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Board Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
February 17, 2012
Clarion Waterfront, Indianapolis IN

Executive Director Jay Jackson called the meeting to order at 7:15pm. Everyone rose for the Pledge of Allegiance. Those present were: Region 00-Teresa and Ray Bodle; Region 01-Wayne Kopec, Al ‘Putt’ Putman, Lisa Gordon, and Ty Marshall; Region 02-Don ‘Bear’ Hewitt; Region 03-Rodney Walker, Debi Sullivan, and Donna Beavans; Region 04-Jan Johns; Region 05-Troy Striegel; Region 06-Bob Stoner; Region 07-Kenny Harris and Kim Tyger; Region 08-Greg Turner and Rick Toy; Region 09-Mo Kintner; Region 10-Frank Ira and Thom ‘Hippy’ Henderson; Region 11-Ken Casey; Region 12-Dave Hawkins; Region 13-Paul Douglas III; Ad Comm-Gino Johnson & Dave ‘Frosty’ Frost; LINC-Mike Meyer; Membership Committee-Mike Seiler; State Office-Secretary/Treasurer Tina McCormack, Operations Director Gary Williams, Editor/Publisher Marc Falsetti, and Safety Administrator Edie Seiler.

ITEM 1: Tina reviewed our process of approving the financials for the incoming Region Directors. With no questions on the September/October financials, Tina asked for a motion to approve.

Tina distributed and reviewed November/December financials. We have reason to be optimistic regarding our charitable gaming revenues and membership numbers. Bingo saw an impressive increase in dollars spent per player the first weekend in February; and, while membership revenues are still less than this period last year, those revenues are beginning to rebound.

ITEM 2: Gary updated the board on the condition of the roads at LCRP. The roads were in great shape until a recent hard rain. Mike Gibbs and Rick Thompson are currently working to repair the roads and the low water crossing. LCRP will be host to a GNCC race on May 12-13, which will be broadcasted on NBC Sports Channel. Some of the racers are already practicing at LCRP. The Miracle Trail Ride (MTR) will be held at LCRP June 16-17 this year. We hope some Miracle Ride attendees will also participate in the MTR this year. Gary explained to the incoming directors that we track the number of riders at LCRP each weekend. We had 27 more riders in 2011 vs. 2010, and we’re currently up 52 riders this year over the same period last year. The Lawrence County Tourism Bureau is recommending LCRP as a camping destination.

Jay distributed copies of the cover of the most recent American Motorcyclist Association magazine, which pictures Frosty on the cover in both street riding and off road riding attire.

ITEM 3: Gary began the bingo update by informing the BOD that the Gaming Commission rated Coliseum Bingo as the number one bingo operation in the state, according to gross revenues, in 2010. The American Legion Post in Fort Wayne has closed its bingo operation. We also believe that the recent increase in dollars spent is partially due to players receiving their tax returns. Mike Seiler asked if we had money budgeted for new tables; Teresa stated that Ray repaired some of the tables last year.

ITEM 4: The current general session is almost to its end, this year being a short session. SB 1197 is still alive with a few amendments. This bill provides for some accountability for mopeds, which is registration. Jay stated that probably our greatest victory this session was defeating SB 137, which would basically replicate the California muffler stamp bill. Another bill we’re watching closely is SB 257, the Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) ‘cleanup’ bill, to mostly make technical corrections to existing law. Also still alive is a bill that would allow for the Sunday sales of motorcycles. This really isn’t an issue for us, but is for some of our friends that are dealers. Additionally, there are some things being talked about with regard to gangs, but at this time it’s specific to street gangs and schools, not groups of motorcyclists. There is some legislation still alive with regard to gaming, and it would be good for us. We’re also watching language on charter schools just in case our rider education sites would qualify as charter schools.

ABATE Day at the Statehouse was a success, considering labor had a strong presence again this year protesting the right to work bill. We had about 100 attendees this year, and members contacted several legislative offices. ABATE Kids’ Day at the Statehouse is this week, and Jay stated that we have only one registrant so far. Legislators do recognize the fact that we are educating our kids to the legislative process, rather than using them to further our agenda.

Mike Meyer added that the legislators always look forward to us being at the Statehouse for ABATE Day. Mike then updated the BOD on the Indiana Manufacturer’s Association (IMA) Reception, and what a great opportunity it is for us to speak with legislators and the governor’s staff.

Mike Seiler observed that we could lose 25 or more members of the House after this session. Jay added that it’s not just the ‘freshmen’, but some long serving legislators as well. Mike reiterated the importance of our members learning who the candidates are after this May’s primary elections. Jay stated that part of the reason for freshmen, or new legislators, is the redistricting process that just took place. Jay reminded the BOD that as a 501 (c) (3), ABATE cannot contribute to individual campaigns, nor can we endorse a candidate; however, we want to look at the candidates that best represent the issues that affect motorcyclists.

