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It Only Takes One
Do I want to ride?
WOW, what a year!
National Emergency
National Emergency
So... What's next?
Life goes on, let’s live it
ABATE of Indiana

Due to the coronavirus, our world is different than it was nine months ago. Before March, I had never heard the term “social distancing”. Today, it is part of our regular vocabulary. We’ve all had to make numerous adjustments to virtually all aspects of our daily lives.


Regardless of your opinion of the pandemic and the virus, we encourage everyone to practice common sense and reference the guidelines. Even if you are not particularly concerned about contracting the virus, it wouldn’t be smart to go out and lick a shopping cart at Walmart or stick your fingers in your mouth after touching the handrail on a public bus.


ABATE of Indiana has been able to conduct rider courses, license examinations, meetings and a number of events, including the Boogie. Of course we have adjusted policies and implement- ed procedures to follow guidelines and comply with restrictions.


As a society, it appears that there is still more that we don’t know about COVID-19, than we do know. Depending on who you listen to, and if we can truly trust any of the information that we have been told, this fall and winter are going to be even worse and more extreme measures may be suggested resulting in additional restrictions. Given the events of the last year or so, I wouldn’t bet on anything. The only thing that I’m sure of, is that we are not “sure” of anything.


Regarding upcoming events, at this time, unless further restrictions are imposed, we are proceeding as though they are taking place as planned. The Motorcycle Riders Foundation’s Meeting of the Minds September 24-28 is still a go. Motorcycles on Meridian is planned for October and the Fall Seminar should take place November 7th.


With all of this said, life does go on, and we do need to live it. We’ve pointed out that with the natural distancing and the outdoor, fresh air apect, motorcycling is the perfect way to combat COVID-19. We are all aware of the therapeutic and mental health benefits of clearing your head with a nice ride. We encourage folks to ride their motorcycles as often as they can.


Ride Safe, Ride Free,

Jay Jackson

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