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2022 Training Season Update
ABATE of Indiana

We are having a GREAT rider education season. Maybe a little too great.  If you look at our training schedule it is full, as in zero vacancies. It has actually been full for some time now. While this is a good problem to have, it is a problem just the same.


There are several components necessary to be able to offer courses. There must be student demand, equipment, a facility and personnel. It certainly seems that there is a demand and there are still some underserved areas where training is needed. Although securing equipment can be difficult, we have access to an ample number of training motorcycles to serve more locations and students. Additionally, we recently purchased a beautiful trailer for our Indianapolis site and are anxious to place it somewhere. Which brings us to the next factor, a facility. We’ve got to have a place (about the size of a football field) or we simply have nowhere to conduct classes. Lastly is the life blood of any operation, personnel. If we have everything in place, but no one to do it, we won’t get out of the starting gate.


We NEED help desperately, and YOU can be the difference. We’ve been banging this drum for more than a year now, and still have not secured a central Indiana site.  We have made well over 100 contacts but have not yet been able to lock into a facility. You’ve heard this broken record for more than 12 months, but we really need a personal introduction to the right person that can make this happen. If you know someone, or are someone, that has decision-making authority to allow us the use of a parking lot the size of a football field, please contact us IMMEDIATELY.


If you have an interest in sharing your love of motorcycling and helping others be introduced to our sport and lifestyle, please consider becoming a motorcycle safety instructor. It is a substantial amount of work, but to quote the Peace Corps, “It’s the toughest job you’ll ever love.” It is extremely rewarding and our instructors have amassed countless goosebump memories over the last 40 plus years.


The current structure of the state program has created some issues and challenges. As bikers, we are used to doing things that aren’t easy. Please do what you can to assist us, so that we are able to continue to offer the best quality motorcycle safety programs to the people of Indiana.


Ride Safe,

Ride Free,


Jay Jackson

Motorcycle Safety Director

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