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Board Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

April 8, 2018

ABATE Conference Center, Bargersville, IN


Executive Director Jay Jackson opened the meeting at 12:59pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Those in attendance were:  Region 00-Bob Heaton & Sarah Dewitt; Region 01-Wayne Kopec & Holly Bridgman; Region 02-Don ‘Bear’ Hewitt; Region 03-Scott Bowman & Justin Kennedy; Region 04-Jan Johns; Region 05- Randy Penix; Region 06-Mark Thomas, Bob ‘Boots’ Sipes & Wayne Sullivan; Region 07- Ken Harris; Region 08-Mike Jeffers; Region 09-Mo Kintner; Region 10-absent; Region 11-Zach Bird; Region 12-Dave Hawkins; Region 13-Mike Meyer; AdComm- Rick Thompson; DIRT-Roy Garrett; LCRP-Rayce Guthrie; LINC-Mike Meyer; Event Security-Mike Clendenen, Gary Cook & Danny Bertolet; Marketing Committee-Mike Seiler; Editor/Publisher Marc Falsetti; Secretary/Treasurer Tina McCormack; Guests – Tim & Becky Sanford.


ITEM 1:  Marc circulated a prototype of the updated “What’s in it For Me?” brochure. He asked the directors to forward him contact information for any motorcycle related businesses in their areas. He then stated that renewal reminders will be mailed from the state office soon.  Mike Meyer asked about the Tour sponsor page mockup; Marc has that on his to do list.  


Discussion followed regarding a rider education brochure.  Our current brochure contains information about all of our programs including rider ed; if directors want a more detailed or site specific piece, Marc can design something at their request.  Jay added that many of our classes are full at this time.


Jay expressed that other SMROs are struggling with membership numbers, & are trying different marketing ideas to increase their numbers.  Discussion followed.


Marc will print acknowledgements from our ABC recipients in an upcoming issue of Hoosier Motorcyclist.  He also will include the list of 25+ year members in the May issue.


ITEM 2:  Tina stated that she did not receive questions on Nov/Dec financials.




Tina then referred to the frequently asked questions provided to us by American Income Life (AIL). Charity will direct mail the piece to all current officers.  This is a great informational piece to explain the no cost AD&D benefit & answer questions they may receive.


She reviewed the Jan/Feb financial packets.  She reminded the directors that ABATE Foundation is the entity accountable for charitable fundraising.  


ITEM 3:  Tim Sanford expressed his opinion to the board regarding the golf cart fee for this year’s Boogie, & gave alternate suggestions.  Discussion ensued.


ITEM 4:  Jay reviewed our charitable gaming numbers with the board.  He informed them that we followed legislation this year that might have affected the bingo hall, but it was not successful.  


ITEM 5:  Roy Garrett announced that our first Dirt Bike School (DBS) took place yesterday. He, Scott Bowman & Rodney Walker have explored a possible DBS site in Wabash, Indiana.  The paperwork should be submitted to the state office soon, to apply for recognition from the Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF). Scott added that the land owner is very receptive to hosting DBS.  Rayce stated that the DBS trailer is road worthy.


Roy informed the board that the resolution we supported involving off road vehicles & Hoosier National Forest both did not advance this year.  Roy, Jay, Rayce & Rick will attend the US Forest Service meeting in Bedford this coming Tuesday.  Jay stated that there are opportunities in Ohio for motorized recreation in national forests.


ITEM 6:  Rayce updated the group on progress at LCRP.  The weather has hampered some efforts.  Excavating the south field for Boogie parking & renovating the box office are priorities. 


Tina added that LCRP received payment for timber in March, which should offset the anticipated expense to rent a bulldozer.


Wayne Kopec offered a supply of directional signs to LCRP.


ITEM 7:  Jay reported on MSD.  Our classes are filling quickly.  We continue to look for additional sites & want to add classes, but personnel shortage remains an issue.  On several occasions over the past couple of years, we’ve discussed the purchase/fabrication of a mobile training unit.




