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Board Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
August 12, 2012
Freedom Hall, Fort Wayne, IN

Executive Director Jay Jackson opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance at 12:15. Those present were: Region 00-Teresa & Ray Bodle; Region 01-Wayne Kopec; Region 02-Don ‘Bear’ & Judy Hewitt; Region 03-Rodney Walker; Region 04-Jan Johns & Kay Hurst; Region 06-Bob Stoner; Region 08-Greg Turner; Region 09-Mo Kintner; Region 11-Kenny Casey; Region 12-Dave Hawkins; Region 13-Paul Douglas III, Paul
Douglas II, & Aaron Meyer; LINC-Mike Meyer; Membership Committee-Mike Seiler; State Office-Operations Director Gary Williams, Secretary/Treasurer Tina McCormack, and Edie Seiler. Regions 05, 07 & 10 were absent.

ITEM 1: With no questions on the March/April financials, Tina asked for a motion to approve.

ITEM 2: Tina reviewed May/June financials. We believe rider education students, both those that request the registration fee refund & those that don’t renew after their 1st year, are part of the reason for the decrease in membership count. Teresa requested a breakdown of refunds by site. Jay added that our current economy has affected the number of refund requests.

ITEM 3: Tina explained the previous year comparison of Boogie expenses that we’ve received to date.

ITEM 4: Jay gave a brief history of our bingo operation & Freedom Hall, informing the BOD that Coliseum Bingo is currently the top grossing bingo operation in the state.

ITEM 5: Gary explained that while our bottom line at bingo is down, our number of attendees is close to what it was last year, but they’re spending less money, especially on Tuesday nights. Izzy’s done a good job of controlling expenses. In speaking with our gaming supplies vendor, which is one of the largest suppliers, we’re doing as good as or better than any of their customers. We recently incurred minor storm related expenses.

ITEM 6: LCRP attendance is up in June as compared to the last two years. Jay commented on the completed renovation of the Motorcycle Safety Memorial, and recognized Frank Ira for his efforts. Jay explained the reasoning for purchasing the Lawrence County property was to host the Boogie, and while we weren’t dependent upon LCRP making a profit, we have been fortunate to realize some income from the park.

Bob asked if we have polled any of the riders to ask what they might want added to the park. Gary answered that Roger has informally asked some of the regulars what they would like to see. We’ve received compliments on our trail maintenance, but a children’s’ area is the biggest request. We are considering some sort of play area.

Hoosier Outdoor Experience (HOEX) is September 15 & 16 at Fort Benjamin Harrison. Jay stated we’ve been working closely with the DNR to clarify off road vehicle (ORV) registration statutes.

ITEM 7: Jay updated the BOD on current motorcycle fatalities, including motorized bicycles; we’re about 19 over year to date as compared to last year, but the ratio of crashes compared to registrations has been steady the last few years. Greg asked how many first time motorcycle registrations we have this year. Jay explained that currently the BMV tracks the total number of motorcycle registrations each year. He reminded the group of the database on which the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute (ICJI) is cooperating with us. Jay announced that while Dan Jeffries is no longer with ICJI, we maintain our positive relationship with ICJI, & Dan has offered to continue to work with ABATE.

Teresa asked Jay to explain what defines a motorized bicycle. Current statute defines a motorized bicycle as up to & including an automatic transmission, 50cc motor, design speed of no greater than 25 mph, & no more than 2 brake horsepower.

Jay stated that student registration numbers are up this year, & we continue to anticipate an increase in the number of AltMOST applicants this year. Jay reminded the BOD how much manpower goes into rider education. While we are proud of our accomplishments in rider ed, we need to analyze what it costs the organization in many ways; whatever assistance the regions can give our rider ed sites is appreciated. Mo brought up how some trike riders were riding on the Ride with the Governor (RWG) this year. Jay replied that we are considering rider education for 3-wheeled vehicles, but that would require great expense & effort. This topic was discussed at the last BMV Advisory Committee meeting.

ITEM 8: Mike Meyer reminded everyone that John Gregg, gubernatorial candidate for Governor, visited us at the Boogie this year and Richard Mourdock participated in the RWG. Bob recognized Aaron Meyer for his work on the RWG.

