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Legislative Update - 011924
ABATE of Indiana

Happy Friday Freedom Fighters


Here’s a LINC Update. If you can’t tell, my intention is to write these every week so long as the Indiana General Assembly is in session. Owing to the holiday on Monday, it was a short week for the IGA, but as is so often the case, a few things of note did happen.


While it is not on our watchlist this session, HB 1315 that creates a biofuel (ethanol blended fuel) tax credit was heard, assigned to committee, and will be heard in committee on Monday, January 22nd. I predict this bill will pass. This is a great example of why ABATE’s Biker Approved Gas (BAG) program is so important, and the need for this program will only increase.


A new bill did enter onto our watchlist this week. SB281 concerns child safety requirements for off-road vehicles. Some of you may remember a few years ago when a bill of this nature was passed into law. SB281 seeks to clean up the worst wording that ended up making it into Indiana code. However, there’s still a lot to be desired with the wording of SB281. We’re communicating with the bill’s author, Mark Messmer, who I can say is a friend to ABATE and to Hoosier bikers. ABATE’s position on SB281 is neutral at this time.


None of the bills on our watchlist were heard in committee this week. 

Next week:


Tuesday is ABATE Day at the Statehouse!! Even if you haven’t made appointments, please show up. There will be folks with experience attending that may be able to help you set up an appointment the day of or find a legislator to do a “walk and talk” with. Even if that doesn’t pan out, the more bodies with ABATE shirts that are in the building, the better.


The House Roads & Transportation Committee will also meet on Tuesday. 8:30 in room 404. They are scheduled to hear HB1162 - the BMV bill. If you happen to be onsite early for ABATE Day, I encourage you to hang around outside that room during the meeting. ABATE’s position on HB1162 is currently NEUTRAL. However, a few ABATE shirts outside the committee room to send a silent message of vigilance to the BMV might not be the worst thing.


Unless something changes (which it often does) none of the other legislation on our watchlist is scheduled for hearing next week.


Speaking of our watchlist, here’s the updated list.


Bill Number


ABATE's Position

Status as of 01.12



Extends Lemon Law Protection to RVs


Assigned to Senate Judiciary Committee

Communicating with bill author to add Motorcycle provisions. Would set positive precedent in current form.


Right to Repair


Assigned to Senate Commerce and Technology Committee

Communicating with bill author to add Motorcycle provisions. Would set positive precedent in current form.


Requires Direct Human Oversight of Automated Commercial Motor Vehicles


Assigned to Senate Homeland Security & Transportation Committee



Salvage Motor Vehicles


Assigned to Senate Homeland Security & Transportation Committee



Child safety requirements for off-road vehicles


Assigned to Senate Homeland Security & Transportation Committee

Attempts to fix odd wording from the previous ORV Helmet bill. Introduces more odd wording. Communicating with bill author.


Requires Direct Human Oversight of Automated Commercial Motor Vehicles


Assigned to House Roads & Transportation Committee



Allows Disuse of Seat Belts to be Used as Contributory Negligence


Assigned to House Judiciary Committee

Sets an incredibly dangerous precedent for future helmet legislation


Defines and defunds "J-Turn Intersections


Assigned to House Roads & Transportation Committee



Right to Repair


Assigned to House Agriculture & Rural Development Committee

Communicating with bill author to add Motorcycle provisions. Would set positive precedent in current form.


BMV Matters


House Roads & Transportation Committee hearing 01.23

Allows BMV to establish electronic learner permits


Remaining Vigilant,


Aaron Meyer

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