Jay Jackson opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance at 12:15pm. Those in attendance were: Region 01 – Russell Zawacki; Region 03 – Scott Bowman; Region 04 – Lori Bussell; Region 05 - currently without a director; Region 06 – Jim Farmer; Region 07 – Ben Koughn, (Ken Harris joined at 12:45); Region 09 – Carlis McKinney joined at 12:40; Region 10 – Suzanne Eckert; Region 11 – Pat Haggard & Kevin Kuhn; Region 12 – Brian Russell; Region 13 – Christian Harper; AdComm – Bob Stoner, Rick Thompson & Justin Kennedy; LINC – Aaron Meyer; LCRP Operations Director – Rayce Guthrie. Regions 00, 02, & 08 were not present.
ITEM 1: Bob Stoner announced that Gino Johnson has retired from AdComm, and has recommended Mike Potter as his replacement. Bob then stated that the Region 05 “call out” meeting was encouraging and generated some optimistic interest in reviving Region 05. He reported that ABATE did not succeed in increasing revenue by 10% overall in 2024. However, gaming proceeds, rider education income and membership saw increases over 2023. There has been no repair to the fire suppression system at Freedom Hall. The roof at Freedom Hall is also in need of repair. Bob advised that our Boogie Committee will be searching for an Entertainment Director. He updated the group on the status of the pending ABC applications; Bob is following up with Region 00 on a couple of apps, and he and Ben Koughn are working with Greensburg Eagles regarding fundraising for their project. AdComm will ensure that directors receive a summary of ABC fundraising and grants for 2024 at Directors’ Prep (DP), as well as copies of their region’s election procedures and policies on file with the state office. AdComm agrees to name Gino Johnson as an ex-officio member.
AdComm elections were conducted next. The only position up for election is Justin Kennedy’s. Justin ran uncontested and was reelected for another two-year term. Pat Haggard inquired about Mike Potter’s term. Jay explained that the financial and legal advisor positions on AdComm are permanent, so there is no term.
Jay noted that the less we raise for our ABC fund, the less we are able to assist other charities.
ITEM 2: Jay reviewed the September/October financials.
ITEM 3: Jay recognized that gaming revenue shows an increase over this period last year and stated that we continue to look for ways to increase gain. Elizabeth ‘Izzy’ Hanes, our building manager at Freedom Hall, has a second quote from a roofing contractor who was able to comply with the documentation requested by our insurance agent. We are in the process of signing the contract with the intention of completing the roof repair before inclement weather. The quote is just under $100,000.
ITEM 4: Rayce Guthrie reported that we completed 11 DBS classes this year. Our current DBS coaches have been, or are in the process of being, recertified. Rayce is nearing completion of winterizing the DBS bikes.
Rayce then stated that five water leaks at LCRP have been repaired, leaving two to be resolved. All buildings at LCRP are winterized.
ITEM 5: Aaron Meyer announced that February 11, 2025 is ABATE Day at the State House. He reiterated that we need a minimum of 150 attendees to have a strong showing. Aaron recapped Organization Day (at the State House) earlier this week. He noted that technology is accelerating the pace at which a bill passes into law. Because of that, it is critical that we have our phone trees operational. We also need updated email addresses for our members, so that we can successfully utilize Policy Engage when necessary. He stressed the importance of having 10,000 active members. Aaron then discussed the significance of our Biker Approved Gas (BAG) program. He and Russ Zawacki have been working with a retailer in northeastern Indiana that they are hopeful will bring up to 35 stations into the program.
Jay added that we are working with the Braun administration to make introductions with his cabinet. ABATE of Wisconsin has a relationship with the US Transportation Secretary (DOT) nominee, who is a former Congressman from Wisconsin. The MRF will monitor federal legislative activities, and Jay will update our board of any pertinent issues. Scott Bowman requested ABATE Day at the State House flyers; Jay answered that we will distribute those to the board this week.
ITEM 6: Jay recapped that the Indiana Motorcycle & Powersports Expo will return next year in conjunction with the Indianapolis Boat Sport & Travel Show. We will need volunteers to man our booth and anticipate we will take the Tiny Tots. We plan to host an Instructor Prep (IP) next spring and invite anyone interested to apply. Jay reported on the BMV Advisory Board meeting from last week. In that meeting, Jay presented that the added component of two years ago to the Rider Skill Test (RST) has had the opposite effect that the BMV intended. We currently have a two-year contract pending with BMV for RST. The BMV may be revising the requirements/limitations for renewing a motorcycle learner’s permit. Scott Bowman advised that one of our Tiny Tots trailers is at his house. This prompted conversation that will be taken offline with Scott Bowman, Rayce Guthrie, Russ Zawacki, Jason Moles, Harley Klopfenstein and Jay regarding the logistics of collecting, assessing and maintaining of the Tiny Tots fleets. Aaron Meyer asked about the rationale for using electric bikes vs gas powered for Tiny Tots at the state fairgrounds; Jay attributes it to complaints from other vendors about emission fumes and noise, though he argues that the battery units may pose a greater fire hazard.
ITEM 7: Director Prep is a work in progress. Jay welcomed anyone wishing to be more involved. Pat Haggard asked for the confirmed date. Jay replied that he is awaiting confirmation from a facility and will follow up with them this week.
ITEM 8: Jay stated that Cyndii has a promotional piece for our Seminar/Banquet in February. We are trying to confirm a facility for that event. He reminded the directors that we have three separate awards.
ITEM 9: Jay reviewed current membership numbers. He suggested to Suzanne that a meeting of the Recognition Committee would be beneficial and would contact her to schedule it.
ITEM 10: There was no old business to discuss.
ITEM 11: There was no new business to discuss.
ITEM 12: The sanctioning of events was finalized electronically, other than confirmation of one event date each from Regions 01 & 07.
ITEM 13: Jay discussed with Russ Zawacki the situation with Region 01’s treasurer. Jay offered assistance, and Jackie and her family are in our thoughts and prayers.
ITEM 14: Aaron Meyer implored the directors to contact those members in their regions that are set to expire. Brian Russell asked for Boogie 2024 attendance. Jay replied that he will forward that to the board, although we typically don’t publicize the exact figure.
Meeting adjourned to Executive Session with Bob Stoner chairing, 1:29pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Tina McCormack
The next scheduled BOD meeting is Friday, February 28, location to be determined.
Motion 1: Pat Haggard made the motion to approve Gino Johnson as ex-officio AdComm member; Russ Zawacki seconded. All regions present voted in favor; motion carried.
Motion 2: Pat Haggard motioned to approve the July/August financials, with a second from Ken Harris. All regions present voted yes; motion carried.
Motion 3: Ken Harris motioned to adjourn the meeting, Russ Zawacki seconded. All regions present voted yes; motion carried.