somewhat challenging.


Jay spoke on the need for additional training bikes for DBS, but DBS does not profit from classes.  Rayce Guthrie listed the bikes that we own.  They both discussed the RTP matching grant offered through the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), which will require us to raise $6,000 for about $26,000 worth of units.


ITEM 7: Rayce then updated the directors on the recent increase in riders & campers at LCRP.  He also sees an increase in UTV riders & has adapted some trails to better suit those vehicles.  Swannie Hill is closed & Rayce has formed several gravel water bars on Hummel Hill in an effort to lessen erosion on the road.  Jay added that we are in discussion with racing organizations to try to host some races at the property next year. 


As Executive Chairman of the Motorcycle Dealers Association of Indiana (MDAI), Rayce let the group know that ABATE will host the next MDAI meeting on 11/18 at the ABATE annex in Bargersville.  He invited all interested parties to the MDAI meeting.


Rayce attended the National Off Highway Vehicle Conservation Council Conference (NOHVCC) in Reno last month.  They showcased trail management, GPS trail mapping, & social media among other topics.  Sales of side-by-side UTVs are currently outselling 2-wheeled motorcycles in the US.  Electric motorcycles were also popular at the show.  Motorized recreation in Hoosier National Forest was discussed both at NOHVCC & in this board meeting.


ITEM 8:  Richard Dolson & Jay discussed HR255, the anti-profiling bill.  Jay announced that Tuesday, 11/19 is Organization Day at the State House.  The session officially begins in January, & will be a short session.  ABATE Day at the State House will be Wednesday, January 8, same day as the Indiana Manufacturers Association's legislative briefing.  We have a sponsor for our resolution to request the US Forest Service to allow motorized recreation in Hoosier National Forest.  Jay asked for members to attend Org Day & speak to their legislators.  The Indiana State Teachers' Association, ISTA, has scheduled a demonstration at the State House on Org Day.


Roberta Meyer distributed a map of Indiana’s US Congressional districts.  She asked that motorcyclists contact Congressman Trey Hollingsworth (CD9) & Congressman Jim Banks (CD3) & thank them for their support of HR255.  Roberta asked that all ABATE regions sustain their MRF membership.  


Jay asked the group to think about Meeting of the Minds (MotM) during our Fall Seminar tomorrow, to determine logistics for the MotM that we will host next September.  Paulette 

Korte, MRF office, will meet with the Waterfront management tomorrow.  Jay asked for volunteers to work the event.  


Jay introduced Mike Sayre, AMA Government Relations Manager.  Mike will speak during the seminar tomorrow; topics include lane splitting, automated vehicles & E15 fuel.  Mike is also the Chairman of the Motorcycle Advisory Council (MAC).


ITEM 9:  Tim Buche, President of Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) & the Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC), has retired.  The MSF's curriculum is being investigated by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) for the safety of the product. 


We are evaluating the cost of tuition for our 2020 rider ed courses.  The MSD Committee will submit their recommendations to the board electronically, & the board will need to make their decision soon after.  We continue to look for rider ed site hosts as well as additional instructors.  We plan to schedule an Instructor Prep (IP) class for the spring.


ITEM 10:  This year, the Fall Seminar will be a general session with no breakouts.  The seminar is structured to introduce programs to officers & guide them to where they can find more information.  Jay reviewed tomorrow’s agenda.  Tina asked for volunteers to help with registration tomorrow morning.  Jay asked the directors to respect & meet the deadlines that we have in place.


ITEM 11:  Jay reviewed our Director Prep schedule; it’s scheduled for 1/10-1/12/20. 


ITEM 12:  Rodney Walker explained our Tiny Tots procedures.  Request forms are on our website & will be accepted beginning 1/1/20.  He reiterated that we need helmets & bikes to replace the units that were stolen.  Jay asked the group to copy him on their requests.  He then thanked Rodney & Harley Klopfenstein for overseeing this program.  Rodney reminded the directors that all waivers are to be returned to the state office.  Per Harley, do not repair the bikes; instead, remove the bike from service & give Harley details of any problem.  We continue to accept sponsorships for Tiny Tots.  We’ll need volunteers to work Tiny Tots at the Motorcycle Expo in February. 


Jay informed the board that we might consider electric bikes for Tiny Tots.  Renfro Productions invited ABATE to bring the Tiny Tots program to their January show in Ohio. 


ITEM 13:  Marc Falsetti is currently working on ABATE’s information security policy.  He reminded the directors that we need help developing a policy for posting information on social media. Marc encouraged officers to submit letters to the Hoosier Motorcyclist (HMC) each month.  He apprised the group of the transition with our new phone system.  Discussion ensued about an electronic version of HMC, & timely communication for obituaries.   


ITEM 14:  Mike Seiler distributed current membership numbers.  Wayne Kopec requested to convene a MotM Committee meeting tonight.


ITEM 15:  The American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) has revised its Hall of Fame criteria to better allow for activists to be recognized.  Mark Buckner will be inducted this year.


ITEM 16:  Jay discussed Motorcycles on Meridian (MOM) & the MotoAmerica race, both of which are scheduled for the 3rd weekend in August next year.  These events require numerous volunteers for various responsibilities, but the organization gains positive exposure working these events.


The board reviewed some Boogie processes, & they plan to discuss them more in depth at Director Prep.  We should confirm entertainment very soon so we can promote the lineup. 


Tina explained the three forms of awards that we currently give.  Award lists are due at the end of this year.  


Wayne inquired about membership dues.  The board will discuss more at Director Prep.


ITEM:  Tina coordinated finalizing the sanctioned events list.



Meeting adjourned to Executive Session, 11:04pm.


Respectfully submitted,




Tina McCormack, Secretary/Treasurer


The next scheduled Board of Directors meeting will be February 7, 2020 at the Waterfront Hotel. 





Motion 1:  Scott Bowman nominated Bob Stoner for AdComm, Wayne Kopec seconded.


Motion 2:  Ken Harris nominated Rick Thompson for AdComm, with a second by Aaron Meyer.


Motion 3:  Aaron Meyer motioned to close nominations, & Scott Bowman seconded.


Motion 4:  Mo Kintner motioned to approve July/August financials, with a second by Don Hewitt.  All regions voted in favor; motion carried.


Motion 5:  Ken Harris motioned to adjourn to Executive Session, Aaron Meyer seconded.  All regions voted yes; motion carried.


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