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Your Call needed Urgently: Congress set to vote on trail funding amendment
American Motorcyclist Association

The Hill vote might happen as early as 8pm ET tonight! Call NOW!


The Recreational Trails Program is at risk, and we need you to contact your elected officials NOW to tell them to vote against U.S. Rep. Rob Woodall's amendment to the House appropriations bill.


This amendment would recall federal funding for the Recreational Trails Program that communities across the country depend on to build trails.


When Congress passed the FAST Act that reauthorized the Recreational Trails Program in 2015, it included a fiscally responsible provision to evenly and equitably take back Highway Trust Fund money, the source of RTP dollars, that states did not use. In the past, the recall excluded funds passed down to regions and local communities.


But Rep. Woodall wants to change that. His amendment would abolish the balanced system-allowing states to unfairly target all unused funds from non-highway sources from going to trails.


Also, Rep Woodall is on record as saying no Highway Trust Fund money should go to trails, ignoring that the Recreational Trails Program is self-funded from your gas tax dollars. 


Please call your representative at [visit "Find Your Elected Officials" on our website to get your Rep's contact information] and deliver this quick message:


"My name is [YOUR NAME] from [YOUR TOWN] and I'm calling to urge Rep.[YOUR REP'S NAME] to oppose Rep. Woodall's amendment, No.43, when voting on appropriations tonight. Woodall's amendment takes back transportation dollars in a way that would disproportionately harm motorized trails. Trails and pathways are important parts of our state's recreation resources. We should be supporting trails in our state, not discouraging them. Thank you."


If your elected officials' information does not appear above, please call the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at 202.224.3121 to be connected to your representative.


A vote is expected as early as 8 p.m. Eastern Time tonight! Please call now, then tell us about your call by emailing grassroots@amacycle.org.


For more information, email grassroots @amacycle.org. 

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