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Board Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

October 21, 2017

LCRP, Springville, IN


Executive Director Jay Jackson opened the meeting at 1:10pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Those in attendance were:  Region 00-absent; Region 01-Wayne Kopec; Region 02-Don ‘Bear’ Hewitt; Region 03-Scott Bowman, Marcy Thompson & Justin Kennedy; Region 04-Jan Johns; Region 05-Tony Brummett notified earlier that he would not be attending; Region 06-Mark & Carol Thomas; Region 07- Ken & Barbara Harris, Ben Koughn, Ernie & Janet Davidson, & Harold Davidson; Region 08-Mike Jeffers; Region 09-Mo Kintner; Region 10-Thom ‘Hippy’ Henderson; Region 11-Zach Bird & Sue Williams; Region 12-Dave Hawkins; Region 13-Aaron Meyer & Rick & Brenda Wiscaver; AdComm- Gino Johnson, Bob Stoner & Rick Thompson; DIRT-Roy Garrett; LCRP-Rayce Guthrie; LINC-Mike Meyer; MRF-Roberta Meyer; Committees-Mike Seiler; Administrative Assistant Dana Surd; Editor/Publisher Marc Falsetti; Guests-Angie Stoner, Lisa Brown, Larry & Karin White, Jim & Maggie Farmer, Patsy Bauer, Ron ‘Chilidog’ Graphman, Greg Wilson, Christian Harper, & Edie Seiler.


ITEM 1:  Gino announced that we will be approving May/June financials in this meeting, & July/August are included in the Directors’ packets that were distributed.  He then asked for any questions on May/June financials.  With no questions, May/June financials were approved.




Gino brought attention to the Boogie financials.  Further discussion regarding Boogie will take place later in this meeting.


ITEM 2:  Jay informed the group that we have contacted a contractor, referred to us by Tony Brummett, to quote a replacement of the fire suppression system at Freedom Hall.  Our current vendor offered to quote a replacement, but for a charge of $6,000.  Jay again thanked Scott Bowman for examining the roof earlier this year, & reported that currently there are no obvious issues with leaks.  We continue to monitor the condition of the roof, but the fire suppression system repair is the priority at this time.


Gaming revenues & attendance at Coliseum Bingo are steady, & dollars spent per player are above average.


ITEM 3:  Roy Garrett stated that we have 1 more Dirt Bike School (DBS) class to conduct this year.


He then declared that he has been in communication with AMA & the Blue Ribbon Coalition regarding efforts to open Hoosier National Forest to motorized recreation.  Discussion followed.  Roy added that this will include access to state forests.




Jay explained that the Recreational Trails Program (RTP) is federally funded through gasoline taxes; therefore, motorized recreation is funding RTP grants for equestrians, hikers, canoers, etc.


Roy boasted that ABATE’s Tiny Tots had the most participants at the Hoosier Outdoor Experience (HOEX) this year.  The organizers announced that this year’s event is the final HOEX.  Jay commented that this presents an opportunity to conduct a similar event to fill that void.


Roy updated the board on the DBS program.  We conducted all scheduled classes this year. 


Jay discussed self-promotion as related to our efforts to introduce motorcycling to the next generations.  We have received inquiries for hosting dirt bike birthday parties.  Jay suggested we incorporate the Tiny Tots into the idea.  He & Roy will explore the possibilities.


This led to discussion about potential liability & risk for underage participants at our events.  Specifically with Tiny Tots, we must protect the participants & our investment in the equipment.  Open toed shoes are not allowed for Tiny Tots.  We’ll have further discussion in November about proper procedures, maintenance & preserving the equipment for Tiny Tots users.  Wayne asked for clarification on event insurance for non-sanctioned events where Tiny Tots is in operation.  Jay answered that we must have a COI, whether through our policy or the event host’s.


Thom stated that Murray Forest Park in Bedford hosts an annual outdoor event where we could interact with several hundred people.  Jay asked Thom to collaborate with Rayce for next year’s event there.  He also would like for Thom, Roy, Rayce & himself to coordinate something with the Lawrence County Bicentennial.  


ITEM 4:  Mike Meyer observed that often our involvement in legislative efforts go unnoticed.  We need to promote our legislative activities at our meetings.  Jay added his congratulations to Aaron Meyer on his marriage, & his appreciation to Mike Meyer for organizing our Governor’s Ride route.  Governor Holcomb did send off the ride this year.  Jay thanked Region 7 for their support.  Discussion followed regarding the contribution to the Indiana National Guard Relief Fund.  Consensus from the board is the contribution should be drawn from our ABC Fund.


Jay discussed Indiana’s next congressional & senate elections.


Roberta Meyer reviewed the recent Meeting of the Minds (MOTM).  She provided her email address, & offered to forward updates from the MRF to anyone interested.  Most recently, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety ( IIHS) admitted in its newsletter that crash prevention is crucial, but also encourages a universal helmet law.  According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), distracted driving fatalities were lower in 2016, & fatalities due to alcohol impairment were higher.  Scott Bowman asked Roberta to discuss Mikes’ “silver cup”.  Roberta added that Mike Meyer was presented with the President’s Award at MOTM.  He earned the award due to his volume of communication with the United States Congress.


Roberta & Jay praised the MRF website’s CQ engage program, & encouraged everyone to make use of it.


Jay supplemented Roberta’s review with current motorcycle fatality numbers; Indiana’s number is significantly higher than last year’s.  He then discussed pros & cons to automobile crash avoidance systems, mostly in relation to motorcycle crashes.


