OCTOBER 12, 2024
Jay Jackson opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance at 2:34pm. Those in attendance were: Region 00 – Jerry & Sherri Gordon; Region 01 – Russell Zawacki & Kat Martin; Region 02 – Glenn “Junior” Susnis (arrived at 3:15); Region 03 – Scott Bowman; Region 04 – Tracy Hart (arrived at 3:30); Region 05 – currently without a director; Region 06 – Jim Farmer & Melinda Harvey; Region 07 – Ben & Joyce Koughn, & Kevin Erhart; Region 08 – Mike Jeffers; Region 09 – Mo Kintner, Carlis & Betty McKinney, Bill Roeseler, & Charlie Ermling; Region 10 – Suzanne Eckert; Region 11 – Pat Haggard; Region 13 – Christian & Heidi Harper, & Rick & Brenda Wiscaver, Roberta Meyer (arrived at 3:30); AdComm – Bob Stoner & Justin Kennedy; LINC – Aaron Meyer; Marketing Committee – Mike Seiler; DIRT – Roy Garrett; State Administrator – Kelly Jackson; State Secretary/Treasurer – Tina McCormack; LCRP Operations Director – Rayce Guthrie; Guest – Larry White. Regions 04 & 12 notified in advance they would be absent.
ITEM 1: Tina McCormack requested a motion to approve May/June financials.
She then reviewed the July/August director packets. Jerry Gordon requested the cost of ice for Boogie.
Jay Jackson informed the board of our change of insurance agents. Discussion ensued regarding policy periods and costs.
ITEM 2: Jay Jackson updated the group on the status of the replacement of the fire suppression system at Freedom Hall, and he hopes to report something more conclusive at our next meeting. The roof repair contractor has not supplied the requested documents; therefore, Elizabeth “Izzy” Hanes is searching for another roof contractor. Scott Bowman announced that there are plans for a new casino in Allen County. Discussion followed regarding the potential competition. Jay informed the group that we have subscribed to a coalition that reviews and lobbies for legislation affecting charitable gaming.
ITEM 3: Roy Garrett reported that he & Rayce Guthrie conducted the last Dirt Bike School (DBS) of the season last weekend. Rayce Guthrie reviewed the two events that LCRP hosted in August. He and Larry White are currently working to repair underground water leaks at the property. LCRP’s winter hours will begin the 1st of November. Jim Farmer inquired if the county found any issues with the water coming to the property. Rayce answered that the county will be replacing a valve to increase our water volume.
ITEM 4: Jay announced that Roberta Meyer has retired from her position of Indiana’s State Representative for the MRF. Justin Kennedy is currently the assistant. Jay then asked Meeting of the Minds (MOTM) attendees to give their opinions of the event. Mo Kintner, Mike Seiler, Christian Harper, Heidi Harper, & Aaron Meyer each reviewed their experience. All attendees agreed it was a successful event with helpful information. Aaron then offered to administer the Policy Engage software that the MRF utilizes for ABATE of Indiana. Kelly Jackson asked the directors to ask their members to update their contact information for our database.
ITEM 5: Jay announced that Aaron Meyer was bestowed with the Thomas Paine award at MOTM, for his weekly legislative updates. Aaron then discussed the dangers of the autopilot feature on vehicles. He informed the group that a major insurance company has denied coverage for a specific vehicle due to the shortage of repair parts. This is a right to repair issue, and could adversely affect motorcycles in the future. Pat Haggard asked where we stand on the Right to Repair Act. Jay Jackson replied that the MRF has not been able to get it passed through both houses yet, and will be lobbying in favor of it again at the start of the next legislative session. He added that the bill has had good support. There were two right to repair bills introduced in Indiana during the last session. Aaron Meyer then discussed the current status of Indiana’s Vision Zero program. He urged the group to reach the 10,000 member mark by November 5th, and to ensure attendance of at least 150 at ABATE Day at the Statehouse in early February, exact date to be determined. Aaron announced we will conduct a meeting in Region 05 on November 9th. He compelled the regions to test their phone tree procedures.
ITEM 6: Aaron Meyer spoke on our Biker Approved Gas (BAG) program. The American Petroleum Institute is no longer disputing year round E15 fuel sales.