ITEM 5: Jay stated that the Lafayette and South Bend rider ed sites are still looking for properties to host their sites. Registrations begin next week at the Indianapolis Motorcycle Expo.

In even numbered years, all Instructors in the Indiana Program are required to attend an update to remain eligible for certification. We have five updates scheduled throughout the state, most of which will happen in March. We also have an Advisory Committee meeting of the Indiana Motorcycle Operators Safety Education Fund (MOSEF) this Wednesday at the BMV. Topics to be discussed include scheduling, contracts, and promotion of rider ed.

While our ABATE Children’s Motorcycle Adventure and Tiny Tots programs are becoming popular, we need to ensure that waivers are signed by every participant, and some insurance is in place, especially at events that are not ABATE sanctioned. We also cannot conduct the Tiny Tots without safety barriers. Jay and Gary are working to obtain enough plastic barriers to store in the trailer along with the motorcycles. Discussion followed on the legalities of adults signing waivers for minors. At this time, we feel it best to have a unique waiver signed for each participant. This includes workers at LCRP. Jay implored the directors with gate duties at Boogie to ensure they are checking the attendees’ IDs and ages.

ITEM 6: Jay asked Kenny Casey to report on the Ad Comm meeting. Kenny stated while most of the topics have been covered in this meeting, the Ad Comm discussed the AMA’s current magazine cover, and the Membership Committee. Jay conveyed to the Ad Comm that we have received good reviews on the Fall Seminar. Frosty added that the Ad Comm had a prolonged discussion on motorcycle registrations, specifically the dollars generated from registrations for the MOSEF.

ITEM 7: Mike Meyer distributed a report reflecting the number of 2011Tour participants by region and by tour. Mike then explained the restructuring of the Tour Program for 2012. Mike requested the BOD review the program and reply to Mike and Marc no later than February 24 with any concerns. Discussion followed.

ITEM 8: Prior to hearing committee reports, Jay clarified that the request for a memorial brick for a member who has passed should originate from the member’s region. Additionally, Jay reminded the BOD that the Region Director approves all requests of the state office from their region and counties.

Mike Seiler distributed and reviewed the Membership Committee report. Michigan, AMA and Ohio continue to lose members. We are mailing letters to new members in Regions 01 & 09; the committee is drafting a postcard to be mailed to non-renewing members in Regions 02 & 08. Mike stated that the regions should be utilizing the HMC as a way to promote events in their region. Discussion followed.

Jay asked for a consensus from the BOD as to whether ABATE should continue to sponsor closed captioning for Steel Horse TV. After discussion, the BOD conceded we will not renew the contract to sponsor Steel Horse TV at the current price.

Teresa distributed the current policies for review. Discussion followed regarding the policy requiring all officers to own and/or operate a motorcycle. Teresa communicated that Wayne suggested policies be added regarding DIRT. Teresa requested the BOD bring suggestions to our April meeting for finalization.

Bob Stoner offered to individually review election procedures with regions.

Frank Ira announced a Boogie Committee meeting tomorrow at 10 in the Great Lakes Ballroom.

ITEM 9: Gary updated everyone on the status of the building purchase. Jay stated ABATE purchased a Dodge truck in November, and the motorcycle has been ordered.

ITEM 10: Frank stated that he feels we will not be able to obtain more electric at LCRP at this time.

ITEM 11: Marc discussed social networking and suggested we incorporate it in our policies.

ITEM 12: Wayne requested approval for Region 01 to build a shelter house at LCRP, just west of the temporary parking at the main gate, at the tree line north of Region 07.

ITEM 13: Jay announced that NCOM will host their national convention in Indianapolis during Mother’s Day weekend this year. They have requested we provide a hospitality room; members from Region 11 will staff.

Boogie RV reservation day for 2012 has been moved to Monday, April 2nd.

Frosty will be airing biker movies in the theater tomorrow.

Jay displayed banners for the regions to use at their events.

Teresa announced a live auction in addition to the silent auction for tomorrow.

Jay publicized the Products room will be open for approximately one hour tonight, 10-5:30 tomorrow, and for one hour after the banquet.

Dennis Tyger announced he has written instructions for the awareness bike.

ITEM 14: Frank suggested attempted prevention of known child offenders at kid friendly events.

Meeting adjourned at 9:35pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Tina McCormack

Motion 1: Kenny Casey made the motion to approve the September/October financials; Greg Turner seconded the motion. All regions in favor, motion carried.

Motion 2: Wayne made a motion to allow Region 01 to build a shelter house west of temporary parking, north of Region 07; Bob seconded. All regions in favor, motion carried.

Motion 3: Kenny motioned to adjourn, all in favor; motion carried.

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