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Board Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

November 18, 2016

Clarion Waterfront, Indianapolis, IN


Executive Director Jay Jackson opened the meeting at 7:40pm with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Those in attendance were:  Region 00-Teresa Bodle, Pam McCoy, Nancy Kriner, James Rumschlag, & Bob Heaton; Region 01-Wayne Kopec, Brett Tracy & Holly Bridgman; Region 02-Don ‘Bear’ & Judy Hewitt, & Brian ‘Beatle’ Bendel; Region 03-Scott Bowman, Justin Kennedy & Brett Anderson; Region 04-Jan Johns; Region 05-Tony Brummett, & Randy & Janet Penix; Region 06-Joey & Sheryl Macke, & Mark & Carol Thomas ; Region 07- Kenny Harris,  Ernie & Janet Davidson, & Harold & Dolly Davidson; Region 08-Mike Jeffers; Region 09-Mo Kintner, & Bob & Beverly Setree; Region 10-Thom Henderson & Darla Abel (arrived later); Region 11-Zachary Bird; Region 12-Dave Hawkins & Brian Russell; Region 13-Paul ‘PD3’ Douglas & Aaron Meyer; AdComm- Gino Johnson, Rick Thompson & Bob Stoner; DIRT-Roy Garrett; Marketing-Mike Seiler; MSD–Harley Klopfenstein, Dave ‘Poss’m’ Hinshaw, Mike ‘Digger’ Phelps & Crystal ‘Doc’ Chapple; Event Security–Mike ‘Mongo’ Pottorff, Mike Clendenen & Gary Cook; Tiny Tots–Rodney & Jacob Walker; Operations Director LCRP-Rayce Guthrie; Editor/Publisher-Marc Falsetti; Secretary/Treasurer Tina McCormack; Administrative Assistant Dana Surd. 


ITEM 1:  Jay asked Bob Stoner to conduct Ad Comm elections; positions available are currently served by Gino Johnson & Rod Taylor.   




Bob then reviewed topics discussed in the Ad Comm meeting earlier tonight.  Topics included:  LCRP septic system; MSD expenses; Bargersville annex floor & alley apron; UTV for LCRP; ABC State Charity; Boogie entertainment.


Rayce updated the group on the septic system installation project.  He was able to save several thousand dollars by using the recently purchased dump trailer to move dirt & clay, rather than outsource that segment.  The system will need to be shut off during events.


ITEM 2:  Jay opened the floor for discussion regarding the ABC State Charity program.  Discussion followed.  Gino explained that the monies would be considered restricted funds.



ITEM 3:  Gino evaluated the dashboard & referenced the financial highlights.  Tina explained the approval process for BOD financials & minutes for the benefit of newly elected directors present.



Tina reviewed the monthly summary & event insurance report.  She requested all W-9s for 2016 1099s.  She then notified regions of outstanding charitable donation checks.  Region 0 has an outstanding balance due to the state.


ITEM 4:  Jay reminded the group that we continue to see issues with the roof at Freedom Hall.  We are obtaining quotes for repair/replacement.


ITEM 5:  Jay explained that LCRP is a separate corporation, & not part of ABATE of Indiana. ABATE DIRT will continue to have heavy involvement in off-highway vehicle (OHV) activities & ABATE will have a strong presence at LCRP, but not in policy making or control for LCRP.  DIRT will continue to report to ABATE on events at LCRP.


 Roy reported that we taught 32 military students in DBS in a two day period in October.  He remarked on the improvements at LCRP.  Joey thanked Roy for working with ABATE regions when events and DBS are scheduled on the same days.


Rayce stated the southeast field is in good shape for parking.  He asked that we all help keep the main stage field in good shape.  He will be winterizing the shower house soon.  Mice have been in the tugs, so Rayce is treating the vehicles & trailers.  The GNCC Limestone 100 is scheduled for May 6-7, 2017.  Rayce is also winterizing the bikes used in DBS.  He then spoke on the American International Motorcycle Expo (AIME) that he attended in October.  Rayce will get with Marc regarding some ideas for the LCRP Facebook page.  Joey asked about the signage sponsorship at LCRP; it’s an annual sponsorship.


ITEM 6:  Mike Meyer underwent a medical procedure & was unable to attend this meeting.  


