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Board Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
August 14, 2011
Freedom Hall, Fort Wayne, IN

Executive Director Jay Jackson called the meeting to order at 12:05pm. Everyone rose for the Pledge of Allegiance. Those present were: Region 00-Teresa & Ray Bodle, Mike & Kathy Curtis, & Mike Whitesell; Region 01-Al Putman and Wayne Kopec; Region 02-Don and Jude Hewitt; Region 03-Rodney Walker; Region 04-Jan Johns; Region 05-Joe Adams & Troy Striegel; Region 06-Bob Stoner; Region 09-Mo Kintner, Region 10-Frank Ira; Region 11-Ken Casey & Mike Lowe; Region 13-Gary Willis; Membership Committee-Mike Seiler; State Office-Secretary/Treasurer Tina McCormack and Edie Seiler. Regions 07, 08 & 12 were absent.

ITEM 1: With no questions on the March/April financials, Tina asked for a motion to approve.

Tina distributed and reviewed May and June financials.

ITEM 2: Jay reiterated the importance of hosting an annual Board of Directors (BOD) meeting at Freedom Hall; it’s our building, a source of revenue for our organization, and something we all should be proud of. Additionally, the last few years we’ve been fortunate to be able to include ABATE of Michigan at our August meeting. This year they are engrossed in their fight to repeal their state’s helmet law and preparations to host the Meeting of the Minds (MOTM) in September, so they will not be attending today. Ohio, Illinois and Jay Huber in Kentucky have all expressed interest in having an annual “regional meeting”. During MOTM this year we’ll pick a date for our August 2012 BOD, where we’ll have our meeting, they’ll have their meetings, and then we’ll have a joint meeting. Kenny expressed concern with scheduling the BOD on a State Charity event date; Jay asked the BOD for suggested dates prior to MOTM.

Jay announced that the newest inductee into the Freedom Fighters Hall of Fame in Sturgis, South Dakota is our own Rod Taylor of ABATE Legal Services. It’s a prestigious honor and bodes well for our organization.

Jay introduced a discussion on the often misconception that the “state office is a control freak”. We (state office) have to put controls and accountability in place to protect the organization, its members, and the officers; it’s our job, and that’s why we exist. Jay referenced the Awareness Manual that John Panek is currently working to draft and the Tiny Tots Manual as examples. The Ohio state party lost money this year; ABATE of Illinois’ state party had 500 attendees where they usually have several thousand; Little Sturgis was unorganized and unsuccessful this year; ABATE of Arizona’s Too Broke for Sturgis party experienced four people shot with three of them fatal; there was a four year old in Ohio killed on a CRF50 with training wheels that we talked about at the last BOD. These are examples of why we are careful and try to control the things that we do as an organization.

Jay reminded the board that, while this administration is transparent, there are times when we must make decisions in a moment and will inform the board at a later date. For example, we were surprised at Boogie this year when the State Fire Marshall appeared and asked to see our Amusement and Entertainment license. For the past 31 years we’ve never had, or even known that we needed such a license for the Boogie. Tina added that we do hold an annual A&E license for Coliseum Bingo, and there is no fee, just the deadline to renew each year.

Jay reviewed the Ride with the Governor and expressed that the volunteer support from members where needed was encouraging. There were 530 motorcycles counted, 650 participants, and more than 700 people attending lunch. We’ve hosted Governor’s Rides for years, but since our present governor actually rides we changed the name of the event to the Ride with the Governor seven years ago. The event has also served as a fundraiser for the Indiana National Guard Relief Fund (INGRF) for four years now. Estimates are that there have been approximately 2,600 participants, just under half a million miles, and $37,000 raised for INGRF.

Discussion ensued regarding the exposure ABATE receives while promoting motorcycle awareness through venues such as LiveNation with the Toby Keith ride, Midwest Breakout event, Indianapolis Motor Speedway (IMS), Motorcycles on Meridian, the Ride with the Governor, etc. The Eiteljorg Museum and Indiana ICE have both invited us to partner on events, and we will be organizing another Toby Keith ride on October 1st. Jeff and Carol Stevens are going to field an entry during the MotoGP this year, and are soliciting sponsorship, primary being $7,500; we won’t be the primary sponsor, but will contribute something.

ITEM 3: Jay invited Bob Stoner to enter a motion regarding the project that Scott Setchfield, a Region 6 member, has requested he be allowed to pursue; the interview project was discussed at the June BOD meeting, and Bob previously emailed the overview to the BOD for their review. Discussion followed.

ITEM 4: Jay informed the BOD that he received an email from a young man from Region 9’s area who identified himself as the beneficiary of a trust fund ABATE started for him 18 years ago. Marc was able to confirm through previous issues of Hoosier Motorcyclist that someone representing ABATE not only committed to the trust fund, but was successful in raising $5,000 to be invested for this person until he reached the age of 18. Our current administration has no information on this fund. Mo investigated and has confirmed that the man has received the funds. He will attempt to generate the paper trail to protect the organization from future claims. Discussion followed.

