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It Only Takes One
Do I want to ride?
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So... What's next?
Do I want to ride?
ABATE of Indiana

In motorcycling, there are a number of situations when you shouldn’t ride. 


There are some that seem to be pretty obvious. I suspect that most of us have overindulged on an occasion or two. There is nothing wrong with this, and I actually believe that it is healthy to get schnockered once in a while. If for no other reason than to remind you why not do it more often. Of course, we all know that drinking and driving, and certainly drinking and riding, do not mix. If you are going to “tie one on”, just make sure to arrange a safe ride, or stay where you party until the next morning (maybe the next afternoon if you want to have a REALLY good time).


If you’re not feeling well, sick or tired, or “sick and tired”, you really shouldn’t be on your bike. Fatigue and drowsiness are the cause of many crashes. If that is pushed to the point of exhaustion, you’re really asking for trouble.


Those are pretty clear, and some others that we’ve heard about probably are too. Stress, anxiety, anger, and a number of other emotions can distract you from concentrating on the ride and may also lead to problems. However, I truly believe that there is nothing like a good ride to help get rid of a little depression. I find that it distracts me from what was bothering me.


Weather is kind of a personal choice. Well, “the weather” is not a personal choice, but the decision to ride in it is. Weather is inevitable, and it's likely that at some time, you’ll have to ride in weather, whether you want to, or not (that was a pun). 


We won’t cover every possible scenario that presents a reason not to ride, but those are a lot of the more well-known. Now we’ll start to delve into some of the lesser-known reasons not to ride.


Peer pressure. This includes not only the decision of when to ride, but the most basic of questions, “Do I want to ride a motorcycle?” Most of the folks reading this have chosen the biker lifestyle and “need” to have motorcycling in our lives. If someone truly does want to become a rider, they should pursue that goal or dream. Set realistic expectations and do not expect to be perfect. Be patient and persistent in recognizing what fits and what works best for their situation. 


However, if a person is only attempting to learn to ride, to satisfy someone else, it seldom has a positive result. No one should be bullied by peer pressure into doing something they don’t want to do. This includes friends, co-workers, and even family. The friends may be well-intentioned, but people should not participate in something they are truly uncomfortable doing. 


Some people are content to be a passenger on the back of a motorcycle, and that’s alright. 


Ride because you want to ride. Do it for yourself and no one else. 


Ride Safe,

Ride Free,

Ride for YOU,

Jay Jackson

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