Jay then shared that we are close to entering into a contract to conduct 3-wheeled training, titled S/TEP.  Adding a rider ed course involves time & expense.  We will incur costs this year for training personnel and/or utilizing out of state contractors for both S/TEP & BRS courses.  We have a BRS Instructor Prep (IP) scheduled to start on April 16.  We also are hosting BRS Lead Instructor Trainer Expert (LITE) training beginning April 14. Mo inquired about contractual requirements for our instructor core.  Jay has been assured that our scheduled instructor trainings will be recognized by RSI. He just learned that both the licensing & rider ed contracts that we recently signed with RSI are being amended. 


Jay distributed the RSI annual report for 2017.  The group analyzed the numbers & information.  They also examined a copy of the new motorcycle permit format.


ITEM 8:  Mike Meyer referenced the legislative district list that he composed, with assistance from the Indiana Chamber, which shows legislative districts in relation to our regions.  Mike asked the directors to report any changes to him after the general election in November.  


Jay stated that the Governor has called for a special session, which will take place in May after the primary election. (5/14/18, proposed)


ITEM 9:  With AdComm unable to meet for various reasons, the members spoke via teleconference on Wednesday evening this week.  Rick Thompson reported on the suggested selections from the three ABC submissions we received since our Feb meeting. 




Discussion followed regarding the selection process.  It was decided that going forward, the AdComm will give the full board advance notice of recommendations before discussion in the BOD meeting.


ITEM 10:  Jay began discussion on Boogie.  The south field is being developed for car & camper parking.  RV sites were released for sale this past Monday, & most RV sites are already sold.


While in Ohio yesterday, Jay learned that their June Jam, that’s been around about as long as our Boogie, has been discontinued.  It’s important to know that there are events that are not surviving.  This board has worked hard, especially the past couple of years, to try new & innovative things to help increase attendance at Boogie. 


Jay is promoting our event when he travels to other SMROs, Bryan Gresham is promoting the Boogie at events where he vends, Big Willy has started production on more YouTube videos, Marc is bartering and/or purchasing print advertisements.


More discussion regarding golf carts & suggested regulations followed.  


Mike Clendenen asked directors to submit their Boogie Worker’s list at the June BOD meeting.  


ITEM 11:  Mike Seiler presented membership numbers.


ITEM 12:  Our Tiny Tots program does a good job promoting the organization & our lifestyle. We need to keep working it.  


Jay presented the board with an opportunity to host an additional exhibit in our museum.




ITEM 13:  Jay reminded the group that Motorcycles on Meridian (MOM) is August 25th. ABATE of Indiana is not monetarily sponsoring the event this year.  Mike Clendenen pleaded for volunteers.  Jay added that Indy Downtown Inc (IDI) will have vendor space for rent in the Vendor Village at the 125 lot on Meridian St.  


IDI is hosting an event on Monument Circle, the Handle Bar Hot Lap, on May 18.  Groups are welcome to register as teams in the competition.


Our Motorcycle Safety & Awareness Month kickoff event on Monument Circle is May 9th; we’re there from 10am – 2pm.


Zach conveyed that a Boogie EMS worker requested reflective vests for the crew; Jay will contact Hadji, because we should already have those.


Mike Meyer asked the directors to ensure their phone trees are operational.  Jay emphasized the importance of relaying information quickly, especially when we have a call to action.


Meeting adjourned, 3:27pm.


Respectfully submitted,



Tina McCormack



The next scheduled Board of Directors meeting will be June 16 at Lawrence County Recreational Park. 






Motion 1:  Jan Johns motioned, & Don ‘Bear’ Hewitt seconded, to approve the Nov/Dec financials. Region 09 voted no, all other regions present voted yes; motion carried.


Motion 2:  Dave Hawkins made the motion to approve the purchase or creation of a mobile training unit for MSD, not to exceed $15,000, Ken Harris seconded.  All regions present voted in favor; motion carried.


Motion 3:  Mike Meyer motioned to accept the recommendations from AdComm for ABC distributions, Scott Bowman seconded.  Region 09 voted against, all other regions present voted in favor; motion carried.


Motion 4:  Scott Bowman motioned to host the proposed exhibit concurrent to our museum, & Mo Kintner made the second.  All regions present voted yes; motion carried.


Motion 5:  Ken Harris motioned to adjourn, Randy Penix seconded.  All present in favor; motion carried.

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