Jay recapped some of the races in our recent state elections.  He stated that we are fortunate to have a relationship with both gubernatorial candidates.  Further discussion followed regarding the composition of the Indiana General Assembly.    We have not seen final language for the OHV helmet bill.  Organization Day, the official start of the session, is this coming Tuesday, November 22.  ABATE Day at the State House is scheduled for January 17th; ABATE Kids’ Day is February 7th.  


Jay asked that everyone keep Mike Meyer in their thoughts.    


ITEM 7:  Rodney Walker announced the dates for our Tiny Tots state events for 2017:  the Indiana Motorcycle Expo is 2/17-2/19; the Hoosier Outdoor Experience (HOEX) is 6/10-6/11; we will participate in a Carmel Safety Day on 9/16.  All three of these events & an event in Lawrence County, (date to be determined) will be training days for Tiny Tots, & we will need help with the events.  The Tiny Tots sponsor forms are on our website.  Jay added that we expect to have stickers to give away at the Expo, our first hands on display & possibly an activity book.  Rodney communicated that only full helmets should be used for the Tiny Tots, & that open-toed shoes are not allowed for the riders.  Jay asked that all equipment, even if damaged or destroyed, be returned with the trailer.  Jay & Rodney asked everyone to follow our recommendations that accompany the Tiny Tots equipment.   


ITEM 8:  Jay indicated that a major focus of the Fall Seminar will be the transitioning of our Motorcycle Safety Division (MSD).  We have scheduled a meeting with instructors at 9 tomorrow morning; the information from that meeting will be conveyed during General Session of the Fall Seminar, which begins at 10.


Discussion ensued regarding rental equipment & alternative mobile training units.  Jay will research equipment costs & bring back to the board; board agrees. 


Motorcycle fatalities are down dramatically this year.  However, in a month where we usually see 0 fatalities, we’ve had six so far in November.


Jay reviewed a couple of incidents with students this year that involved minor injuries and/or property damage.     


ITEM 9:  Jay then summarized the Fall Seminar focus & schedule.


ITEM 10:  Director Preparation was discussed for 2017; the group agreed upon January 13-15.


ITEM 11:  Mike Seiler stated that membership numbers have leveled.  He added that Marc has revised the membership drive flyer.  Marc outlined ideas for membership recruitment & retainage.  He will work to make our website mobile compatible, & apprise the board of the expected cost.  Marc then discussed benefits of social media, & promoting ABATE at non-ABATE events.  He added that we will distribute some new material at registration tomorrow.  The emphasis of Marc’s workshop during the seminar will be how to sell ABATE.  He discussed membership & recruiter milestones to show our appreciation.   He asked for ideas & opinions.  Wayne reiterated his suggestion of awarding an MRF membership to recruiters.  Discussion followed.


Bob Stoner reminded the directors that nominees for office must be ABATE members at the time of nomination, & memberships should be checked at the nomination meeting.  


ITEM 12:  Jay reintroduced discussion regarding a Saturday only admission for Boogie, & the entertainment schedule.  He then informed the group of the current entertainment acts available within our budget.  Discussion followed.      


ITEM 13:  Dana led the process of finalizing the sanctioned events list for 2017.  She will forward the final list to the directors.    


ITEM 14:  Teresa Bodle asked to address the board regarding a request from members in her area to receive a unique item for an award rather than the gift vouchers.  Discussion followed.  


Mike ‘Mongo’ Pottorff reminded the group that there are other guests in this hotel this weekend.


Meeting adjourned, 11:08pm.




Respectfully submitted,


Tina McCormack



The next scheduled Board of Directors meeting is February 10, 2017 at the Clarion on the Waterfront. 







Motion 1:  Dave Hawkins motioned to retain Rod Taylor & Gino Johnson in their respective current positions on the Advisory Committee, Tony Brummett seconded.  All regions agreed; motion carried.  


Motion 2:  Wayne Kopec made a motion to close nominations, Mo Kintner seconded.  Rod Taylor & Gino Johnson are unopposed in the Ad Comm election & therefore retain their respective positions.  All regions agree; motion carried.


Motion 3:  Teresa Bodle motioned & Joey Macke seconded, to revise the ABC State Charity program to be a pool, & establish the criteria & application process at Director Preparation for approval of policy at the February BOD.  All regions voted in favor; motion carried.


Motion 4:  Jan Johns made a motion to approve July/August financials, Don ‘Bear’ Hewitt seconded.  All regions voted yes; motion carried.


Motion 5:  Ken Harris motioned to adjourn, Don ‘Bear’ Hewitt seconded.  All in favor; motion carried.


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