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Board Meeting Minutes


FEBRUARY 28, 2025



Jay Jackson opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:40pm.  Those in attendance were:  Region 01 – Russ Zawacki, Amanda Case, Rob ‘Squirrel’ Fowler; Region 02 – Glenn ‘Junior’ Susnis, Jason Moles; Region 03 – Scott Bowman; Region 04 – Lori Bussell; Region 06 – Jim Farmer; Region 07 – Ben Koughn; Region 08 – Mike Jeffers; Region 09 – Carlis & Betty McKinney; Region 10 – Suzanne Eckert; Region 11 – Pat Haggard; Region 12 – Brian Russell; Region 13 – Christian & Heidi Harper; Region 99 Representative – Rene ‘RD’ Diaz; AdComm – Bob Stoner, Rick Thompson & Justin Kennedy; LINC/BAG – Aaron Meyer; Marketing Committee – Mike Seiler; DIRT – Roy Garrett; LCRP Operations Director – Rayce Guthrie; Boogie Security – Mike ‘Mongo’ Pottorff & Mike Clendenen; Boogie Entertainment – Dave ‘Big Willy’ Stoike; State Administrator – Kelly Jackson; State Treasurer – Tina McCormack; Guests – Bill & Melinda Harvey.  Region 05 notified in advance they would not be attending the meeting.


ITEM 1: Tina McCormack reviewed the directors’ packets in detail, to familiarize the incoming directors with the documents and refresh the returning directors.  Jay discussed restoring fundraising events for ABATE of Indiana, as opposed to cancelling them.



ITEM 2: Jay reviewed our recent Director Prep, remarking that he felt it was a good orientation and team building exercise.  


ITEM 3: Jay then informed the group on the completed roof and gutter replacement at Freedom Hall in Fort Wayne.  Our building manager, Elizabeth ‘Izzy’ Hanes, was able to replace 400 chairs with rewards points from our bingo supplies vendor.  Pat Haggard asked about the progress of the fire suppression system replacement.  Jay replied that we have the donated materials and are waiting for a licensed electrician to complete the wiring before we can proceed.  Justin Kennedy provided that engineered drawings are complicated because of how the building is constructed.  He added that there may be newer technology available that could decrease overall cost, but labor will be the major factor.  Jay added that we do have a pull tab vending machine at the bingo hall and are optimistic about legislation allowing electronic pull tab sales.


ITEM 4: In discussing our Biker Approved Gas (BAG) program, Aaron Meyer stated that we are excited about the possibility of a partnership with Lassus Oil in northern Indiana.  During our recent ABATE Day at the Statehouse, Aaron effectively familiarized some legislators with BAG.  He urged our group to obtain additional stations to join BAG.


Aaron then explained the current status of the state legislation we have been monitoring this session.  Included in the BMV’s omnibus bill is language that will change how motorcycle permits are issued by stating “the BMV shall not issue more than three permits in five years”.  He conveyed the urgency of attaining 10,000 members.  Aaron urged members to attend third house meetings with their local legislators and ensure communication trees are functional.  Suzanne Eckert noted that if 10% of our members would purchase a new membership we will achieve our goal of 10,000 members.  Amanda Case expressed the importance of recruiting members at every event as well as our rider education classes.  Bill Harvey suggested a ‘family’ membership.  Jay remarked that ABATE of Indiana membership is inexpensive compared to membership in other organizations.


ITEM 5: Duane Morgan has accepted the position of MRF State Representative for Indiana; Justin Kennedy will continue as Assistant.  Meeting of the Minds (MOTM) will be in Shreveport LA, September 25-27; Bikers Inside the Beltway (BITB) is May 20 in Washington DC.  The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) continues to work on federal legislation.  Jay will present their legislative priorities tomorrow during the seminar.


ITEM 6: After research and thorough discussion during Director Prep, the board agreed to increase our rider ed tuition this year.  Jay informed that the Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) is promoting “moto introduction”, which doesn’t apply to our street courses since we no longer utilize their curriculum; however, we do use MSF Dirt Bike School (DBS) curriculum.  Rayce Guthrie has reached out for more information.  Jay stated that the BMV has conducted instructor updates this year.  We will host a Site Coordinators’ meeting at this facility on Sunday.  