ITEM 5: MotoGP is August 26-28; Jay and Edie reviewed ABATE’s responsibilities for the weekend, and requested volunteers for various duties and shifts. Gear check hours have been increased to 10:00 pm Friday and Saturday nights.

MOTM is September 22-25 in Romulus, Michigan (not Detroit!). Tina asked if anyone is planning to attend as the registration deadline is approaching. ABATE of Indiana’s DIRT will be conducting a workshop at MOTM this year.

ITEM 6: Jay requested the Boogie Committee review and report on this year’s Boogie. The committee will present at the next BOD meeting. Tina reminded the board that the committee still needs procedures from those regions that have not yet submitted them. Frank requested that we discuss our Boogie budget in more detail at some point; Jay agreed to explain the budget at our October BOD meeting. We estimate 6,100 attendees, and we had no on-property arrests or domestic disturbances this year. Although our attendance was slightly decreased this year over last, with the current economic situation we did well with just a slight decrease in numbers. Tina distributed 2010 and 2011 payout figures to the board. Jay asked the BOD to give their input on what to do with the guitar that Gary Willis handcrafted and donated, which was signed at the Boogie by Ronnie Montrose and Pat Travers. Jay stated that a Bloomington PBS station, WIBC, aired on TV a video they produced, with Marc’s permission, at Boogie this year. Discussion followed regarding a promotional Boogie video. Electricity at shelter houses was discussed by the board. Additional discussion will take place at the October BOD meeting.

ITEM 7: Jay announced that Robin “Robo” Smith died this past Friday from injuries suffered in a motorcycle crash on August 6. Robo is a close friend and will be missed.

Currently we’re about six fewer motorcycle fatalities as compared to this time last year, but moped fatalities are eight greater than the total for the entire year last year. The Summer Study Committee has yet to schedule a meeting date. Jay submitted to the board a power point presentation that Marc assembled to be shown to the Summer Study Committee. Our belief is that the moped or scooter situation must be addressed at the state level, and provide legislation for some sort of accountability for the moped rider. Our position will not be popular with the small group of people who believe they should be able to ride these motorized bicycles with no insurance or registration. Additionally, the motorcycle only licenses in Indiana will no longer be valid as of 1/1/12. We’ve been contacted by a couple of people with a motorcycle only license, but there are fewer than two dozen statewide. Jay doesn’t believe legislation will ever pass that would require a special needs person to obtain a driver’s license to operate a motorized bicycle.

The transition for rider education from the Department of Education to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles is going smoothly. The Deputy Commissioner was on the Ride with the Governor Friday.

ITEM 8: Everything we talked about in the AdComm meeting has been covered already in this meeting.

Meeting of the Minds is upcoming.

Bingo was covered with the financials. We remain optimistic that revenues will increase this winter, which is when we usually experience increased attendance.

We continue to look at ways to increase attendance at LCRP in regards to the off road community. We are talking to some promoters about hosting an event at LCRP. The property is in good shape. We’re in negotiations with the DeKoker family regarding use of their property for the Boogie and other events at LCRP.

ITEM 9: Jay asked for committee reports. State Charity Committee: Kenny Casey reported that he’ll wait until after this year’s rides to report on the state charity, and will defer to the AdComm on next year’s charity selection. Hoosier Burn Camp has been supportive of our efforts this year. Teresa added that Mark (Koopman) offered his assistance with Region 0’s event.

Election Committee: Bob Stoner requested that all regions review their election procedures prior to their elections this year.

Membership Committee: Mike Seiler presented membership numbers as compared to this period last year. The committee is working on generating a letter to new members. Teresa said she spoke to a couple on their ride that received an ABATE membership from Brandt’s Harley-Davidson 13 years ago. Discussion followed.

Teresa has nothing to report for the Policies Committee.

ITEM 10: Discussion ensued regarding when the ABATE membership begins. The Membership Committee will author a policy, request Legal Services to review, and forward to the BOD prior to the October BOD meeting.

ITEM 11: The Workers’ Party and BOD meeting is scheduled for October 15th. Tina requested the invitation lists from the regions by August 31st.

Frank Ira received an offer from a member to take down some trees on Swannie Hill, which will allow the sun to dry the road quicker. Mike Seiler requested the regions stack their brush in piles when clearing their areas at LCRP.

August 18th is ABATE Day at the State Fair.

Joe Adams resigned as Region 5 Director due to personal reasons. Troy Striegel, the Delaware County Representative, is the Interim Region 5 Director.

Teresa requested DIRT attend Men’s Day Out in Fort Wayne on September 17th. There’s a petition in Fort Wayne for a city noise ordinance. Jay reminded Teresa that we do not oppose noise ordinances as long as they are fairly imposed.


Respectfully submitted,

Tina McCormack

Motion 1: Kenny Casey made a motion to accept the April/May financials; Don Hewitt seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion carried.

Motion 2: Bob Stoner motioned to allow Scott Sedgewick’s research of Region 6 members; Kenny Casey seconded; Regions 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, & 13 voted yes, Region 9 voted no, motion carried.

Motion 3: Kenny Casey motioned to adjourn; Rodney Walker seconded. All in favor, motion carried.

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