Jay announced that Pat Bauer, former speaker of the house, has been voted out of his leadership position by the House Democrat caucus.

There is still some discussion regarding handlebar height; current legislation uses highest point of handlebars as the reference. We now have a judge on the Court of Appeals who is a motorcyclist & former Instructor in Rudolph Pyle.

We have been approached by some state representatives who are interested in a Dead Red bill (a stoplight that doesn’t recognize a motorcycle). Discussion followed. Board consensus is that ABATE of Indiana would not oppose a Dead Red bill if introduced, & it is not ABATE’s position to aggressively seek an author for Dead Red legislation. Further discussion followed.

Jay updated the group on the Huntington County case where the habitual traffic offender who had lost his license for life, was cited for no endorsement while riding a Zuma at 42 mph. The state Supreme Court has reversed the decision of the Court of Appeals, and upheld the original decision. Part of the confusion in the current statute is the phrase “maximum design speed”. Jay believes we can support cleaning up this bill. Discussion followed. Board consensus is that ABATE of Indiana should seek accountability for motorized bicycles.

ITEM 9: Meeting of the Minds is September 20 – 23. Jay asked who wanted to attend; Wayne, Bill Kopriva, Greg, Rodney & maybe Nicki, Mike & Roberta, Mike & Edie, & Duane Morgan. Tina clarified reimbursable expenditures.

Jay reminded the BOD that our donation to MRF is usually $1 per member; he also stated that we might send the donation in advance this year to help the MRF financially.

Jay introduced discussion on the August 2013 BOD meeting. ABATE of Ohio, ABATE of Illinois, & ABATE of Michigan are interested in meeting with us next year. We will need to decide on a date soon so that everyone can plan accordingly.

Wayne suggested our BOD meetings be posted on the sanctioned events calendar. Greg added a request that we broadcast our state event dates prior to the November BOD meeting, where sanctioning is finalized. We will to bring those dates to the October BOD meeting.

ITEM 10: Jay reviewed Boogie 2012. Jay praised the Boogie Committee, state office, & BOD for their work curtailing expenditures. Jay & Gary continue to work with the state agencies to finalize the Amusement &Entertainment permit approval for LCRP.

The NHTSA surveys seemed to be received well. Bob added that people he spoke with liked being able to offer their opinions.

ITEM 11: Kenny asked for 2013 ABC nominations as soon as possible, no later than the end of September. Greg suggested we stay with Hoosier Burn Camp; Mo agreed.

Teresa will email the policies to the BOD for review, so they can be included in the next printing of the Guidebook prior to this year’s Fall Seminar.

Mike Seiler observed that our membership numbers decreased in May in 2011 & 2012.

Bob requested the Directors review their region’s election procedures & forward a copy to the state office.

ITEM 12: MotoGP is next weekend; the Indy Mile flat track is on August 18 at the State Fairgrounds, which is the same day as ABATE of Indiana presents Motorcycle Day at the State Fair. We’re still looking for volunteer help for gear check at MotoGP, Motorcycles on Meridian, & MotoGP Rider Recovery. Mickey’s Camp is Wednesday, August 15th.

Teresa inquired if the Patriot Guard Riders’ have a helmet rule. Jay will follow up.

Tina reminded the BOD that their workers’ party invitation lists are due no later than September 14th; sanction dates are due at the October BOD meeting. We have just under 2,000 Boogie memberships to process & would appreciate any volunteers to help at the office.

Wayne asked if we purchased the property (2.67 acres) adjoining LCRP; Gary is working on it, & feels we need a title search.

ITEM 13: Jay reviewed the annual Governor’s Ride. Discussion followed.

Meeting adjourned at 3:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Tina McCormack

The next scheduled BOD meeting is October 13th at LCRP.


Motion 1: Jan made a motion to approve the March/April financials, Kenny seconded. Regions 05 07 & 10 absent; all other regions in favor, motion carried.

Motion 2: Teresa motioned to adjourn, Kenny seconded; all in favor.

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