ITEM 7: Jay declared that we collected 755 waivers for Tiny Tots at this year’s Motorcycle & Powersports Expo (Expo).  Discussion followed regarding utilizing our Tiny Tots at the Indiana State Fair as in the past, and at events out of state.  Consensus is an issue will be manpower, and to evaluate on a case-by-case basis.  Jay reviewed that the Pioneers of Hoosier Motorcycling and the Roundtable were both well attended at the Expo.  Pat Haggard and our Region 11 manned the bike show this year.


ITEM 8: Roy Garrett stated off road races and DBS will begin in April.  Rayce Guthrie offered DBS schedules and registration forms.  He announced the 7th Annual Adventure Ride at LCRP the second weekend in April.  Rayce encouraged the group to engage and recruit off road riders.


ITEM 9: Dave “Big Willy” Stoike updated everyone regarding our Boogie entertainment schedule.  Jay affirmed that we will have the party wagon shuttles this year.  The April edition of Hoosier Motorcyclist will contain a correction stating that RV reservations are non-refundable.  Suzanne Eckert offered that a member in her region is qualified and willing to assist with maintenance on the tugs.  Sherry Gordon requested help with Products.  Tina McCormack requested the board decide which region receives credit for volunteer hours at Boogie.  She added that we have room for more workers in the box office to alleviate long waits for admission to the event.  Jim Farmer asked about confirming orders prior to attendees arriving at the box office.  The workers’ dinner will be moved to Tuesday evening.


ITEM 10: Jay stated that we anticipate hosting the seminar/banquet earlier in the month next February.  Discussion followed regarding RSVPs and deadlines.  The hospitality trophy will be recognized for 2024/2025 this year.  Jay reviewed the seminar/banquet schedule.  Tina McCormack announced Product hours.  Kelly Jackson asked for help with registration.


ITEM 11: Bob Stoner addressed topics discussed during the Ad Comm meeting earlier today: revenues; fire suppression system; water leaks at LCRP.  Justin Kennedy will be the stage manager at Boogie this year.  Discussion regarding event proceeds took place.  Increasing membership will contribute to other areas of the organization, such as event attendance and volunteers.



Bob referenced the bingo card that was devised at Director Prep.  He reminded regions to review/update their election procedures and region policies.  Jim Farmer asked about a possible moratorium on ABATE Bikers Care (ABC) grants awarded.  Consensus is that we will continue to evaluate each applicant, being cognizant of the fund balance.


ITEM 12: Mike Seiler distributed membership numbers, noting that 2024 numbers show an increase over 2023.  Bob Stoner reminded the directors to contact former members.  Russ Zawacki observed that current issues and talking points help with recruiting members.  He used outlawed three-wheelers as one example.  Bob Stoner added to include “what ABATE has done for you” talking points.


ITEM 13: There was no old business to discuss.


ITEM 14:  Jay reported that Aaron Meyer will be assisting Marc Falsetti with some electronic/website concerns.


Christian Harper shared details of a mileage contest he devised to increase participation in his region.  Glenn ‘Junior’ Susnis suggested being involved with local bike nights.  Jerry Gordon asked if all directors are receiving a 10 pack of Hoosier Motorcyclist each month, and to distribute those while recruiting members.  Christian Harper is compiling a list of other motorcycle organizations and clubs in his area.  Jay requested all regions do the same.


Meeting adjourned, 10:25pm.



Respectfully submitted,




Tina McCormack



The next scheduled BOD meeting is April 13, 2025 at the Bargersville Conference Center .


Motion 1: Suzanne Eckert made the motion to approve the September/October financials, with a second from Jerry Gordon.  All regions present voted in favor; motion carried.


Motion 2: Christian Harper motioned to approve AdComm’s ABC recommendation, Scott Bowman seconded.  All regions present voted yes; motion carried.


Motion 3:  Pat Haggard motioned to adjourn the meeting; Jerry Gordon seconded.  All regions present voted yes; motion carried.

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