ABATE of Indiana, Inc. Logo
Tour Indiana - How It Works

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Points of Interest

(POI) Participants may visit the points of interest listed in this passport. Participants may ride the North Tour (Regions 0, 1, 2, 3, 4), Central Tour (Regions 5, 6, 11, 12) or South Tour (Regions 7, 8, 9, 10, 13) separately, any combination of two, or all three. A Point of Interest is listed in each Region (two in Region 11). There are five points of interest in each of the North, Central and South Tours (15 total). Participants simply take a picture of their motorcycle and themselves in front of the point of interest, while displaying the cover of the tour book. Couples (riding the same motorcycle) can take a picture of each other with their motorcycle, while displaying the cover page of the tour book. Participants will qualify for 2 chances per picture to win cash prizes for each of these tours they complete.


ABCs of Indiana

Participants must take a picture of their motorcycle and themselves in front of the name of a city, town or county sign using the alphabet A through Z (there is no X), while displaying the cover of the tour book. Couples (riding the same motorcycle) can take a picture of each other with their motorcycle, while displaying the cover of the tour book. A picture of five of the State Parks and/or  State/National Forests is also needed. Participants will receive two chances for each letter of the alphabet, State/National Park or State/National Forest submitted. There are a total of 60 chances available for this tour.


Sponsor Tour

Visit a sponsor listed on the inside back cover. Participants must take a picture of their motorcycle and themselves in front of the business signage while displaying the cover of the tour book (15 total). Participants will qualify for 2 chances per picture to win cash prizes for this tour. Only one sponsor can be submitted under the same name (i.e. “Coliseum Bingo” can only be submitted one time, even though they are listed multiple times). There are currently 44 Sponsors available to choose from for this tour. BONUS, all meeting locations listed at the beginning of each region’s news section in “Hoosier Motorcyclist” magazine count as additional locations.



Complete all 5 Tours (3-Points of Interest, ABC tour, and Sponsor Tour) and receive an additional 15 chances to be evenly distributed among the five tours!



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