Wayne initiated discussion on ABATE of Indiana hosting the MOTM in 2020.  Consensus is that the board agrees.  


ITEM 5:  Jay stated that we will have some breakout sessions during the Fall Seminar this year.  We have guest speakers scheduled & also plan to have workshops.  Mike Meyer inquired about the Hospitality Contest.  Jay called for a committee to act on guidelines & judging.  Jan Johns will chair with Harold Davidson & Justin Kennedy serving.


ITEM 6:  With the majority in agreement, Director Prep is scheduled for January, 2018.  Jay asked any director with prior engagements in January to email Dana &/or him with those dates.


ITEM 7:  Jay reviewed the situation with fraudulent BMV waivers that has recently gained media attention.  He also explained the origination of our state legislated rider education program.




ITEM 8:  Bob Stoner stated the AdComm is prepared to present 10 recommendations for ABC Fund requests to the board.  Discussion followed regarding criteria & procedures for the program.  Dana will email the 10 submissions to the board for their review.  Mike Meyer suggested deferring determination until the November BOD.


Bob then discussed the bids for roof replacement at the Bargersville office & annex.




It is expected that there will be minimal additional expense to the quote. 


AdComm discussed setting a budget for Boogie expenses.


ITEM 9:  Jay discussed entertainment for Boogie 2018.


ITEM 10:  Mike Seiler suggested devoting one hour to discussion about membership in November.


Mo reviewed suggested procedures for suspending membership.  He has not received requests for review of any By-Laws.  Mo will follow up with the committee & board in November.   


ITEM 11:  Rayce Guthrie updated everyone on the two events held at LCRP for Riley Hospital.  Rayce attended the National Off-Highway Vehicle Conservation Council (NOHVCC) meeting in New Hampshire this summer, & as a result, will submit a grant application to Yamaha for trail maintenance.  He also will invite NOHVCC to conduct a trail maintenance seminar at LCRP.  After the two race events for Riley, the promotors did work to repair the trails.  


The southeast field needs to be graded.


As Executive Chairman of the Motorcycle Dealers Association of Indiana, Rayce will assist wherever he can with support for ABATE’s objectives.


Mo complimented Rayce on the waiver sign by the office trailer, & also on the mowing.  Rayce acknowledged help from Roy Garrett & Rick Thompson.  Don ‘Bear’ Hewitt notified Rayce that he anticipates building the previously approved shelter house in the spring.  Thom ‘Hippy’ Henderson conveyed compliments from local residents & members, & thanked Rayce.  Jay also thanked Rayce & Rick for their work on the property.


ITEM 12:  Jay acknowledged those present that volunteered at Motorcycles on Meridian (MOM).  We gained a couple hundred members, & do have more t-shirts for sale.  ABATE of Indiana was the title sponsor this year.


The Indianapolis City/County Council is evaluating options for the evening parking ban on Monument Circle. 


Observations were voiced that at least one establishment refused admittance to anyone dressed in biker attire.  Jay replied that he & Indianapolis Downtown Inc (IDI) visited the businesses prior to the event & none expressed any concern with the bikers.  He’ll follow up.  


ITEM 13:  Jay displayed the renewal reminder postcard, & advised that Marc plans to mail them this coming week.


Jay asked that the directors respect deadlines.  He also reminded them that forms, waivers, etc must be completed legibly.  This is for the protection of the organization.


He then discussed the expense of state events, while regions are conducting the same event in their area, for example the Awards Banquet.  


Don ‘Bear’ Hewitt requested lifetime membership for a couple.



Wayne announced that long time member, Mike Swadener, passed away recently.


Jay requested the Memorial/Award Committee be resurrected.


Scott Bowman introduced discussion on selling multiple year & lifetime memberships.  Discussion followed.


Scott Bowman requested that their region be allowed to send a band to the Boogie Day Stage in their off-year.  Jay replied that we can look at these on a case-by-case basis, since sometimes there are openings.


Dave Hawkins asked if the Executive Session normally scheduled for November can be conducted now.  Consensus is to meet in November.


Ben Koughn with Road Kill Road Crew (RKRC) presented an idea to the board for Boogie gates & fencing.  The board agreed with the proposal.



Meeting adjourned, 4:46pm.



Respectfully submitted,




Tina McCormack



The next scheduled Board of Directors meeting will be November 17 at the Waterfront Hotel (formerly Clarion on the Waterfront). 









Motion 1:   Don ‘Bear’ Hewitt motioned to approve May/June financials, Thom ‘Hippy’ Henderson seconded.  All regions present voted yes; motion carried.


Motion 2:  Thom ‘Hippy’ Henderson made the motion to support efforts to get motorized recreation back into Hoosier National Forest, seconded by Scott Bowman.  All regions present voted in favor; motion carried.


Motion 3:  Mo Kintner motioned to pursue legislation amending statute addressing the state rider education program, Kenny Harris seconded.  All regions present in favor; motion carried.


Motion 4:  Aaron Meyer made the motion to authorize an expenditure of $40,000 for the Bargersville office roof replacement, Jan Johns seconded.  All regions present voted yes; motion carried.


Motion 5:  Don ‘Bear’ Hewitt motioned to award lifetime memberships to Terry & Deb Young, seconded by Mo Kintner.  All regions present voted in favor; motion carried.  


Motion 6:  Kenny Harris motioned to adjourn; Thom ‘Hippy’ Henderson made the second.  All present voted in favor; motion carried.


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