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MRF’s Jay Jackson Elected to Serve on Executive Committee for State Motorcycle Safety Administrators Association
Motorcycle Riders Foundation

WASHINGTON, DC – This week, the State Motorcycle Safety Administrators (SMSA) announced the results of its recent elections. Notably, Jay Jackson, Vice-President of the Board of Directors for the Motorcycle Riders Foundation, was elected to serve on the SMSA Executive Committee as the Individual Members’ Representative.


The SMSA is an Association representing State Motorcycle Safety Administrators from across the country. The purpose of the group includes goals to influence national policy and standards affecting motorcyclists, provide guidance on state policies or standards, as well as allow for communication, collaboration and partnerships between Motorcycle Safety Administrators across the U.S. The SMSA’s recent elections resulted in a number of new appointees to the Executive Committee which leads the organization. Jay Jackson is one of those recently elected.


“The SMSA really can serve a valuable purpose,” stated Jackson who indicated his excitement about rider education programs. “The previous and incoming Executive Committees members are dynamic individuals and have the enthusiasm to make things happen,” he went on to say.


According to Jackson’s SMSA nominee biography, he became a certified motorcycle instructor in 1986 and a decade later became State Director of the Motorcycle Safety Division for ABATE of Indiana where he is still working today. Under his leadership, ABATE of Indiana’s rider education program expanded exponentially and he started to develop an extensive network of motorcycle safety professionals. In 2000, Jackson received his designation as a Chief Instructor by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation. He has conducted and assisted in numerous training courses across several states.


As the Individual Members Representative to the SMSA Executive Committee, Jackson is hopeful he can help “cross pollinate” in getting motorcycle rights enthusiasts and motorcycle safety administrators to work together. Given his extensive background in motorcycle rights, his work with the MRF and ABATE of Indiana, and his strong interest and success in rider training and education programs, Jackson may be just the guy to do the job.


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