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Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month
ABATE of Indiana

Nationally, statewide and locally, May is recognized as Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month. It is fairly early in the riding season and this is an appropriate time to remind ALL road users to share the road.



In multiple-vehicle crashes that involve mo- torcycles, we frequently find that the driver of the other vehicle failed to notice the motorcycle. Admittedly, motorcycles can be a little more difficult to spot in traffic. Bikes are smaller and have less reflective surface area. The size differential can also lead to motorists misjudging the approach speed of an oncoming motorcycle.



Road safety, and for that matter safety in general, is everyone’s job. Anyone using a public roadway has a responsibility to look for and be aware of, everyone else on the street. The fact that motorcycles are smaller does not give motorists an excuse to not see us.



Of course, there are things we can do, too. For more than 40 years, motorcycles manufactured for sale in the United States are required to have the headlight on when in operation. Dressing in bright-colored, retro-reflective gear can also make a rider more visible. Likely the best way to be seen is to be conscious of your position on the road. Be in a place where you can “see and be seen” and avoid riding in vehicles’ blind spots.



Early in the season we also want to make certain to knock the rust off of our skills if we’ve not been riding for a few months. Ensuring that our machine is in good condition is important for every ride, but especially in the spring after it may have been sitting for an extended period.



Check the website at ABATEonline.org for details and promotions related to Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month and remember to do your part to make Hoosier highways safer for everyone.



Ride Safe. Ride Free, Ride Aware,


Jay Jackson 

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