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Hoosier Motorcyclist Submissions & Deadlines

Hoosier Motorcyclist | Advertising


Hmc Covers 2020

Submitting Material
Deadline is the first of the month before issue date (i.e. January 1 for February issue). Must be postmarked, faxed (317-422-8373), or e-mailed by the first.


Mail your submission to:
Hoosier Motorcyclist
PO Box 665 (51 North Baldwin Street)
Bargersville, Indiana 46106
Anyone can submit --- Directors must!



  • Write clearly and neatly.
  • Make deadline or your letter will be held until next month.
  • Give times, dates, locations and names of events.
  • ALWAYS be positive.
  • Always read what you have written.
  • Recognize people who've helped.
  • Remember that your letter will be read one month later.
  • Try to keep it clean. No profanities.

Upcoming Events Pages

  • All flyers (requested or sent in) will be included.
  • If you don't have a flyer, send in request for information to be included.
  • Sanctioned events and charities accepted.

Meeting/Event Listing

  • Submit written request to have them listed. By mail or fax. (Include: Who, what, when, where, time and phone # only.)
  • Doesn't reflect "Upcoming Events" pages.
  • If meetings are the same every month, they will be carried over until notified of change.
  • Sanctioned events and charities only.
  • Same deadline applies. (First of the month.)
  • Write very clearly.
  • Leave one inch on all four side of paper.
  • DO NOT use colored paper or pencil.
  • Include: who is sending, what it's for, and a phone number
  • Fax number 317-422-8373
  • Call after faxing to make sure we received it and it is legible.

E-mailing Information

  • Same deadline applies. (First of the month.)
  • E-mail address: hmc@ABATEonline.org
  • Save as text only or type into e-mail letter.
  • When typing, always to remember to:
    1. Single space between sentences.
    2. Return twice between paragraphs.
    3. Do not add formating --- I will format.

Photo Submissions

  • Color or black and white prints only. No slides or negatives.
  • We will print any ABATE event (with good photos). Good photos are clear, focused, and easy to see people or subjects.
  • Include with photos: Who, what, where and when.
  • Can also include: What happened, winners/events, etc.
  • Send photos of events no more than two months old.
  • Send all photos. We will send them back undamaged.
  • Include who took the photos.
  • Include address where photos should be returned to.

Hoosier Motorcyclist | Advertising

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