ITEM 7: Jay shared the recent contract renewal amendment from the BMV for Rider Skill Testing (RST). The Motorcycle Operator Safety Program Advisory Board is scheduled to meet in November. He then discussed experienced and advanced rider education courses. While there is a need for these courses, there is little demand for them. ABATE of Indiana will work to offer a couple of pilot courses for the advanced curriculum in 2025. Pat Haggard asked about three wheel training. Jay responded that while ABATE of Indiana does not currently and does not plan to offer three wheel courses for a variety of reasons, we do offer three wheel testing with RST.
ITEM 8: Jay recapped that we are combining officer training with our awards banquet in February. We will also include the hospitality contest.
ITEM 9: Jay anticipates Director Prep will be in early January. Aaron requested ideas and comments for the sessions.
ITEM 10: Jay then announced the theme for Boogie 2025 to be Happy Birthday. ABATE of Indiana will be 50 in 2025 and Boogie will be 45. Discussion regarding Boogie financials followed. All involved with the box office agreed that the “order takers” process that we implemented this year was helpful, but further fine-tuning is needed. The group agreed that we should charge $20 per person extra for those entering on Wednesday that didn’t pre-pay. The next discussion concerned underage adolescents present. Glenn ‘Junior’ Susnis began dialogue regarding adhering to our safety and security policies. LCRP will be closed beginning Sunday before Boogie next year. Pat Haggard requested a change to the Boogie Bike Show location and time for next year. All were in favor of the change. Mo Kintner spoke about water guns. We have rules in place already that should include unwanted water gun usage. Carlis McKinney talked about misters connected to an LCRP water spigot causing muddy water puddles on the road. Betty McKinney began conversation concerning attendees being told they should be charged for trailers attached to their motorcycle. Suzanne Eckert suggested we hold our Boogie dinner meeting on Tuesday night instead of Wednesday.
ITEM 11: Bob Stoner reviewed topics discussed in today’s AdComm meeting. He requested this year’s Boogie numbers be added to the 5-year dashboard from last year. Bob thanked Rayce Guthrie and Larry White for following up on repairing the water leaks at LCRP. Bob will communicate with Brian Russell regarding the American Legion’s ABC application; Sherri Gordon will contact Warm a Heart regarding resubmitting their application next year; the application from Sunset Hills is tabled until they have a specific cost and partial funding. Pat Haggard conveyed appreciation from the American Legion for their grant; Bob Stoner asked Pat to forward a picture of the appreciation plaque.
ITEM 12: There were no committee reports.
ITEM 13: Jay discussed decreasing participation in events, specifically the Workers’ Party. He then announced that we will need volunteers if our Tiny Tots is again featured at next year’s Indianapolis Boat, Sport & Travel Show. Tracy Hart asked about giveaways for public awareness at events. Discussion followed that return on investment is usually not any better than with an informational piece. Jay added that we are open to suggestions, especially when recruiting young people. Suzanne Eckert added that our bumper stickers are popular with event attendees.
Tina requested sanctioned events lists from those that are late in supplying them.
ITEM 14: The November Board of Directors meeting was the next topic of discussion. Consensus is that we have the meeting on Saturday, November 23 at noon EST via Zoom. Tina McCormack reminded directors to submit completed Officer Acceptance Forms (OAFs) at the conclusion of their elections. She then requested directors specifically list plaques, vouchers, and/or certificates for their award lists. Mo Kintner asked if vouchers can be redeemed online or via phone. Tina answered that they cannot be redeemed online, but the recipient can call to order and learn the total including tax & shipping, then mail their vouchers to the office. Once we receive their vouchers, we will mail their order.
Meeting adjourned, 5:37pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Tina McCormack
The next scheduled BOD meeting is Saturday, November 23 at noon via Zoom.
Motion 1: Jerry Gordon motioned to approve the May/June financials, with a second from Pat Haggard. All regions present voted yes; motion carried.
Motion 2: Pat Haggard made the motion that any underage persons must leave Boogie by 8am Wednesday, and Suzanne Eckert seconded. All regions present voted in favor; motion carried.
Motion 3: Ben Koughn motioned to adjourn the meeting, Jerry Gordon seconded. All regions present voted yes; motion carried.