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In Memory of Andre Lacy
ABATE of Indiana

It is with a heavy heart that ABATE of Indiana reports the passing of Andre Lacy. Andre was participating in a motorcycle tour in Botswana, South Africa and our understanding is that he collided with a goat. 


Losing a member, or any motorcyclist, is always difficult, especially as the result of a crash. We often justify this in our minds by saying that they died "doing what they loved". In the case of Andre Lacy, no truer words could be spoken.


Andre had many skills, talents, and passions, but none that rivaled his love of motorcycling. He was indeed a captain of industry and a master of the boardroom, but riding was when he was most alive. His success in the business world provided the means for him to help a lot of people through his philanthropic activity. On a motorcycle, he became a "regular guy", while his circle of influence continued to benefit all riders.


He rode a motorcycle in more countries than I can name. He logged hundreds of thousands of miles all around the world and in a lot of places where they don't even have roads (which made the BMW GS a good choice). I've had the good fortune to know Andre for many years, have ridden with him countless times, and will treasure the stories of his international adventures. 


Just a few weeks ago, Andre was given a biker nickname. A variety of options were considered including: "the Boxer", "Big Teach", "Ucan", "the Chairman", "Evil Lacy" (Andre Knievel just didn't sound right), and a host of others. Ultimately, it was discovered that Andre got an eagle tattoo with his brother many years ago. The obvious choice became "Eagle".


Ride in Peace, Eagle.


Motorcycle crash in Africa kills Indianapolis business leader, Butler patron Andre Lacy

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