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Classified Ads

Posted February 28, 2025




For Sale 2005 FLHTCUI 53,500 miles. $5000 selling price. LED headlights and driving lights; LED rear lights; dual horns; hyd. cam chain adj.; progressive front shock in forks; a lot of chrome; Vance and Hines mufflers; in good condition, garage kept. Call 317-894-0991 (house phone), and leave a clear message.


For Sale 2017 HD Street Glide. Excellent shape, red in color, 8300 miles. Selling for payoff at $16,400. Call/Text  (812) 431-8416.


For Sale 2002 Honda Goldwing. Yellow, always garaged, and maintenance is done on schedule. I am the second owner. Passenger armrests, 179k miles, very comfortable and strong running bike. Ready for cruising or to go across the country? $2300. Call Dave at 812-205-9094.


For Sale SPRING SPECIAL 2014 Victory Cross Country Tour, 26,000 Mi. Excellent condition and comes with extra windshields to suit the rider, custom leather hard bag covers, and a tank bib to prevent paint scratches. Need to sell because I have a two-bike garage, and have two bikes and a trike. Something has to go. PRICED TO MOVE $8000. CALL FOR A TEST RIDE AT 812-326-2232.



Motorcycle Stuff


For Sale Custom Hardtail chopper (bare) frame (Pan/Shovel set up). Perfect shape. $500. Panhead era, Buddy seat. Material & cushion tore up, but good bones. $100. Panhead, old school custom chromed/finned valve covers. $300. Twin Cam, Chrome Willie G covers/Derby, Cam, Air Cleaner & Gas Lid. $100 all. All prices negotiable or possible trade? Call/Text (812) 677-3852.





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NOTE: We do not accept personal/singles ads or business ads, ads are not accepted over the phone. Deadline is the 1st of the month prior to issue date. If you would like the ad to continue in the next issue, you must resubmit the ad every month.

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